Spokane Valley Tech & STEM Academy
January 2, 2024
Welcome Back and Happy New Year!
It was so great to see all of our students and staff back at SVT today! I hope your family enjoyed a wonderful holiday season and had time to relax and have fun during the break. This is the final month of first semester, and we will continue to have Homework Help every Monday and Wednesday from 2-3 PM for any students who need help in any subjects. We want all of our students to finish strong!
Our senior class is busy planning our Winter Formal dance, set for January 26th from 7-9 PM. This is going to be a great event and tickets will go on sale this week. They are also asking for help with some decorations; more information below and if you are able to help they would greatly appreciate it!
Please read below for more specifics on what's happening this month at SVT. If you have questions or need more information, please reach out to me at tcampbell@cvsd.org or 509-558-6507.
Tricia Campbell, Interim Principal @ SVT
Upcoming Important Dates & Happenings
Homework Help every Monday and Wednesday, 2-3 PM in Rm 10
Financial Aid Night - January 10th
SVT PTO Meeting - January 11th
NO SCHOOL MLK DAY Observed - January 15th
Future Innovator Open House - January 18th
Winter Formal - January 26th
Semester Finals - February 1st & 2nd (note: Early Dismissal both days)
First Day of 2nd Semester - February 5th
STEM Academy Homework Help!
For any students needing extra help on their homework, the National Honor Society is hosting an after school homework help. Students can meet in Room 10 on Mondays and Wednesdays for help between 2-3pm. Snacks provided by our awesome PTO!
Financial Aid Night for Seniors January 10th
Mark your calendars now for our upcoming Financial Aid Night.
Spokane Valley Tech PTO Meeting
Come be a part of the SVT PTO on January 11th!
STEM Academy and Skills Center Open House
Do you know someone that wants to come to the STEM Academy or attend our Skills Center next year? Tell them to join us on January 18th to learn what SVT is all about. Our open house will run from 6-7pm. 2024-25 STEM Academy Applications are now available on our website.
Winter Formal
Winter formal is on January 26th from 7-9 PM at SVT! Save money and get your tickets soon! Remember, if you are planning to bring a guest that doesn't attend SVT, they will need to fill out a visitor permission form (linked below) before you can get a ticket for them!
First Semester Finals Schedule
Please review Finals Schedule below. Early Dismissal on February 1st and 2nd.
The Gesa Branch at SVT
Products Available:
- SmartPlus Savings
- Student Checking
Services Available:
- Deposit and Withdraw Money
- Cash Checks
- Balance and Transaction Inquiries
Need more information? Check out gesa.com or call 888-946-4372.
Help Us Decorate Winter Formal!
SVT Happenings December 2023
Here's a few photos from activities in December.
Stop the Bleed Training in Advanced Manufacturing
Our Advanced Manufacturing students got to learn lifesaving skills and practice using Stop the Bleed kits. A huge thank you to Providence Sacred Heart for providing this training opportunity!
School Board Rep and ASB Vice President Aiden Hall
As ASB Vice President, Aiden attends CVSD School Board meetings once a month to keep them updated on all the cool things we are doing here at SVT. Thank you Aiden for your hard work!
SVT Holiday Traditions
This past month, our freshman got to complete the 9th Annual "Recipe Rearrange" project in their health class. They made popular recipes more nutritious by substituting unhealthy ingredients for healthier ones. They also got to partake in a potluck with all of their recipes!
Fire Science 1
Fire Science instructors gave a live demonstration to our Fire Science 1 students to show how fire moves based on air movement and ventilation. Important and lifesaving knowledge!