The Falcon Flyer
Weekly News and Updates - Volume 2 Issue 17 - 1/7/22
And We're Back!
We hit the ground running this week at Fletcher. Our two new teachers, Ms. Massion and Mr. Lindstrom, jumped right in and our students are having a great time. We understand that with COVID cases on the rise, there are many more absences for students and staff right now. Thank you for you patience as we work as hard as we can to ensure the greatest sense of normalcy for our students. To those of you who are ill or are caring for family members who are ill, we send all the positive healing vibes we can. If there's anything we can do to support your student and your family, please do not hesitate to ask. Our motto is: "Small school, big family". We got this.
“New beginnings
are often disguised as
painful endings."
-Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
Staff Meeting Recap
Mrs. Myers lead a brainstorming session on how to best support students and families who are absent for long periods of time due to the increasing rate of illness in the community. Teachers had incredibly powerful ideas that utilized both digital and print resources to ensure our students aren't missing out on too much when they're missing school.
As a staff we looked at the Fountas & Pinnell and FAST Reading assessment calendar and made adjustments that would be in the best interest in our students so we can get the most accurate results possible. Teachers use this information to make decisions on student groupings, curriculum choices, and pedagogical approaches to meeting our students' needs.
Lastly, Mrs. Paradise discussed our Wellness Committee's progress and opportunities for the year including some rare funding for a campus-wide wellness effort. We also decided on a date for our next "Mental Health Day", much like what our students enjoyed on November 12th. This Trimester's Mental Health Day will be on February 9th, the 100th day of school. Our theme for the day is Keepin' It 💯. This slang expression is all about staying true to yourself and being the best version of you. Stay tuned for more updates on what we have planned!
Vaccination Clinic Success!
This week we hosted local organization, Champions for Health, to provide Flu and COVID immunizations on campus. We served over 130 students and family members! The next clinic will be held on January 25th from 2-6PM which is enough time for individuals who received their primary COVID vaccine to receive their secondary COVID vaccine in accordance with the prescribed timeline.
SDUSD Nursing & Wellness has updated their guidance for fully immunized students that will allow them to remain in school if they are a close contact. Additionally, if they do show symptoms, a single negative test result would allow them to return to school immediately.
COVID vaccines have received FDA Emergency Use Authorization for all children aged five and older. At this point, only students age 16 and up are required to be fully vaccinated prior to January 24th. For more information about the location of other vaccine clinics and the mandate for older students, please visit:
Student of the Week - Autumn!
This week's Student of the Week is Autumn in Ms. Monge's 2nd grade class! She is recognized for being kind and caring towards others. Autumn is always willing to lend a helping hand and is an all-around great role model for her peers. Congratulations Autumn, and thank you for being a phenomenal Falcon!
Lego Club Is Back!
Report an Absence Online
Although we want students to be in school each day for class, we know that absences will happen. It is important that parents report their student's absence within 24 hours. Absences can be reported via our online form, phone or email. Please let us know if you have any questions and thank you for your support.
The site is open from 7:00AM - 7:00PM MONDAY through FRIDAY and 8:00AM - 5:00PM on Saturday and Sunday. No appointments necessary! Prior to testing, if your student isn't already registered to receive weekly testing on site, families will need to register for a Primary Health Portal account.
JOIN OUR Parent Teacher Association
Highlights from the Week
5th Grade Ukulele in Music
Hopping Away in PE
Vaccine Clinic Success
Twelve Weeks at a Glance
12 - Professional Development
17 - MLK Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
19 - PLC's
25 - Vaccine Clinic - Part II
26 - School Site Council
1 - Kids Heart Challenge Assembly
2 - Professional Development
9 - 100th Day of School
All-Staff Meeting
Kearny Cluster Meeting
16 - PLC's
18 - No School - District Recess
21 - No School - President's Day
23 - School Site Council
25 - End of Trimester Two
1 - Read Across America Day
21-25 - Student Conferences - MINIMUM DAY WEEK
28- 4/1 - Spring Break - No School
*Dates subject to change due to shifts in the academic programming
Fletcher Elementary School
Location: 7666 Bobolink Way, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619)605-4600
Twitter: @FletcherSDUSD