Health and Laptop Forms
These forms are required for the 2021-2022 School Year
Hello CAP Family,
See below for the required forms.
| 2021-2022 Health Form
This form must be completed and returned to school as soon as possible. This form will be placed in the student’s health record. Physical Examinations are required for students in grades Kindergarten, 1st , 6th and 11th. Dental Examinations are required for students in grades Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, and 7th.
Please use the quick link below to complete the 2021-2022 Health Form
| 2021- 2022 Chromebook/Tablet User Agreement
Before using the CAP network, any CAP-provided computer resource, Chromebook or Tablet, require a signed form stating that you have read and understand the Network, Internet Acceptable Use and Usage Policy must be on file for the current academic year for all students and staff. For students, the form must also be signed by a parent or guardian.
This form will take less than a minute to complete.
Community Academy of Philadelphia Charter School
Location: 1100 East Erie Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Phone: (215) 533-6700