Oak Hill Observer
April 14, 2023
Hello, Wonderful Oak Hill Community! We have made it to the final week of school and what an amazing year it has been! Over the past 10 months, I've lost track of how many times I've mentioned how proud I am of our students, teachers, and staff and I am so incredibly fortunate to witness the academic growth and social maturity that takes place over the course of a school year. My heart is filled with pride and joy when I reflect on this year of teaching and learning.
Many of our classes and grade levels are holding learning and/or end-of-year celebrations this week, which makes me so happy. I want to highlight a few of these celebrations. On Tuesday, we'll host our annual Senior Walk where we'll welcome back graduating seniors who are alumni of Oak Hill. On Wednesday, our 5th grade students are the stars of the show! We'll hold our 5th grade promotion ceremony at 8:30 am and celebrate this extraordinary class of students. A small reception will take place immediately after.
As we close out this year, I want to thank each of you for sharing your students with us. It is truly an honor to educate our students and to watch them grow throughout the year. To those of you moving away next year, we'll miss you and wish you nothing but happiness. To those of you returning next year, we're looking forward to an even better 23-24 school year! I'll be sending out a late summer update for everyone in July as we prepare for the start of the next school year. In the meantime, on behalf of all of us at Oak Hill, have a safe and happy summer!
Your Proud Principal,
Lori Komassa
August 11: Meet the Teacher 11:30am - 1pm
August 14: First Day of School!
LAST CHANCE-Lost & Found Items
Order School Supplies for 2023-2024
It's time to order school supplies for next school year! Order your supplies by June 20th and they will be delivered directly to your classroom by the first day of school!
Order here: https://sproutsupplies.com/order
School Code: OHES001
As a reminder, our PTA does this for your convenience (not a fundraiser).
Questions? Contact supplies@ohepta.org
NEW - All Students Must Turn In Devices This Year - NEW
The Everyone:1 and Bond teams will complete a districtwide-inventory project during the summer of 2023. As part of the Device Inventory Project, AISD is requiring that:
- ALL students turn in any AISD device, hotspot, charger, and/or case or bag to their campus (regardless of the condition).
- This includes all provided Chromebooks, iPads, and chargers in your stockroom, currently checked-out to staff, in classrooms, libraries, and other spaces.
- This does not include special education specific devices or campus purchased devices.
We recognize this is a change to our current implementation and will affect students’ access over the summer. However, we believe this is essential to ensuring a smooth transition to the next school year and fiscal responsibility and accountability for our 2022 Bond Program.
Parents and guardians will have an option to check-out a device for their child over the summer that will be managed by the Austin ISD Everyone:1 team.
Reading Rangers 23-24
We (PTA) are looking for volunteers to bring "Reading Rangers" back for Fall 2023! See more information below and attached.
Volunteer Opportunity (1) - Co-Chair Reading Rangers - help organize materials (provided by teachers/ admin), support volunteers as needed, etc.
Volunteer Opportunity (2) - Reading Ranger weekly volunteer - 30 minutes a day (7:45am-8:15am) for one day a week or multiple days a week, you decide! Any adult community member or high school students can volunteer.
If you’re interested in leading the effort or becoming a Reading Ranger volunteer, contact readingrangers@ohepta.org and let us know what days you can volunteer (Mon-Thur) or learn more about Reading Rangers!
WHAT is Reading Rangers?
OHE Reading Rangers is a volunteer based program at Oak Hill Elementary. Volunteers spend 30 minutes each morning reading 1:1 with select first graders. Students are selected by the teachers based on reading progress. Each volunteer will work with the same student(s) to build relationships. Our PTA collaborates with administration and teachers to ensure the success of the program. We provide all the reading materials, proven reading and phonics activities & fun games!
WHO is Reading Rangers?
Reading Rangers are community members who want to support our students’ love for reading! We are parents, retired teachers, grandparents, high school students, college students, local business partner employees - all community members are welcome! No experience needed!
WHEN is Reading Rangers?
Reading Rangers is returning for Fall of 2023! We will read with students each morning Monday-Thursday from 7:45am - 8:15am from mid-September through May. Volunteers can commit to 1 day a week or up to 4 days a week. That’s it! You pick the day(s) that work for you!
