Dolphin Family News
September 16, 2022

February 10, 2023
Upcoming Dates:
Monday, February 13th- Friday, February 17th- Spirit WEEK
Tuesday, February 14th & Wednesday, February 15th- Puyallup FAIR Farm Visit
Monday, February 20th- NO School in observance to President's Day
Saturday, February 25th- STEM Fair @ Sumner Middle School
Monday, February 27th- Dolphin Pride Assembly
Kinder registration is open for the 2023-24 school year!
Register online at sumnersd.org/kindergarten.
First-time kinder parent? Attend a free virtual workshop to learn ways to nurture academic and personal behavior skills in prep for kindergarten at sumnersd.org/ready.
Free workshop helps families prepare children for kindergarten
Ready! for Kindergarten is a free program that offers age-appropriate targets, training and tools for parents and caregivers of children birth to age five that ensure success in school. Learn more about the importance of nurturing a child’s development in their earliest years in this video.
Click here to register now for our winter sessions. Families new to Ready! must attend orientation from 6-6:30 p.m. on the date of their registered session.
Tuesday, Feb. 28 at Donald Eismann Elementary,
Monday, March 6 at Emerald Hills Elementary, or
Wednesday, March 8 at Sumner Early Learning Center
*Please select one session date to attend per registered child.
All sessions are held from 6:30-8 p.m.
More information at sumnersd.org/ready.
Free ‘Love and Logic’ parenting workshop series this spring
The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District invites parents/guardians to a free, five-session parenting workshop to learn how to:
Avoid un-winnable power struggles and arguments
Set enforceable limits
Empower kids
Help kids learn from mistakes rather than repeating them
Choose your weekly workshop series (limit 30 individuals):
Thursdays, March 2-30 at 5:30-7 p.m. at Donald Eismann Elementary
Wednesdays, April 19-May 17, 5:30-7 p.m. at Crestwood Elementary
Love and Logic parenting represents a “how-to” practical approach to parenting that has been successfully taught over 25 years. The Love and Logic approach is fun! Participants will receive a free workbook while attending. Childcare, water and snacks will be provided at each session.
Register now and visit sumnersd.org/loveandlogic for more information.
DVE SPIRIT WEEK- 2/13-2/17
Puyallup Fair Farm Visit - 2/14 & 2/15
We are excited to have the Washington State Fair Farm visit our school for 1st-4th graders on February 14th & 15th. Thank you DVE PTA for bringing the farm to our school!
Are you going on a vacation?
Then please don't forget to fill out the pre-arranged absence form to ensure that your student's teacher and the building administrators are aware of and can plan for your child's time away from the classroom. If your student is missing 4 or more school days, this form is needed to potentially count the time away as excused. You can obtain this form by contacting the DVE office. Thank you for your ongoing partnership on behalf of our dolphins!
Attendance Matters! Did you know?
Sumner Bonney Lake Schools share a goal of having 90% student attendance district-wide. All SBLSD schools are supporting this effort in many different ways, some of which is with extensive data tracking and increased communication to families to help break-down barriers to absences.
Here at Daffodil, as of February 1st, we have a 63% attendance rate. We are working hard to improve this number within our building and we thank you for your partnership in getting your students to school whenever they are well enough to attend. We understand illness occurs and those excused absences are necessary, but it is so helpful when you can try to schedule other appointments and fun trips around the school day. We love our Dolphins and we want them all here learning and growing together!