The Riebli Record
John B. Riebli Elementary- August 18, 2023
A message from Mrs. Todd
First of all, thank you for an amazing week! Thank you for WEDNESDAY'S amazing pick up! I appreciate all the families who waited for TK/Kindergarten to be released before coming onto campus. We will be continuing this practice on Wednesdays, so parents in grades 1-6, please wait until after 12:50 to come onto campus.
1. The technology agreement should be in the backpack today. PLEASE SIGN and return it to your teacher. I strongly recommend that you review it with your student.
2. The Free and Reduced-price meal application forms should be in backpacks today. It is very important to return this form. Our school funding from the state and to keep providing free meals to all students is based off the information on this form. You can also fill out the form here. The outcome of the application does not change the status of the free meals this school year. We will still be providing free meals. Please turn in the completed applications to the office.
Parking lot
I know that the parking lot is small and can be frustrating, however, please follow the parking lot rules.
Please do not park in yellow or red zones.
Do not block the staff gate (next to the kindergarten playground). I need staff to park back there so parents have parking in the front.
If you want to walk your student in, please park in a parking spot.
6th grade parent information about our Charter School.
Dear 6th grade Parents,
Mark West Charter School will be holding a parent information night on Tuesday, September 5 at 5:30 in Room C5 at Mark West Charter School.
Please come to hear about our program, meet some staff, and ask questions.
We are excited to hold this event for you and look forward to meeting you!
MWCS enrollment will be open from 8:00am on October 2 - 4:00pm on October 31. Please visit our website at and click on the enrollment tab to apply.
Hope to see you there!
Michelle Franci
Principal MWCS
Lunch Program
The State of California is providing FREE breakfast (served at snack time) and lunch to all children.
At Riebli, students need to SIGN UP with their teacher for snack or lunch at the beginning of school. This allows us to know how many meals to prepare.
The menu will be located in the Riebli Record weekly. If your student has dietary concerns, please email Melanie at to do the paperwork.
Free and Reduced-price meal application forms should be in backpacks today. It is very important to return this form. Our school funding from the state and to keep providing free meals to all students is based on the information on this form. You can also fill out the form here.
Morning Drop Off
Please remind your child that they should head straight to the blacktop in the morning and should leave their backpacks in the grade-level area on the blacktop. There is no yard supervision in the back wing, and students should not be in the back by classrooms before school.
Independent Study: There is a new state law that students can only participate in independent study for 14 school days during the year. Please plan vacations during school vacations. We need all 180 days to help your student achieve their best. Please request independent study at least 7 school days before you leave. Teachers need time to organize and create the work.
Music News
I am excited for a new year of music at Riebli!
TK, K, 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-grade students will receive a weekly half-hour music class in the 1st trimester of school this year, beginning in early September. TK-2nd graders will attend 10 weekly half-hour sessions that include singing, moving, listening, composing/improvising, and reading/writing music. Students will learn a variety of musical concepts (e.g. beat, rhythm, pitch, melody, etc.) through fun, hands-on activities and play. 3rd graders will attend 10 weekly half-hour sessions that focus on learning to play the soprano recorder. More details about music classes will be shared with your child's classroom teacher to share with you.
4th-, 5th-, and 6th-grade students have the option to learn an instrument or to sing in the chorus for the school year if they choose, but parents must sign up their child for this pull-out program. Music Signup Night for the entire district is next Wednesday, August 23 in the gym at Mark West Elementary School at 6:00 p.m. After a brief presentation, students and parents can explore instruments up close, ask questions, and we can determine correct sizes for violins and guitars. Please bring your interested student if possible! If you cannot make it that night, no problem! Registration is completely online following the presentation on August 23. Signups close on Friday, August 25, but please register early as classes can fill up! See you soon!
~Mrs. Kaufman, Mark West District Music Teacher