My name is Laney Chambless and I'm currently a TAG & Enrichment Teacher at Heards Ferry Elementary. This page was developed for teachers and parents to help foster students' creative thinking skills. There are many myths about creativity that can leave students feeling at a disadvantage. Help us dispel the rumors and encourage all children that creativity can be developed over time with practice & feedback!
1. You have to be a good artist to be creative.
* NOT TRUE! Creativity comes in lots of forms. But all creative forms stem from one thing - IDEAS! The real skill and heart of creativity lies in a person's ability to generate lots & lots of ideas. Their list of ideas is used as a jumping board to identify the most creative, unique, unusual option. If the activity requires drawing, students should always include lots of details, captions and labels to clarify their thinking (no matter their drawing ability!)
2. Creativity is something you are born with or without!
*NOT TRUE! I always use the example that a football star did not know how to throw a football until they practiced and received feedback. Like any extra curricular activity, creativity is the same way! Just like it's never too late to pick up chess or painting, it's never too late to start growing your creativity skills. With a little hard work and dedication, you will see major improvements!
3. People are left brained or right brained.
*NOT TRUE! You've probably heard this your whole life! While people may have strengths in one area, no person is truly left brained or right brained. When you play a sport, you practice making your arms AND your legs stronger by using different activities to engage specific muscles. If you find yourself thinking your brain works one way or another, you actually just need more opportunities to "exercise" both sides of the brain. Our creativity menus are a great place to start!
IMPORTANT Creativity Menu Information
A new creativity menu will be released at the beginning of every month. The menus serve as an optional tool for students to practice, stretch and grow their creative skills throughout the school year.Completed Creativity Menus = 10 EAGLE POINTS
- Step One: To finish a menu, you must complete two activities from each category.
- Step Two: Make sure to also attach every work sample (for every square) to receive points! If every work sample is not attached, they will not receive credit for the month.
- Step Three: Turn in completed work to your student's homeroom teacher. Please write the student's full name/homeroom teacher at the top of the sheet. Their homeroom teacher will put the work in Mrs. Strasburger's mailbox.
- Deadline: All creativity menus must be turned in to Mrs. Chambless by the last day of each month to receive credit!
- These menus are not graded. However, if you would like feedback on your student's work, please draw a BIG smiley face in the top right corner of the menu!
- Science & Social Studies Standards: The creativity has many options directly related to Fulton County's science and social studies standards. Whether you are a teacher or a parent, it is a great way to double dip into creativity practice and core instruction!
- Spotlight: It is always a good idea to showcase creative work to inspire more creative work! Whether, you are at home or in a classroom, I encourage you to make space to highlight, celebrate and discuss a student's out of the box thinking.
Finish the Picture Packets
If a student would like to receive feedback on a single picture or the entire packet, please draw a smiley in top corner of the page. Single pages do not earn points BUT every time they turn in a full packet - I will give them 5 Eagle Points! They can always reuse the packet, create new ideas and turn it in multiple times. You can email their work to chamblessm@fultonschools.org or their homeroom teacher can turn it in to Mrs. Chambless's mailbox. Please make sure they listed their name/ homeroom teacher's name on the packet and all work samples are attached before turning in for completion.