Lenox Elementary
Family Newsletter-September 2017
Welcome back to our former families and welcome to our new families. I am in my 2nd year at Lenox and I couldn't be happier. We have such a wonderful staff committed to providing excellent academic instruction and supporting the social and emotional needs of all students. We have some new staff members who have joined our school this year, as well as familiar faces in new positions. Please welcome:
- Marci Edwards, Resource Specialist
- Elizabeth Annis, EL Specialist
- Erin VanDyke, 3rd grade teacher
- Madelina Parkin, 5th grade teacher
- Anayely Tellez, Regular Ed Assistant/Bilingual Assistant
- Jeanne Zmolek, Office Manager
- Lisa Moreland, Media Assistant
I look forward to seeing you throughout this year school.
Mrs. Gina McLain
HSD Bond
Safety & Security Enhancements
Parent/bus drop-off improvements
School safety upgrades
- Interior door locks
- Strobes, visual warning inside and outside
- Security cameras
- Improve line of sight from front office to front door
- Card key access - exterior doors
- Alert button at front desk
- Security fencing
- Glass film at main door
- Upgrade in-building radio communication
School seismic upgrades
Current Infrastructure Improvements
Add air conditioning
Add heat to HVAC
Direct Digital Controls (DDC)
Educational Technology
Classroom technology
- CRT monitor replacement
- Classroom projectors
- Voice amplification
- Wireless access points
- Whiteboards
- Document cameras
- Student computers
- Licensed staff computers
- Classified staff computers
- Elementary gymnasium audio/visual system
Student Achievement
Flexible Classroom Furniture
Wise Use of Taxpayer Dollars
- Installation of a fiber optic ring around the District, allowing Internet self-sufficiency and additional bandwidth - Return on Investment in 5-7 years
- Purchase of land for future school sites
More information
The bond would renew the existing tax rate of $2.24/$1000 assessed value and would not increase the current property tax rate.
Important Dates
- Tues., 9/26: Picture Day
- Fri. & Sat. Sept. 29th & 30th--Booster's Dine Night Out: The Meating Place (Butcher Shop part) 50% of your purchase goes back to Lenox! You must have the flier.
- Sun., 10/1: Lenox Grounds Work Party, 1:00-5:00. Visit the Booster Website for more info.
- Mon., 10/2: Booster Club Meeting, 7:00 PM in the library
- Thurs., 10/5: College Wear Day. Wear your college gear (no hats) on the first Thursday of every month.
- Thurs., 10/5: Principal Coffee & Conversation, 8:00 AM in Room 3. Coffee provided.
- Fri., 10/6: Color Me Fun Run, More Info Here Remember to be turning in your pledge sheets. We have more pledge sheets in the lobby.
- Wed., 10/11: Annual Bulb Planting
- Thurs. & Fri. 10/12 &10/13: No School (see District Calendar)
Adult supervision is provided to students during regular school hours, while traveling on District-provided vehicles to and from school, and while engaged in District-sponsored activities. Such supervision does not include early morning or the time following usual student departure unless the students are present for a scheduled activity. Lenox Elementary provides supervision starting at 7:15 am until 2:05 pm on M,T,Th,F and on Wednesdays from 7:15-1:35 pm. We have had many students regularly dropped off before 7:15 when there is no supervision. This presents a safety issue where students are unsupervised. Please plan accordingly and plan to arrive at 7:15 or later.
Circle the Wagons Assembly
Counselor's Corner
Our goal at Lenox is to support students and families in as many ways as possible. Please check the community bulletin board outside the office for information on upcoming parenting classes or other opportunities that might interest you. Our Child Development Specialist, Mrs. Jennings, can also make a referral to our district Care Coordinator if you would like assistance with finding community mental health services for your child. Our school also participates in the Operation School Bell program which can provide free new school clothes, coats and shoes for students in need. Please contact the school office to get an application form for Operation School Bell soon if you are interested as we have a limited number of slots available on a first come first served basis.
Ms. Jenny Jennings
Child Development Specialist
Music Notes
September is going musically in the music room! All students are practicing voice warmups, our six different voices, and the routines in the room. K-2 are learning “Chop, Chop,” “Down by the Bay,” “Jennie Jenkins,” and “Long-Legged Sailor,” “Listen, Listen,” and “Highland Gates.” Grades 3-6 are reviewing light vs. heavy singing voices and dancing “Sasha” and “Chimes of Dunkirk.” 3rd grade is singing “Jambo,” 4th grade is singing “Four White Horses,” 5th and 6th grade are singing “Fifty Nifty United States” and all grades are reviewing the Star-Spangled Banner (September 14th is the anniversary of the song lyrics.)
Ms. Amber Young
Lenox General Music and Band Specialist
P.E. Zone
In P.E. this month our K-3 students are enjoying play with the Parachute. The parachute activities give students a chance to work the muscles in their upper body and coordinate their movements to music. It is one of the students' favorite activities during our school year. Following our activities with the parachute we will discuss and perform a fitness activity (15 Meter Pacer test) aimed at giving us an idea of our current cardio-respiratory fitness level.
This month our 4th-6th grade students will start the year with football skills. Our focus here will be on having the students learn how to throw a spiral and catch the football successfully. We will play a game called “End Zone Football” in which students will focus primarily on these two skills. We will also discuss and have students perform pass patterns (throwing and catching) involved in the game of football. Following football skills we will discuss and perform the 15 Meter Pacer test as mentioned above.
Mr. Rick Karlin
P.E. Specialist
Talented & Gifted (TAG) Services
Parents are welcome to refer their child for services designed for students identified as talented and gifted. Students who score at or above the 97th percentile on a nationally standardized, norm-referenced test of overall reading or math or on a mental abilities test, and have other confirming evidence that they learn at a rapid rate and advanced level, are identified as TAG students. With parent input, individual plans are made to adjust the rate and level of the student’s instruction to meet his or her specific needs.
If you think your child may qualify for TAG services, and want information about the referral and identification process, please contact Kim Laws, 4th grade teacher/TAG Coordinator: lawsk@hsd.k12.or.us.
Liberty Feeder School News
- Homecoming Theme: Take Me to Broadway!
- WHERE: Liberty High School Student Patio and Parade Route
- WHEN: October 6th
- WHAT: Tailgate, Parade and Homecoming Football Game!
- TIME: -Tailgate from 5-7, -Parade from 5:30-6:30, -Homecoming Game 7:00
- Parade Route: Start at Liberty, Left onto Wagon Way, Right onto 5 Oaks, Right onto Croeni, Left onto Wagon Way, Right onto Century Blvd, Right onto Jacobson, Right onto Croeni, Left into Liberty Parking Lot (see picture below)
Crosswalk Safety Reminders
- Please use the crosswalk when crossing Rock Creek Blvd. Come and stand on the corner and wait for the guard to cross you.
- Do not cross until our crossing guard is in the middle of the crosswalk to ensure all cars have stopped.
- When cars are trying to turn into the parking lot, please do not try and go around them. The crossing guard and pedestrians safety is impacted when this happens because their visibility is limited.
- Always slow down when approaching the crosswalk, even if you don't see anyone. This ensures that you are able to see the crossing guard and the stop sign, along with pedestrians trying to cross.
Lenox Elementary School
Website: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/lenox
Location: 21200 Northwest Rock Creek Boulevard, Portland, OR, United States
Phone: (503) 844-1360