NorthStar Lights
North Syracuse Central School District's weekly e-news
Issue #54 | March 4, 2022
Hello North Syracuse Central School District Parents, Guardians, Teachers and Staff,
When I sit down to write this article each week, I do so wanting to use this venue to effectively convey the tone of the NSCSD. Often, when I’ve had the opportunity to visit schools during the week, I’ll write about those experiences because there is no truer gauge of our tenor than that. This week however, although I did have a chance to be in our schools, I want to write about something that happened as a result of one of our typical meetings.
Our Board of Education has a Legislative Committee whose members meet with local lawmakers on a monthly basis to discuss legislation and topics impacting the District’s budget. At this week’s meeting, one member expressed thanks to students and staff for being respectful of each other regarding individual decisions to mask or not despite their differences. In light of our current world climate and unfortunate political division, I thought the comment was very appropriate and also very courageous. As I went about my workday the following day, it was brought to my attention that another member of the Legislative Committee had posted about the meeting on social media. The gist of the post was that the other person’s comment had elicited a desire to “look for kindness” and to share positivity with others. It went on to list things the author had seen and for which she was grateful.
After hearing about the post, I happened to look out the window of my office and noticed something on the marquee outside: a graphic saying “Kindness Matters.” The sign is right and so was the person’s social media post...kindness really does matter.
This week, as we marked the start of meteorological spring on March 1 and the end of the universal mask mandate on March 2, the theme of new beginnings has been stuck in my head. The past two years have been hard on all of us and everyone has endured a lot. The darkness of the past two years seems to be fading and the new light of spring is taking over along with the brilliant shine from NorthStar Nation.
Daniel D. Bowles, Superintendent of Schools
Cicero Elementary School Raises Money for Local Charity with Close Connection
Throughout the month of February, students and staff at Cicero Elementary School donned their guardian angel wings in support Griffin’s Guardians, a local charity with a very close connection. Griffin's Guardians is a recognized nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization providing support and financial assistance to Central New York children battling cancer. The organization’s namesake, Griffin, was a former student at Cicero Elementary School and has had a tremendous and lasting impact on the community and school district.
Through the campaign entitled “Change for Hope” the school community raised a total of $6, 842 for Griffin’s Guardians. 2022 is the second year the school has held the campaign for the charity. Organized by Cathy Siechen, the fundraiser is designed to be a friendly “competition” to honor the former student’s cause and raise money to support children who are now battling the disease that took Griffin’s life much too soon.
C-NS Students Advance to State Robotics Competition
On Sunday, February 27, two teams of Cicero-North Syracuse High School students competed in a Rochester robotics competition and one of those teams has qualified for the upcoming Northern New York State Competition. The State competition will take place on Monday, March 7 at the OnCenter Convention Center in Syracuse. The student team is being led by Cicero-North Syracuse High School Technology Teacher Martin Miner. Good luck to all!
Allen Road Elementary Kindergarten Students Show-Off BIG Smiles
Students in Kathy Conese’s kindergarten class at Allen Road Elementary School were all smiles this week and they showed them off in a BIG way. For Wednesday, March 2, the first day of optional masking, Ms. Conese wanted to do a project to celebrate AND learn.
Each student painted a big head and once they had dried, the students first looked in a mirror and used the reflection to draw eyes, a nose and mouths onto their heads. Ms. Conese said, “We looked closely at the different facial expressions we make with our mouths and talked about how our expressions tell others how we are feeling. They then drew their mouths to show how they were feeling right now…without a mask on…BIG SMILES!”
Conese also shared that as a kindergarten teacher, her students have been wonderful about wearing masks. She said, “When we have rules that help keep us safe, our kids are diligent,” but is happy to share that “It is such a warm and wonderful feeling seeing their bright smiles every morning!”
March is Music in Our Schools Month
During the month of March, schools across the nation celebrate National Music In Our Schools Month (MIOSM). The purpose of MIOSM is to raise awareness of the importance of music education for all children – and to remind citizens that school is where all children should have access to music.
The North Syracuse Central School District is asking students, teachers and families to share their music-related photos and videos throughout the month. The photos will be featured in the weekly NorthStar Lights newsletter and high resolution images will be considered for the NSCSD website. Photos can be submitted online by clicking here or can be emailed to Laurie Cook at
Roxboro Road Elementary School Celebrates Read Across America Week with Green Eggs and Ham
Students in Mrs. Roach's kindergarten class at Roxboro Road Elementary School had fun this week celebrating Read Across America Day (March 2) with a variety of activities. Read Across America Day was established by the National Education Association (NEA) in 1998 to help get kids excited about reading. The day occurs each year on the birthday of Dr. Seuss so students in Mrs. Roach's class celebrated by reading his book, Green Eggs and Ham, in which the characters eat green eggs and ham. As part of the celebration, students also tried the foods for themselves and made a classroom graphic indicating their like or dislike of the combination.
Social Media and Mental Health Webinar
North Syracuse Central School District families are invited to attend a special, free webinar on social media usage and mental health issues. The webinar, provided through the School Mental Health Resource and Training Center, will take place on Tuesday, March 15 from 3:30 to 4:00 p.m.
It is no secret that over the last 15 years that internet and media use has skyrocketed. Today, 95% of teens have access to a smartphone, and 45% say they are online almost constantly. As a result, many caregivers, educators and individuals are left wondering about the impacts of social media and the digital world on their overall wellbeing.
