The Sewell Sabercats
October Newsletter
Perfect Classroom Attendance Award
Mrs. Alvardo-Wells's class won the perfect attendance award this month. WAY TO GO!!!
Each month all classrooms will have the opportunity to earn a pizza party for perfect attendance. Every time a classroom has 100% of the students present for the day, the classroom earns a letter towards spelling out the word "SEWELL." Once the classroom spells, SEWELL, they won a pizza party.
After fall break, each individual student will have the opportunity to earn an otter pop on Friday, if they have perfect attendance every day (in school on time for the whole day) all week long.
Please help us in supporting your child by bring your child to school every day! Thank you.
Booster Club: SEWELL T-shirts for sale
Have your kids outgrown their Sewell shirts? Are you new to Sewell and want to show your support? Sewell shirts have been redesigned and are now available in multiple sizes, colors, and styles, including hoodies and long sleeve shirts as well! All proceeds from shirt sales benefit the Booster Club and in turn support your child's classroom.
Physical Education
Students are off to a great start this year with movement skills!! We are starting our hula hoop activities and looking forward to cooler days ahead.
- Please send your students with closed-toed sneaker/tennis shoes on their designated P.E. days. (Sandals and crocs make for safety issues and the goal is to keep all students safe and having fun).
- Please continue to send water bottles or refillable cups so students can stay hydrated all day long.
Sewell Community News
Happy October, Sabercats,
We are collecting food items for our pantry, so we can provide emergency supplies to our Sewell families. Please bring non-perishable food items such as cereal, oatmeal, ramen, canned chicken/roast beef, peanut butter, jelly, pasta, marinara sauce. Please remember to check the expiration dates. We also need personal hygiene items (toothpaste, shampoo, bodywash, and deodorant), household cleaning (dish soap, disinfecting wipes and laundry detergent) and paper products (bath tissue/wipes and paper towels). We always need new socks and underwear. Thank you for your contributions. Your generosity helps many Sewell families.
Please contact me, Bonnie Mort, to make an appointment for regular or holiday assistance. I post on ClassDojo daily and these posts give guidance to outside resources that are available for Sewell families. Also, visit our Facebook page and our Instagram page to be informed of what is happening at Sewell!
TUSD Dress Code
At the beginning of the school year, I reviewed TUSD's dress code policy with students. Over the past few weeks, we have noticed some students coming to school wearing short shirts resulting in their torso being exposed or short shorts resulting in their buttocks being exposed. I've given friendly reminders to students regarding this policy and how they can correct their attire. We do have extra clothing available on campus for students if they need a change of clothing.
I know students grow quickly and if you need assistance with clothing, please feel free to contact Bonnie Mort, to make an appointment for assistance.
Below is the governing board policy, JICA "Student Dress," for your review. Please reach out to me with any questions you may have regarding this policy.
PreSchool Inclusive Program: Open Seats
We currently have open seats in our 1/2-day Inclusive Preschool. Our preschool program provides meaningful play and learning experiences that promote young children's growth in all areas of development. It supports the growth and development of families in their role as their child's primary teacher.
- Ages: 3 and 4
- Free
- 2 1/2 hours daily
- morning or afternoon session
- Classes held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
- Click the "Inclusive Preschool Interest Form" below to apply.
Before School and After School Care
Our before and after school program offers an inviting and fun place for children.
- Engage students in various activities that include arts and crafts, indoor/outdoor games, homework help, and more!
- Are licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services and accept DES.
- Provide families with a safe, nurturing, and structured environment.
- Provide the convenience of having our programs located at a school where a child already attends making the transition simple and safe.
- Before School: $42 weekly (7-8 am)
- After School: $78 weekly (after school - 6pm)
- Before/After School: $90 weekly
Yearly registration fee $60 per students. 10% discount for school employees, military and sibling.
To apply for our before and after school program, please click on the link to complete the "Before and After School Care Form" below.
Save the Date
October 6: No SCHOOL, Grading Day
Oct 9-13: NO SCHOOL, Fall Break
Oct 25: NO SCHOOL, Professional Learning Day for Staff
Nov 10: NO SCHOOL, Veteran's Day
Nov 23-24: NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Break
Dec 22: NO SCHOOL, Grading Day
Dec 25 - Jan 5: NO SCHOOL, Winter Break
School Hours
8:00 am - Earliest arrival
8:00 am - 8:25 am - Breakfast served
8:25 am - 2:35 pm - Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
8:25 am - 1:35 pm - Wed (early dismissal)
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Office Phone Number: 520-584-7200