Shadowlawn Scoop
School Newsletter October 2023
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Message from Principal Eliason
Greetings Shadowlawn families,
The month of October finds our students and staff well into the routines of the school year. As you scroll through this month's news letter, take a few moments to look at the joy on our students' faces as they take part in fun and engaging learning activities here at school. Our teaches and staff make learning fun and accessible to kids through their creativity and expertise!
Quarter 1 comes to a close this week with our new report cards coming home on October 23. Elementary report cards for CCPS have returned to a more traditional grading system. Please take a moment to view THIS VIDEO (click blue link to view) which explains the changes to our report cards. Your child's teacher can help answer any additional questions you may have so please reach out.
Wishing you a wonderful fall season,
Amber Eliason,
Important Dates
10/13: End of Quarter 1
10/16: No School for Students - Teacher Planning Day
10/23: Quarter 1 Report Cards Go Home
10/24: Spooky STEM Family Night 5:30-7:00
10/27: 3rd Grade Field Trip to the Imaginarium
11/1: No School for Students - Teacher Professional Development Day
11/7: SAC & PTO Meeting 7:30-8:15 in Room 6-100
Spooky STEM Night
Join us for a night of family fun at Shadowlawn! On Tuesday, October 24th we will open our campus for a night of fall themed math and science experiments for our Spooky STEM night! Students are welcome to dress up in costumes and dinner will be served.
Please look for the flyer coming home in this week's Thursday folders. Be sure to send in your RSVP so we know how many people to plan on for dinner.
Order School Pictures - It's not too late!
All students had their school picture taken this past Friday October 6. School photos can still be purchased at www.leonards.com!
To view your child's proof photo online without an access code, go to www.leonards.com, click on order photos, create an account, and search by school. Once you have the school pulled up, enter your child's name and student number to your child's photo. Photos ordered after picture day will be shipped directly to your home address.
Picture retakes will be scheduled for a future day. Any absent student or any family that would like their child's photo retaken can order at that time.
Media Center Minute
The SLE Media Center is buzzing daily with students! We checked out 1790 books since school started! Please talk to your children about what they are reading. They are excited to share. Parents of kinder, first and second grades students-ask your children what story they heard during library and what it was about. Thank You to everyone who supported our Fall Scholastic Book Fair! We are going to be able to purchase a good amount of books for our Shadowlawn Library!
Did you know that when students read for just 20 minutes a night makes a difference?
Communication Corner
New Worlds Reading Initiative
VPK-5th grade students can receive FREE BOOKS and literacy resources this school year to help them read on grade level through Florida’s New Worlds Reading Initiative. Enrolled students receive a new book each month during the school year, along with fun reading activities! Books are available in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole and braille.
Applications for this school year are now open. Share this information with eligible students and families today! Learn more at newworldsreading.com.
Being Bilingual Is a Superpower: Multilingual Tips to Support Language and Literacy at Home
Click HERE to see animated videos, available in 8 languages, that offers ideas on how families can support their child's literacy through activities that celebrate language, culture, and special time together at home! Languages include: English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, and French.
Activity Calendar
Activity calendar for the month of October. It has short speech and language exercises to do with your child every day!
Leader in Me
Each month at SLE we focus on one of the 7 Habits of being an effective leader. During the month of October we are focused on Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind. Take a moment to talk with your child about this habit and where they can apply it in their everyday lives at home and school.
Around the School
This month we received our snack from DonorsChoose and I think they were more excited to play in the box then eat the snacks. We have been busy making new friends and learning each other’s names. We are also working hard on learning the letters in the alphabet. What better way to practice making the letters then playdough!
Kindergarten is having fun learning to write their numbers using shaving cream and foam beads as part of their WIG goals!
First Grade
Students in 1st grade are working together to show four different subtraction strategies for an equation. They said their favorite was to count backwards on the number line!
Second Grade
Our second grade classrooms are buzzing with engaging strategies that make everyday a learning celebration! Ask your child’s teacher about fun ways you can practice sight words, math facts and science skills at home.
Third Grade
On September 14, the students in 3rd grade had a lot of fun at the Shadowlawn Math Sweet Shop. They rotated through different activities solving multiplication and division problems. They also had an activity using graham crackers, M&M’s and frosting to make arrays. This was the activity they enjoyed the most because they had the opportunity to eat their sweet arrays. The students called this day the “Mathlicious” day!
Fourth Grade
5th Grade
5th Grade had the best time learning, researching and presenting on natural disasters! They taught each other all about earthquakes, hurricanes, wildfires, and tornadoes.
Collier Parks Community Events
The Collier County Parks & Recreation Department is hosting a number of events for children to participate in over the next few months. These events are open to all children and are designed to be adaptive and inclusive for special needs children as well.
Please take a look at some of the flyers below and register if you are interested!
Social Media & SLE Website
School Board Policies 2266, 3362, and 5517 – Prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and/or gender identity), disability, or age in the provision of educational opportunities or employment opportunities and benefits. The District School Board does not discriminate on the basis of sex or disability in the education programs and activities that it operates, pursuant to the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
For additional information or to report Title IX or any other discrimination/harassment concerns, contact Ms. Valerie Wenrich, Chief Human Resources Officer/ Title IX Coordinator, at (239) 377-0351, wenriv@collierschools.com or at 5775 Osceola Trail, Naples, Florida 34109.