Gator Alley Newsletter
October 2023 Edition
What's Happening at GRMS/GRHS?
It is hard to believe we have already finished the first month of school. As we move into October, I wanted to share some of the things that took place at our school in September. In addition to their regularly scheduled academics, students participated in some awesome team building competitions and new learning. Middle school students participated in a grade-level competition to build the best amusement park. Congratulations to grade six who earned 300 blue tickets. High school students participated in focus groups for the Barr Foundation grant where they got to share about their experience so far in our school system (middle school will be happening this month). Both middle and high school students learned about restorative practices and alternative remedies for addressing behavior. Thank you to Ms. Allen and Ms. Crawford for leading this.
The month of October is Anti-Bullying Month. If you ever have any questions, thoughts, or would like to report alleged bullying, please do not hesitate to reach out. Gateway is a place where all students are welcome, safe, and supported. It is important to make sure we are addressing these acts quickly and with intention.
Quick Updates:
GEF Shirts: The Gateway Education Foundation is selling Gateway shirts and sweatshirts to support our Funds for Learning grant program. GEF is a nonprofit organization that is committed to enhancing the educational opportunities for GRSD students. The deadline for orders is October 13th. Shirts can be ordered online at our website.
High School Yearbook: The high school yearbook is now available for pre-order. The cost is $50, this is the lowest cost of the year! Order here. Email Mrs. Wing with questions about purchasing your yearbook, or Mrs. Batra if you have questions about senior portraits.
If you have questions please do not hesitate to reach out to me, at wsullivan@grsd.org or 413-685-1109, or Principal Finnie at jfinnie@grsd.org.
Mr. Sullivan
Assistant Principal
Important dates this month:
-Pep Rally and Club Fair Tuesday October 17 (half day)
-Parent Teacher Conferences October 18 and 19 (half day)
-Picture Retakes October 23
Past Editions
Parent Teacher Conferences
This month we have parent teacher conferences. I have included the information for each middle school grade and the high school below:
Grade 6 Sign-Up: Please fill out and send to school with your student.
Grade 7: Please fill out this form
Grade 8: Please fill out this form
High School: Reach out to School Counselors: Ms. Johnson (A-K) or Ms. Allen (L-Z)
Barr Foundation Grant
Barr Foundation Grant Update
An important component of this is also hearing from the community. Our goal is to hear from every family about their thoughts and feelings about the current experience, while also hearing ideas about what the experience could be moving forward.
In order for us to progress in this process, we need a high percentage of families to engage (more than 80%). When we reach this goal, we will have a celebration for our staff and students. You will start getting more information about this soon!!!
Culture Committee
PBIS (Middle School)
Remember to Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe, and Be Kind.
"The Gator Way" (High School)
PBIS Fundraiser
Middle School PTO
Junior Class Fundraiser
Email: wsullivan@grsd.org
Website: grsd.org
Location: 12 Littleville Road, Huntington, MA, USA
Phone: (413)685-1100