Welcome to Enlightium Academy!
2021/2022 Academic Year
Meet Your Teacher
My name is Mrs. Kosoff and I will be your math and science teacher this year. I am so glad you are at Enlightium Academy. I am really looking forward to getting to know you and working with you this year.
Here are some things you should know about me:
- I love teaching! I really enjoy working with students. I also love learning and exploring content.
- I have my degree in Elementary Education from Whitworth University, with an additional reading endorsement. I am also certified by ACSI. I taught for several years in a brick-and-mortar school and this is my fifth year teaching for Enlightium Academy.
- I play the cello, and have enjoyed being part of orchestras and worship teams!
- I love spending time outside! I love gardening. I also had the amazing opportunity to spend several summers working as a backpacking guide.
- My goal this year is to know each student individually and help you achieve academic success. I will be working hard to give you the best possible learning environment.
Contact Information
My office hours are:
Mon-Fri 8AM- 4PM PT
My e-mail is:
My direct phone number is:
Tips for Success!
Follow Directions!
We would like you to answer questions in lessons in the writer's boxes, instead of attaching an upload, if they are less than one paragraph long.
Try to answer every question. If you ever need help, please send me a help message. I am here to help you succeed and learn. If you submit a blank answer I will give you a warning and a score of 0 for the question. If you submit a second blank answer your score for the question will be a 0, and I will have to take 15% off your score for the assignment.
You will have the opportunity to complete fun hands-on science labs this year! Click on this link for more information about science labs.
The rubric for the science labs can be found on the left.
This year you may also have some math projects. The math projects will help you process what you have learned and create your own resources to help you understand your lessons further.
The rubric for the math projects can be found to the left.
Some assignments may require you to have specific supplies, or they may require additional time. If you would like to know what supplies are needed follow the links below to see a list of all the supplies needed for the school year. When you begin a new science unit and see that an experiment is required for science, please look carefully at how long the lab might take so that you can prepare for it.
Here are links with information about the curriculum. If you click on each subject matter, you will be able to access a supply list.
Take your time on your lessons. Be sure you are spending no less than 15 minutes reading your lessons and taking notes. Note taking is important because it helps you process the information. Also, the handwritten notes you take can be used on your quizzes and tests. In general, I suggest that students spend about an hour per class, per day on school work.
Here is a link to a website with specific examples on how to take notes.
Use Livebinder!
Livebinder is an online library of resources created by EA teachers. It is full of resources that are categorized by concept or by course. I encourage students to bookmark Livebinder for easy access. Livebinder is helpful for the following situations:
- When students would like help understanding a topic
- When students are interested in more information related to a specific Ignitia lesson
- When students want to spend extra time preparing for a quiz or test
Always Be Honest!
As stated in the EA Family Handbook, lessons and quizzes are automatically reassigned for a second attempt through Ignitia, if a student receives below a 73% on the first attempt. If a student still scores below a 73% on a quiz after this second attempt, he/she may submit corrections up to a 70%
Here is a link that explains quiz corrections in more detail.
Mrs. Kosoff