Principal Update
September 12 - September 16
Coordinated School Health (CSH) Kickoff Week
This week is Austin ISD's Coordinated School Health Kick-Off Week!
We can see coordinated school health in action at Mills in 10 areas that work together: Physical Education/Physical Activity, Health Education, Social and Emotional Learning, Physical Environment/Sustainability, Food Services, Counseling/Mental Health, Family Engagement, Community Engagement, Health Services, and Employee Wellness.
The goal for this week is for students and staff to learn about these 10 areas and recognize the people on our campus who support coordinated school health. Our morning announcements will introduce two of the ten areas each day and students will learn about quick strategies for improving each of these areas with their classroom teachers & PE coaches.
Reach out to Coach Lindberg, Coach Sanchez, or Principal Frageman for more information!
Gifted & Talented Upcoming Info Session
Interested in learning more about the Austin ISD Gifted & Talented (GT) Program and GT program at Mills? We will be holding a virtual GT Parent Information Session next Monday, September 19th. See the flyer below for more information. We encourage you to reach out to your child's teacher if you have questions about Gifted & Talented programming during September Conference Month!
Mills Dirt Club Workday Success!
Meet Mills Music Teacher: Thomas 'Matt' Jackson
My name is Matt Jackson, and I am so excited to be at Mills as the new elementary music teacher! In July I moved from Ohio where I was teaching K-7 General Music and 5th and 6th grade band.
Outside of teaching, I have been working as a professional guitarist, bassist, and recording engineer since I started college at Youngstown State University. I have produced and performed on several records, and have been on small tours across the United States.
Teaching elementary music has been such a joy! I I truly enjoy sharing my love of music with others and sharing the knowledge I have accumulated over my career. My goal is to influence musical appreciation and develop lifelong skills through performance, observation, and interaction with pop-culture and historical contexts of music.
Meet Mills Music Teacher: Devin Thomas
My name is Devin Thomas and I am proud to be half of the new music teacher duo here at Mills Elementary! I am incredibly excited and fortunate to be here with such supportive staff and families.
A little bit about me: I was raised in Upstate New York, traveled to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania for college, and found myself here in Austin just this summer. I recently graduated from Moravian University this past May with my Bachelors in Music Education as a certified K-12 music teacher. Outside of teaching I enjoy being outside with my dog, Jaxx, or spending an evening on the couch with my other half relaxing and watching movies!
It has been a long time dream of mine to teach music to children. Music is crucial to the development of young minds as it allows for a creative outlet from which students can build other social experiences by finding ways to stabilize their mood and feelings and bring joy to their lives through musical experiences. Music was a personal escape for me during some of the toughest times growing up and a large motivating factor in my journey to becoming a teacher. It is my greatest desire and life's passion to share this love for music with others so that they may also use it throughout their lives.
I use a student centered approach to allow students to guide their own musical learning through experiences in an encouraging environment. I very much believe in being a facilitator of learning and acting as a guide rather than simply telling students what to do or what they need to know. Allowing students to create their own ideas, self-discover, compare with the thoughts of their peers and learn from others is crucial to their development in both music and as functioning members of society. I believe the student is the most important part of their own education and should have freedom to explore the world in ways that best help them to understand the content whether it be through singing, dancing, playing instruments, pen and paper, or other various avenues.
I look forward to getting to know you all as well as your student(s)!
This Week
Monday, September 12-
Celebrate Freedom Week
Coordinated School Health (CSH) Kickoff Week
Campus Advisory Council (CAC) Meeting via Zoom 3:30pm
TX-KEA Testing Window Opens (all Kindergarten students)
Thursday, September 15-
Hispanic Heritage Month Kick-off (9/15-10/15)
Friday, September 16-
2nd Grade Spanish Program Dieciseis de Septiembre Performances
Looking Ahead:
September 21: Fall Picture Day
September 22- Dirt Club Workday 6pm-7:30pm
October 3- 13: Short Cycle Assessments #1 Grades 3-5 (Math, Reading, Science)
October 3-7: Custodian Appreciation Week
October 5- PTA General Meeting & Principal Coffee, 3:30pm Library
October 7: Elementary Early Release at 1:30pm
October 8- Dirt Club Workday 9am-12pm
October 14- Student Holiday; Staff Professional Development Day
October 24- Apex Fundraiser Kickoff
October 24-October 28 Red Ribbon Week
October 27- Dirt Club Workday 5pm-6:30pm
November 2- Principal Coffee (HSR Family Orientation)