Oakland ACE Update
November 16, 2022
Upcoming Dates
Week of 11/14 current week
Week of 11/21-11/25 No OCC Classes and No Seminar
Week of 11/28- OCC Classes resume and Seminar Resumes-note time adjustment below.
Week of 12/5 Individual student conferences 13th and 12th Grades No in person Seminar
Week of 12/12 OCC Finals December 7-13 No Seminar
Week of 12/19 Individual student conferences 11th and remaining 12th Grades. No in person Seminar
Week of 12/19-1/9 OCC may cancel class sections.
Week of January 9th- OCC Winter Semester Begins and Seminar Begins
Individual Student Conferences
The Week of 12/5 and 12/19 students will sign up for individual conferences with program staff. Our sister program OTEC uses this process and it is highly beneficial to students.
- Virtual through Google Classroom/Meet. Students sign up in advance.
- Conferences include: personal time for students to meet with Oakland ACE staff to reflect on grades, upcoming finals, attendance, and goals.
- Students and staff will verify OCC second semester courses and contact information are accurate.
- During the meeting we will update three-year plans and answer any questions the students may have.
- A summary of the meeting will be shared with the student, parent, and enrolling district counselor.
Winter Semester Canceled Classes
OCC may cancel classes leading up to the beginning of Winter Semester. Students should check their MYOCC and email which is how you will know if classes are canceled. Professors sometimes notify students via email about cancellations. Students who want assistance choosing replacement classes should contact Dr. McKay via email. Students may choose to make appointments with OCC Counseling Staff. Students who are able to make course selections without assistance should complete the OCC Registration Adjustment form and email to Dr. McKay.
Fall Semester Grades Posted
Final grades should be posted December 22. Final grades are sent to enrolling high schools so they can update student transcripts. Students who need to change Winter Semester courses based on Fall Semester grades should use the same process outlined above.
Safety Updates
My Safety: OCC's system to report behavior misconduct or sexual harassment (Title IX). Students and families are not required to inform Oakland ACE staff if you file a complaint. However, we are more than happy to support you during the process if you file a complaint.
Emergency Alert System: OCC's system used to notify of campus closures or other emergencies. Any information received from this system supersedes Oakland ACE staff communications. For example, if you get a Remind message that your campus is closed due to inclement weather but seminar was scheduled for the day of the closure then adhere to the OCC directive.
Family Contact Information
Oakland ACE
Rachel DeYoung Early College Student Support Coordinator 248-209-2420
Kimberly Mason Project/Department Assistant 248-209-2025
Christy Turk Early College Student Support and VLAC Staff Member
Email: ace@oakland.k12.mi.us
Website: https://www.oakland.k12.mi.us/students/accelerated-college-experience-ace
Location: 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford Township, MI, USA
Phone: 2482092396