The Olive Branch 5.13.22
What's Up At The Nest...
Principal's Message
Dear OMS Families,
We were all greeted with a lovely surprise when we got to school today, the AC was on! Our students and staff are extremely grateful to our facilities department for cooling us off. It sounds strange to say this, but your child may want to bring a sweatshirt to school so they don't freeze!
Now that the AC is on, we have asked students to take home any battery operated fans, spray misters, etc. that were brought to school. These items were only allowed because of the heat inside of the building. We will watch recess temperatures daily and if we experience a high heat index will open our gym as a cool down space or have indoor recess.
Each week in May seems busier than the last. This week we have the following:
Monday - 4th graders explore band instruments for next year (and NO homework day)
Tuesday - OMS high school seniors will visit to walk the halls for our Senior Walk
(Olive SPIRIT Day - wear spirit wear or school colors red and white)
Wednesday - a quiet day at the nest (wear your pajamas)
Thursday - Candace Fleming Author Visit (Quiz Day - get ready to answer some questions)
Friday - Read-A-Thon Day
Have a wonderful weekend!
Erin, Julia, and the OMS staff
Band Opportunities at OMS
Most students in D25 begin their band experience in fifth grade. There are many instruments from which students may choose. There is no requirement for previous musical experience for most instruments, but if a student wishes to learn percussion (drums, mallets, bells, etc.), there is a requirement that the student must first have 2 years of formal piano lessons. More information about this and all the instruments offered in fifth grade and beyond may be found here: Elementary Band Information
Attention FIFTH Grade Band Families
Please be sure to keep those instruments over the summer! Every student who completes fifth grade band has a spot in one of the Thomas Bands! Parents, many questions about band in middle school may be answered by checking out the Summer Practice Packet the students recently received. Be on the lookout in early August for an email from me with more specifics on when/how band starts up at TMS. ~ Ms. Pucci
ABC 25
Every year the ABC/25 Foundation funds teacher grants throughout District 25 schools that foster innovation, creativity and excellence in the classroom. Now, we want to hear directly from the students! If you had $1,000 to spend on your classroom or school, what would you buy?? The ideas that best reflect ABC/25's mission will be eligible to WIN A SCOOTER, generously donated by @givesback and Get Burbed. Fill out this form to enter: Entries will be accepted through May 20 at 9:00pm. Winners will be announced during the last week of school.
ABC Year End Countdown
Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary
Ms. Erin Davis, Principal
Mrs. Julia Pemberton, Assistant Principal
Location: 303 East Olive Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847.398.4282
Twitter: @ahsd25Olive