¡Nosotros (PTA) estamos buscando voluntarios para traer "Reading Rangers" de vuelta para el otoño de 2023! Ver más información a continuación y adjunto.
Oportunidad de Voluntario (1) - Co-Presidente de Reading Rangers - ayudar a organizar los materiales (proporcionados por los maestros / admin), apoyar a los voluntarios según sea necesario, etc.
Oportunidad de Voluntariado (2) - Voluntario semanal de Reading Ranger - 30 minutos al día (7:45am-8:15am) durante un día a la semana o varios días a la semana, ¡tú decides! Cualquier miembro adulto de la comunidad o estudiantes de secundaria pueden ser voluntarios.
Si estás interesado en liderar el esfuerzo o convertirte en un voluntario de Reading Ranger, contacta con readingrangers@ohepta.org e indícanos qué días puedes ser voluntario (de lunes a jueves) u obtén más información sobre Reading Rangers.
¿Qué es Reading Rangers?
OHE Reading Rangers es un programa basado en voluntarios en Oak Hill Elementary. Los voluntarios pasan 30 minutos cada mañana leyendo 1:1 con determinados alumnos de primer grado. Los estudiantes son seleccionados por los maestros basados en el progreso de lectura. Cada voluntario trabajará con el mismo estudiante(s) para construir relaciones. Nuestra PTA colabora con la administración y los profesores para garantizar el éxito del programa. Proporcionamos todos los materiales de lectura, actividades de lectura y fonética y juegos divertidos.
¿QUIÉN es Reading Rangers?
Los Reading Rangers son miembros de la comunidad que quieren apoyar el amor por la lectura de nuestros alumnos. Somos padres, maestros jubilados, abuelos, estudiantes de secundaria, estudiantes universitarios, empleados de empresas locales asociadas - ¡todos los miembros de la comunidad son bienvenidos! No se necesita experiencia.
¿CUÁNDO es Reading Rangers?
¡Reading Rangers regresa para el otoño de 2023! Vamos a leer con los estudiantes cada mañana de lunes a jueves de 7:45 am - 8:15 am desde mediados de septiembre hasta mayo. Los voluntarios pueden comprometerse a 1 día a la semana o hasta 4 días a la semana. Así de fácil. ¡Usted elige el día (s) que trabajan para usted!
Parents and Families are Welcome at the SEL & CPI Symposium
Free Summer Meals
Children need nutritious meals to learn, grow, and thrive—even when school is out. Through federally funded Texas Department of Agriculture meal programs, AISD provides free breakfast and lunch for students at many schools throughout the summer.
Who qualifies for free summer meals:
Students participating in on-site summer programs at eligible schools.
Any child in the community younger than 19.
Enrolled students with disabilities up to 21 years old.
How to find free meals this summer:
Families may use the following tools to find a meal site anywhere in Texas:
Call 2-1-1 to speak to a live operator.
Visit www.SummerFood.org for an interactive site locator map.
Text FOOD or COMIDA to 304-304.
Families may also find district meals sites on the AISD website.
How it works: Children in the community enjoy free meals regardless of household income and without any registration or identification. To receive a free, healthy meal, children may simply visit the cafeteria at any participating site during designated service times. Children do not have to be enrolled in AISD to receive free summer meals.
Good to know: All AISD meal sites are closed July 3-7. Meal sites and times are subject to change.
Alimentos de verano gratis
Los niños necesitan comidas nutritivas para aprender, crecer y prosperar, aunque no haya clases. Mediante los programas de alimentación con fondos federales del Departamento de Agricultura de Texas, el AISD provee el desayuno y el almuerzo gratis a los estudiantes en muchas escuelas durante el verano.
Quién es elegible para las comidas gratuitas del verano:
Los estudiantes que participan en los programas de verano que se realizan en las instalaciones de las escuelas elegibles.
Todos los niños de la comunidad menores de 19 años.
Los estudiantes inscritos que tienen discapacidades y máximo 21 años de edad.
