Clean Water
Group 9 The Headless Chickens
Waco's Dirty Water
In the Waco area water has a lot of pollution such as; dirt, trash, manure, and waste. Storm water get dirty and runs down hill to the drains then ends up in the lake. We need to keep our water clean by not putting trash in it.
Brazos River
In this image the Brazos has overflown and has lots of pollution, dirt, and trash.
Nonpurified water
This can happen if there was no filters for the water.
How we can help keep our water clean
Recycle, less fertilizer, less concrete and asphalt, clean up after your pets, help pick up trash.
Drinking dirty water can increase the risk of cancer. The oil and trash can harm the animals and the plants that live around the area and water. An estimated 502,000 people die every year from unpreventable cases of diarrhea caused by drinking dirty water.
About Group 9
Luke Carlisle
Hannah Okafor
Benjamin Taylor
McKenzie McDonald
Joel White
Sally Love
Kaitlyn Scott
Lindsey Wilcox
Cole Bourland
Email: icivics@baylor.edu
Concluding Thoughts
Before we came to this camp we didn't realize how important it is to have clean water. It's important to inform people upstream to dispose of animal waste properly. If this was done, then Waco would not have to spend as much money on their filtering system. Also we should inform residents upstream about using harmful chemicals such as fertilizers because it can travel to our water source. Lastly we should not only inform our neighboring communities but our own about littering because that could also reach our water source.