A-State PBIS Resource Center News
September 2023
In this issue...
- Upcoming Event - Booster Training
- Invitation to Monthly Networking Session
- Using Data: The October 'Catch'
- Self-Care Corner
- Resources
Upcoming Event - Booster Training
Back to Basics: Is your PBIS Tier I Foundation Solid?
September 27, 2023 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Cost: $125/person
This training is intended for teams who would like a refresher in PBIS and/or need to improve their current implementation efforts. Participants will learn…
- How to make sure their PBIS leadership is effective
- How to implement the major components of PBIS Tier I with fidelity
- How to use data for continuous improvement
Participation Certificates will be offered for the 6-hour session.
Registration closes on September 20, 2023.
CLICK HERE to register for this event.
Invitation to Monthly Networking Session
September Arkansas PBIS Networking Session (Virtual)
Join our monthly Arkansas PBIS Networking Sessions to connect with and learn from the amazing PBIS implementers across our state! A-State PBIS staff will moderate the sessions and provide free PBIS coaching and technical assistance.
A Zoom Meeting link will be sent to you after registering for a session.
Click here to register for this event.
Tuesday, Sep 12, 2023, 11:15 AM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Using Data: The October Catch
School has been in session for a few weeks and students have begun to learn the expected behaviors. Teaching, modeling, and reinforcing the expected behaviors may be all that is needed for a large percentage of your students. Now it's time to 'catch' the students that may need additional support, before their behavior escalates.
By digging down into data, we can be on the lookout for students with multiple office referrals. But before rushing to get them into interventions, ask some questions. Have these students had access to the lessons on behavior expectations? Have they received any acknowledgments for positive behaviors? Are the referrals coming from multiple locations? Also, it's important to follow up with classroom and specials teachers to see if students have engaged in minor behaviors.
Once you have determined that students need more support, it's important to find the best intervention. Office referral form data can be extremely useful, especially if your form includes all the right information. It's important to know what, when, where, and who else was involved, but a particularly useful data point is motivation. Asking staff to give their best 'guess' as to the student's motivation for engaging in the behavior will help your behavior team choose an intervention with practices that match the student's needs. A useful tool for choosing interventions was created by the Arkansas Behavior Support Specialists: the Student Intervention Matching (SIM) Form.
How does your school currently collect office referral data? Do you have a system that can filter and sort data? There are some great options available. Please feel free to contact our office if you're interested in PBISApps' School-wide Information System (SWIS).
Does your school have systems in place to support Tier II? If you have questions or are interested in Tier II team training, you can use the contact button below to request more information.
Self-Care Corner
https://pbis.astate.edu/Technical Assistance and Resource Center for PBIS in Arkansas