Cómo encontrar comidas gratuitas este verano: Las familias pueden usar las siguientes herramientas para encontrar un lugar donde haya comida en cualquier parte de Texas:
Llamen al 2-1-1 para hablar directamente con un operador en vivo. · Visiten www.SummerFood.org para un mapa interactivo para localizar los lugares de distribución.
Envíen el texto FOOD o COMIDA al 304-304.
Las familias también pueden localizar los lugares de distribución de comidas del distrito en el sitio web del AISD.
Cómo funciona: Los niños en la comunidad disfrutan de comidas gratuitas sin importar el ingreso del hogar y sin inscripción o identificación. Para recibir una comida gratuita y saludable, los niños simplemente pueden visitar la cafetería de cualquier lugar participante durante el horario de servicio designado. Los niños no tienen que estar matriculados en el AISD para recibir las comidas gratuitas del verano.
Conviene saber: Todos los lugares de distribución de comidas del AISD están cerradas del 3 al 7 de julio. Los lugares de distribución de comidas y sus horarios están sujetos a cambios.
5 Book Dive Summer Reading Program
AISD Library Media Services is pleased to share the 5 Book Dive Summer Reading Program for 2023. This program encourages all AISD students to read at least five self - selected books over the summer. Research has shown that reading just five books can protect students from the drop in reading levels known as the “summer slide” which disproportionately affects low- income students (Alexander, Entwisle, & Olson, 2007; Kim, 2004).
Information and resources can be found at https://tinyurl.com/5BookDive , including:
Lists of recommended summer reads by level (K-2 English, K-2 Spanish, 3-5 English, 3-5 Spanish, Middle School, and High School). The 5 Book Dive program encourages students to read any five books they choose, but provides these librarian-curated lists for inspiration.
Students can also receive a $5 gift certificate from BookPeople for completing and turning in a reading log bookmark (found on the website).
Dive into our OHE Summer Reading Challenge and see if you can read more books than anyone in your grade!
Starting on Monday, May 29, track every book you read in the Online Reading Log.
Read a book to yourself, to someone else, or have someone read a book to you to earn credit towards the OHE Summer Reading Challenge.
The Summer Reading Challenge is open to OHE faculty, incoming OHE students, and students enrolled at OHE for the 2023-2024 school year.
We will announce the Top 3 readers in each grade and they will receive a prize during a Friday assembly next school year!
Contest ends Friday, August 11, 2023
Have a wonderful summer and happy reading!
* * *
¡Sumérjase en nuestro Desafío de lectura de verano de OHE y vea si puede leer más libros que nadie en su grado!
A partir del lunes 29 de mayo, haga un seguimiento de cada libro que lea en el Registro de lectura en línea.
Lea un libro para usted mismo, para otra persona, o haga que alguien le lea un libro para obtener crédito para el Desafío de lectura de verano de la OHE.
El Desafío de lectura de verano está abierto a la facultad de OHE, a los estudiantes nuevos de OHE y a los estudiantes inscritos en OHE para el año escolar 2023-2024.
¡Anunciaremos los 3 mejores lectores de cada grado y recibirán un premio durante la asamblea del viernes del próximo año escolar!
El concurso finaliza el viernes 11 de agosto
¡Que tengas un maravilloso verano y feliz lectura!
Kinder Camp 2023
Starting Kindergarten next school year? Sign up for Kinder Camp to meet your teachers, classmates, and have fun before school starts!
LEGO Powered Robotics Summer Camps
It all begins with an idea. Our camps are intended to introduce students to the wonderful world of Engineering and Robotics, hopefully sparking a lifetime of interest in “how things work”.
Join us for hands-on STEAM learning and fun! We will build and code many different types of robots using LEGO Education kits. All robots have motors and sensors, easy-to-follow
instructions, and an intuitive AP using icon and word block coding. We will perform experiments, create art and play LEGO games. No experience necessary, K-5. More info at: http://steamworksatx.net
Held at Clayton Elementary
June 5-8, June 26-29, July 24-27
Held at Mills Elementary
July 17-20 July 31-Aug 3
Blast Off into Reading!
WHO: Current K or 1st grade students
*If you are a current 2nd grader, please see your teacher for recommendation.
