Board Meeting Summary
Glen Ellyn School District 41
October 17, 2022 Public Hearing & Regular Board Meeting
Meetings are video streamed live online and the videos are archived on the District website, Click Here.
In Attendance
President Dr. Robert Bruno, Vice President Jason Loebach, Secretary Jess Buttimer, Ted Estes, Julie Hill, Dr. Chris Martelli, Tayyaba Syed
Student Board Members: Mauve Bernstein and Elizabeth Bredfeldt
Public Hearing | watch
A public hearing on interfund transfers was conducted. No public comment was made.
Introduction and Installation of Student Board Members | watch
Hadley Junior High School 8th grade students Maeve Bernstein and Elizabeth Bredfeldt were officially installed as student Board of Education members. Dr. Bruno read the Oath of Office with Ms. Bernstein and Ms. Bredfeldt.
Click here to learn more.
Student Attributions: Abraham Lincoln Students | watch
Principal Sarah Rodriguez, Assistant Principal Brian Schremp and Digital Literacy Specialist Christina Kellam presented information about the student attributes at Lincoln School and provided examples of how the school supports these attributes. Music teacher Wendy Passini’s 3rd grade drum club performed for the Board and community attendees. The Board celebrated and applauded Lincoln’s presentation and student drum club performance.
Public Participation | listen
Presentation on Finances from PMA Securities | watch
Assistant Superintendent Finance, Facilities and Operations Eric DePorter introduced PMA Securities Senior Vice President Tammie Beckwith Schallmo. She presented information about property values after a successful referendum including when boundary changes are implemented. She also shared information about the process with PMA should the referendum pass in November. Board members asked questions and engaged in conversation with Senior Vice President Schallmo.
Levy 101 Presentation | watch
Mr. DePorter provided the annual levy presentation including the levy timeline, statutory guidelines, calculation and payment, asd well as tax caps and the consumer price index. In addition, he talked about abatement vs. under levy and other information related to finance and District 41.
Superintendent’s Report | watch
Superintendent Kaczkowski introduced Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Dr. David Bruno, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching, Learning and Accountability Dr. Kristine Webster, Director of Language Programs Juan Suarez, and Director of Student Services Molly Victor. Each administrator presented 90 day entry plan reports. Board members asked questions of the administrators and engaged in conversation about their reflections based on their first 90 days in District 41.
Board Reports | watch
Board President Statement on Boundaries:
Illinois Association of School Boards Resolution Report | watch
Board member Julie Hill presented information about the resolution report. She shared her eight recommendations with the Board ahead of time. She asked for feedback from Board members.
Action Items | watch
Consent Agenda
Personnel Report
Monthly Financial Reports
- Donations
- Investment Schedule
- Monthly Revenue/Expenditure Summary Report
- School District Payment Order
- Summary of Bills and Payroll
- Treasurer's Report
Approve Board Meeting Minutes
(Voted Yes - Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Estes, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Approve Fund Transfers
(Voted Yes - Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Estes, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
Closed Session
Return to Open Session | listen
Adoption of Motions/Resolutions Authorizing the Acquisition of Real Estate—871 Bloomingdale Road, Glen Ellyn, Illinois, 1 N 249 Bloomingdale Road, DuPage County, Illinois and 1 N 221 Bloomingdale Road, DuPage County, Illinois.
(Voted Yes - Bruno, Loebach, Buttimer, Estes, Hill, Martelli, Syed)
- Wednesday, October 19, Special Meeting is CANCELED.
- Monday, November 7, 2022 - Committee of the Whole Regular Meeting; 6:30 p.m. at Hadley Jr. High School
- Monday, November 21, 2022 - Regular Board Meeting; 6:30 p.m. at Hadley Jr. High School
Email: ekrehbiel@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41