NGC Newsletter
Ready to Learn
Student Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
We continue to be impressed with student behavior in the NGC! You should be very proud of the young people you are raising. We nominate students weekly for PBIS awards to acknowledge students for their respectfulness, responsibility, and resilience throughout the building and through relationships with others!
Please know if there are any concerns about student behavior, one of the team teachers, elective teachers, Mr. Zidron, or myself may reach out via phone or email to find out more about how we can help your child succeed in school behaviorally and academically. We meet with students often and reach out to let you know what actions we are seeing at school. Our relationship with the students is very important and we are honest with the student about contacting you and working with you and the student to make a plan for improving behaviors. We focus on the positive interventions through the PBIS program and help students work toward meeting expectations for their actions in the building with others.
Several NGC students were given PBIS Award Certificates this week. Congratulations to the following students and their families: Grant Bauman, Anthony Brown, Matthew Cissell, Hailey Dobbatz, Cianna Fazio, Lillyann Foertsch, Jane Garner, Michael GriggsChris Hadley, Antonio Hernandez, Abby Lepper, Elijah Messer, Ava Thalner, and Kenna Tracy.
Daily Announcements
"Flock" Expectations
- Tickets are only sold electronically. They can be purchased from the Milford Athletic Website
- Students in attendance are expected to be in the bleachers.
- Please do not chant profanity or call out players names or numbers from the other team.
- Please do not throw items within or from the stands.
- Anything disruptive or disrespectful will result in you being removed from the game.
Picture Retakes
Absence Reporting
use the absence reporting form
call in 513-684-8537
If your student needs to have an early dismissal, please complete an early dismissal pass and have your student bring it to the MHS Main office.
Emergency Medical Form
The Emergency Medical Form can be found online through Final Forms (https://milford-oh.finalforms.com). Completing Final Forms is very important; without it, we are unable to access your student's medical or contact information in case of any emergency. All forms must be completed with an E-Signature by both the parent/guardian and the student. Final Forms needs to be completed by all families.
Free and Reduced Lunch
Changes to Free and Reduced Lunch -- Applications Required This Year
Important changes have been made at the federal level to the Free and Reduced Meals Program. For Milford Schools families, this means a return to pre-pandemic operations. For the previous two school years, no forms or applications were required.
However, for the 2022-2023 school year, all families who wish to participate in the program must complete an application. Parents, guardians and caregivers will be able to complete these forms beginning August 1 using QuikApps as part of the PaySchools parent portal.
Click here to learn more.
If you have questions with the process or application, please contact Kim Gregory in Nutrition Services at 513-576-4160.
How to Apply:
Athletic Updates
MHS Pool
Puzzles / Card Games
Ninth Grade Community
NGC Student Support Advisor: Jeff Zidron zidron_j@milfordschools.org
NGC School Counselor: Kaitlyn Richter richter_k@milfordschools.org
NGC Administrative Assistant: Paula Harvey harvey_p@milfordschools.org