WHAT: Literacy camp providing hands-on, multi-sensory, and researched based activities. This program helps students build necessary phonics and phonemic awareness skills to improve reading knowledge helping them be successful learners.
WHEN: Session 1: June 5th-8th, Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Session 2: June 12-15th, Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am-12:00 pm
WHERE: Oak Hill Elementary
COST: $200 per child per week.
All materials needed will be provided in the class, including a snack.
If you are interested and wish to have your child participate please sign up below. If you would like more information please email: emily.kittredge@austinisd.org or renae.hernandez@austinisd.org
Payment Methods: Cash or check made out in full to Renae Hernandez. Payment due on or before first day of session.
Click HERE to sign up!
AISD Summer Theater Series
The Annual AISD Summer Theatre Series will be offered this year at the AISD Performing Arts Center. Please share information with teachers and students.
Students of all experience levels are welcome to shine on stage during the free Summer Theatre Series program. Current 5th through 12th graders in Austin ISD are invited to try out for the program’s summer series.
The program dates are: June 5, 2023 through July 24, 2023. The Summer Theatre Series will feature Mary Poppins as the musical production, Treasure Island as the black box studio production, and the Summer Theatre Series Rising Stars program—a one-week educational theatre camp that offers workshops in acting, dance, and voice.
Students interested in participating must register and submit video auditions to the STS Blend course by March 21, 2023.
Link to registration, audition, rehearsal, and performance information: https://www.austinisd.org/arts
Please contact Jessica Champion at Jessica.champion@austinisd.org with any questions you may have.
Art and Athletic Summer Camp Sign up
WHO: Previous school year Kindergarten-5th Grade OakHill Students, Coach Parra & Ms. Rettig!
WHAT: CREATE exciting art projects, PLAY awesome games, EXPLORE indoor and outdoor activities, and HAVE FUN with your OakHill friends!
WHEN: Session 1: July 10-13, 9:00-12:00; Session 2: July 10-13, 1:00-4:00; Session 3: July 17-20, 9:00-12:00; Session 4: July 17-20, 1:00-4:00
WHERE: OakHill Elementary
COST: $200 per child per week. Price includes all materials, and a t-shirt. Children should bring a packed snack each day. Coach Parra and I will be around during that hour for lunch if you just wanna spend all day with us and sign up for both morning and afternoon sessions- Just pack a lunch :)
Venmo @JoLynn-Rettig or Check Payable to JoLynn Rettig
*You may reserve a spot with a $50 deposit.
Click on link to sign up:
QUIEN: Estudiantes de Oak Hill de Kindergarten a 5to grado del año escolar anterior, Entrenador Parra & Ms. Rettig!
QUE: CREAR proyectos de arte emocionantes, JUGAR juegos impresionantes, EXPLORAR actividades de interior y al aire libre, y DIVERTIRSE con sus amigos de Oak Hill!
CUANDO: Sesión 1: Julio 10-13, 9:00-12:00; Sesión 2: Julio 10-13, 1:00-4:00; Sesión 3: Julio 17-20, 9:00-12:00; Sesión 4: Julio 17-20, 1:00-4:00
DÓNDE: Oak Hill Elementary
COSTO: $200 por niño por semana - El precio incluye todos los materiales, y una camiseta. Los niños deben traer un bocadillo cada día. Entrenador Parra y yo estaremos alrededor durante esa hora para el almuerzo si quieres pasar todo el día con nosotros y se inscriben para las dos sesiones de la mañana y la tarde (Sólo empacar un almuerzo para usted:)
Venmo @JoLynn-Rettig o Cheque a nombre de JoLynn Rettig
*Puedes reservar un lugar con un depósito de $50 o puedes pagar ahora.
Haga clic en el enlace para suspirar para arriba:
Middle School Information Page
Hi 5th grade families!
This will be a one stop shop for all middle school information. We will update it as we receive new information from middle schools, so keep checking back periodically. Middle School Information 2022-2023
Oak Hill Elementary
Website: www.oakhillelementary.org
Location: 6101 Patton Ranch Road, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-414-2336
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OakHillElementary/
Twitter: @OakHillElem