SAC Corner
Issue No. 6
Schools are 3rd-highest location for hate crimes in USA: FBI
- Secondary schools saw the highest amount of hate crimes from 2018 - 2022
- In 2022, 1,300+ hate crimes at schools & colleges (890 in secondary schools)
- Anti-Black hate crimes were highest with 1,690 offenses at schools
- 745 Anti-Jewish hate crimes over 5 year period
- 741 Anti-LGBTQ hates crimes over 5 year period
- 30%+ of juvenile victims of hate crimes experienced the offense at school
- 36% of juvenile offenders committed the offense at school
- 2022 was an uptick of hate crimes in schools (when students returned fully post COVID)
- 2019-2020 3.9% drop was likely due to being at home during COVID
- Most common time of year for hate crimes at schools is October-December (32.7% offenses reported for this quarter)
- During the 5yr period, Oct-Dec had 4 hate crime offenses per day in schools across the country
- Intimidation was/is the biggest form of hate crime, then vandalism, then assault
On TikTok, the topic of lying to your therapist has over 600 million views...
It is becoming common to use therapy wisely and for many different reasons, such as:
- People pleasing - wanting your therapist to think they're doing a good job so you say all is good
- Making it real- sometimes saying things out loud makes them feel real and you are avoiding that
- Omitting - leaving things out until you're more comfortable or to make things seem better
- Buddies - you're trying to make your therapist laugh (dark humor or not) rather than get deep into things
If any of this sounds like you then you'll want to ask your therapist to call you out on it, or call yourself out on it, so you can break the habit. If it is about comfort then you need to think if a different therapist may make you feel more comfortable, or if this one needs to know you're still struggling to get there.
Lying through therapy isn't therapy, it's wasting your time that could be helping you.
School Absenteeism AKA Teen Truancy
Take your pick for reasons: pandemic impacts, problems at home, problems at school, mental health issues (experienced by 87% of Gen Z), substance use, boredom, disengagement, bullying, friend drama, breakups, self isolation
Truancy vs School Refusal
Truancy is not excused by school and not permitted by caregivers. Refusal is not excused by the school, but the caregivers are well aware of it.
Chronic absence (missing 10% + of school) has doubled from 2018-19 and 2021-22 and is at 28%.
Not being in school for unexcused absences can lead to:
- decline in school performance
- having to repeat classes or grades
- loneliness
- loss of friendships
- increased mental health problems
- increase in risky behaviors
- family conflict
- criminal charges
Being Proactive
Resource for: therapy, BIPOC specific resources, free therapy, suicide, crisis, substance use, LGBTQIA+, & more
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Issue No. 7: https://www.smore.com/xhqf10-sac-corner
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Issue No. 10: https://www.smore.com/2g9zf
Special Editions
Doxxing: https://www.smore.com/0x9nb
Tech Effect: https://www.smore.com/nvg73-sac-corner
Suicide: https://www.smore.com/p0fj5
Tragedy, Loss, Hate, & Fear: https://www.smore.com/8sqet
Haddonfield School District SAC - Holly Penna
Email: hpenna@haddonfield.k12.nj.us
Website: https://haddonfieldschools.org/
Location: A104 HMHS
Phone: 856-429-3960 . 1155