Westland Update for Week of Dec 17
A Note from the Desk of Ms. Serino, Westland principal
Show Us Some Spirit!
This Week- The Week of Dec 18
Spirit Week! Let's have some fun this week. Monday- favorite flannel, Tuesday- holiday socks or hat, Wednesday- ugly sweater, Thursday- crazy weather (dress for your favorite weather) and Friday- pajama day!
11th Annual Holiday House- We are excited to open our holiday house on Monday the 18th for students to shop for their family members.
Music Concert- All are invited to Westland's combined instrumental and choral concert on Monday night at BCC HS. At 6:00, our bands and orchestras take the stage. At 7:30, our choral groups perform.
6th Grade Poetry Slam- English teachers are excited to feature the 6th grade students in poetry slam during the school day on Thursday, Dec 21st.
Covid Test Kits- Covid test kits will be made available to students on Thursday and Friday during lunch. Students are encouraged, but not required, to test over the winter break.
Last Day before Winter Break- The last day of school for students and staff before the winter break is Friday, December 22nd. It is a FULL day with students dismissed at 3:00. Winter break will run from Monday, 12/15 to Tuesday, 1/2. We will return on 1/3/2024!
Covid Test Kits Available Th and Fr
Winter Break- 12/25 through 1/2
There will be no Sunday call/newsletter in the middle of our winter break! The next Sunday call/newsletter will be scheduled for December 31 at 6:15 PM to close out 2023!
Looking Ahead- The Week of Jan 1
New Year's Holiday- There is no school for students on Monday, January 1 and Tuesday, January 2. Students return on Wednesday, January 3rd.
Homework-free Holiday Break- The faculty at Westland has designated the winter break as homework free! This means that no assignments can be due or assessments given on Wednesday, Jan 3rd. (The exception is reading assignments.) Enjoy the time with family and friends.
Save the Date- An Awesome Parent-focused Session
Looking Good in Goggles!
Art Contest
Ms. Serino's FAVORITE Award
8th Grade Bowling Social on Jan 11th
Youth Cruiser SmarTrip Cards
Supports for ADHD
Planning Ahead? MCPS Calendar 2024-25!
We Raised Money for Cancer Research
Check Out Our STAR Lessons
* New Events Are Added in Bold Font
- M, 12/18 through F, 12/22- Winter Spirit Week
- M, 12/18- Choral and Instrumental Music Concerts at BCC HS- 6:00 Band/Orchestra performance, 7:15 brief intermission, 7:30 Choral performance
- Th, 12/21- 6th Grade Poetry Slam through English classes
- M, 12/25- Tu, 1/2- Winter Break- no school for students
- M, 1/1- New Year's Day- no school for students
- T, 1/2- No School for students
- Tu, 1/9- WMS Musicians Play for Somerset ES and Bethesda ES
- W, 1/10- Winter MAP testing for 6th graders and select 7th/8th
- Th, 1/11- Winter MAP testing for 6th graders and selected 7th/8th
- Th, 1/11- BCC HS counselors visit 8th grade classes
- Th, 1/11- 3:15 8th Grade Bowling event at Bolero (must pre-register)
- F, 1/12- STAR- Minority Scholars Program hosts speaker series
- Sa, 1/13- Sa, 1/20- MLW Week of Service
- M, 1/15- Martin Luther King Jr Day- No School for Students
- W, 1/17- Field Trip to Spy Museum for one of Mr. Johnson's classes
- W, 1/17- Boys Basketball hosts Pyle MS
- W, 1/17- 7 PM Parent Webinar- New Year, New Strategies: Helping Students Plan, Persist, and Achieve Success in 2024
- Sunday, 1/21- PTA hosts 8th Grade Zoom panel featuring 9th Graders
- Tu, 1/23- BCC HS counselors return to answer 8th graders' questions
- Tu, 1/23- 6:30 PM WMS MS Evening Meeting for Parents of 5th graders
- W, 1/24- BCC HS evening meeting for Parents of 8th graders
- Th, 1/25- Girls Basketball hosts Silver Creek MS
- F, 1/26- Final day of MP2
- M, 1/29- No School for Students- Grading/Planning for teachers
- Tu, 1/30- First day of MP3
- W, 1/31- Girls Basketball hosts Tilden
- Monday, 6/10 or Tuesday, 6/11- 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
Westland Middle School
Email: Alison_L_Serino@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/westlandms/
Location: 5511 Massachusetts Avenue, Bethesda, MD, USA
Twitter: @AlisonSerinoWMS