Discovery Update
March 31, 2021
A Message from the Principal
Last week Governor Inslee approved the option for schools to have 3 foot distancing for some parts of the school day instead of the current 6 foot distancing. Superintendent Alfano addressed this in his most recent newsletter. Click here to read Superintendent Alfano's full message.
Higher risk level activities (music, PE, and lunch) still require 6 foot distancing.. There are some challenges with providing for 3 foot distancing regulations for some activities and 6 foot distancing regulations for other activities. District Level Leaders are meeting with Principals this week to plan for the possible return to four day a week in person instruction for students who are currently attending school two days a week. If it is possible to meet all of the guidelines with additional students in our school we will figure out a way to do so. Please be ready for more communication to come out soon.
I wish you all well as we jump into spring. I hope all of our students enjoy their spring break the week of April 5-9. As always if you have any questions please feel free to call or email.
Julie Bartlett, Principal
Discovery Primary School
Recess is a Favorite at Discovery
We Love Art and Writing Too
You are invited to a Zoom BINGO event.
When: Mar 31, 2021 06:00 PM
Topic: Zoom BINGO
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Bayliss -
We're in this Together: Fife Family Webinar Series
Join us on Monday, 4/19 for our next Zoom webinar for families!
Topic: What is Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)? - We'll talk about what it is, what it looks like at school, why it matters, and resources/strategies for learning at home!
When: Monday 4/19, 11:00am-12:00pm
Have a question you want answered in the Webinar? Let us know!
Counselor's Corner
- Teaching problem solving - At Discovery, we use Kelso's Choices as a curriculum to teach problem-solving. Students have been learning all about these social skills through weekly videos - check them out here. Also using these strategies at home can be a great way to help kids practice!
- New Community Resource for Pierce County Renters - Pierce County has recently launched a rental assistance program to help families who have been impacted by COVID-19 and are behind on rent. Click here for more information, and to apply online.
Rent Assistance - Information for families with Free/Reduced lunch
Did you know that the Free or Reduced-Priced Eligibility form can offer help with more than just student meals?
Fee waivers or reductions would apply to ASB cards, ASB club dues, ASB field trips, and other optional non-credit activities (ex: dances, home games, plays, and competitions/conferences).
If you would like to allow the Fife School District Food & Nutrition Services Program permission to use the information provided on this application to determine and/or share your child’s eligibility for fee waivers or reductions to participate in optional non-credit activities, please complete the form linked HERE!
About Us
Location: 1205 19th Avenue, Milton, WA, USA
Phone: 253 - 517-1200