Information covered will include:
- How to start the conversation around internet use
- How to set healthy media boundaries
- Data to help understand psychological risks and emotional impacts
- Understanding risks and how to respond to cyberbullying and more
Registration closes on March 14th at 3:30 pm
Register at:
C-NS Presents "CHICAGO: High School Edition" March 17-19 at 7 PM
Join us in a tale of murder, greed, corruption, violence, exploitation, and treachery – prepare to be ‘Razzle Dazzled’!
Cicero-North Syracuse High School is pleased to announce their spring musical, ‘Chicago: High School Edition’. The production takes place on Thursday, March 17, Friday, March 18; and Saturday, March 19 at 7:00pm in the high school auditorium.
Hello NSCSD Families…Can You Hear Us Now?
The NSCSD uses SchoolMessenger to send text and email messages to our families. We recently noticed that some families are “blocking” our messages. We use the system to send important information regarding COVID, academic deadlines, yearbook reminders and much more. We don’t want you to miss out so if you think your email or cell phone is inadvertently blocking the NSCSD, we can help!
You can check your SchoolMessenger settings using an easy and convenient app. If you don’t have the app, you can easily download it to your phone or mobile device. Just search “School Messenger app” in the App Store or in Google Play. Once you have the app downloaded, “Sign up” using the email address you have on file with the District in SchoolTool. Within the app you’ll be able to see and change the types of messages you receive by text/email/push. If your settings show that you should be getting text messages from the NSCSD but you’re not, you can opt in my texting the word YES to the number 67587 from your cell phone.
If you have any questions about SchoolMessenger or your settings, check online at or email our school information officer, Laurie Cook at
Kindergarten Registration Dates Continue Through March
The North Syracuse Central School District has announced its registration dates for 2022-2023 kindergarten students. In order for your child to enter school next fall, he or she must be five (5) years old on or before December 1, 2022. Elementary schools are holding registration at individual school buildings on the following dates by appointment.
Families of known new students will receive an appointment letter from their child’s home school in February. Families who will be registering a new kindergarten student and who have not received a letter, should contact the school to schedule an appointment.
Click here to learn more about dates and times for registration.
Employment Opportunities Available with the NSCSD
Did you know that the North Syracuse Central School District is hiring? There are a variety of positions available, both full and part-time. Learn more about employment with the District online by clicking here. Applications can also be submitted online.
NSCSD Students and Staff in the News
Cicero-North Syracuse High School Choral, Jazz Ensemble, Vocal Jazz and Symphonic Band Director Danielle Rausa, has been named the March Artist of the Month for Music for the Mission. Danielle is the lead singer and one of the founding members of Mood Swing, a local music group that had been nominated as one of the choices in the SAMMYs People's Choice Awards.
Send Us Your Photos and Videos!
Board of Education Member Helps Students Celebrate Reading
North Syracuse Central School District Board of Education member Robert Crabtree shared photos this week of his March 2 visit to Allen Road Elementary School. Crabtree spent time in four of the school's kindergarten classrooms and spent time reading to students as part of their "Read Across America" activities.
NSEEP Parent Thankfully for Retiring Staff
Allison Kadick, mom of Alex Kadick, a student in the North Syracuse Early Education Program (NSEEP) recently shared photos of her daughter at school with Sara MacMartin, who is Alex's 1:1 assistant. Allison said that March 4 is Sara's last day and she wants to thank her for the impact she has had on her daughter. Allison said, "Sara has made Alex's transition into preschool so much easier. She has been a huge reason why I have been able to keep Alex in school this year. Alex's medical issues have been hard to control but Sara has been able to help out keeping eyes on her so that she can keep with her routine. It truly takes a village to raise a child, and NSEEP has been a part of that village. I am so sad Sara is retiring at the end of this week because I know a piece of Alex will be missing at school." Thank you Sara MacMartin and the NSEEP for making such an impact!
Looking for Athletic News? Subscribe Now!
Did you know that the North Syracuse Central School District's Athletics Department has a weekly email newsletter? If you'd like to subscribe to the newsletter, click here to fill out the necessary form.
Subscribe to NorthStar Lights
The North Syracuse Central School District produces a weekly digital newsletter, "NorthStar Lights," to share important information and good news with NSCSD families and staff. Parents and staff members automatically receive the newsletter through SchoolMessenger.
Grandparents, community members and all friends of the NSCSD are welcome to subscribe by providing an email address by clicking here. Newsletters are emailed each Friday when school is in session. Help us share the good news and the great things happening in the NSCSD!
Staying Home When Sick and Getting Tested
In accordance with CDC guidance, students, teachers and staff who have symptoms of infectious illness (influenza or COVID-19), should stay home and be referred to their healthcare provider for evaluation care and testing. Individuals who are absent from school will need to provide either a medical note or proof of a negative COVID test (PCR test).
Students or staff members who develop symptoms during the school day will be sent home immediately. Parents of students will be contacted immediately to come and pick up their child.
Please remember the symptoms of COVID 19 include:
● Fever or chills
● Cough
● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
● Fatigue
● Muscle or body aches
● Headache
● New loss of taste or smell
● Sore throat
● Congestion or runny nose
● Nausea or vomiting
● Diarrhea
NSCSD Board of Education Meeting
Mon, Mar 7, 2022, 06:00 PM
5355 West Taft Road, Syracuse, NY, USA
Community Information Session
Wed, Mar 9, 2022, 07:00 PM
5355 West Taft Road, Syracuse, NY, USA
North Syracuse Central School District
Location: 5355 West Taft Road, Syracuse, NY, USA
Phone: (315) 218-2100
Twitter: @NSyracuseCSD