What's Happening ?? !!
~ Hawley School Newsletter: April 7, 2019 ~
From the Desk of Mr. Moretti
Dear Hawley Parents/Guardians,
The weather is improving, activities are a plenty and learning is everywhere.......OH, have we been busy.
Read on to find out What's Happening at Hawley School.......
Special Guests
~ Hawley LOVES to Read ~
~ Espanol ~
Sound Tigers Game
~ BINGO Night ~
A Little Hawley Fundraising ;0)
Pennies for Patients
Hawley School participated in “Pennies for Patients” to raise some money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Kids were asked to collect a little spare change. Our goal was to raise $3,500
Through the incredible efforts of the Hawley students, with support from parents and families, we raised OVER $7,000!!!!!
Mrs. Shanahan's class raised the most money (over $1,000) and earned a class pizza party. The entire school earned an extra recess (and maybe a little something more, Sshhhh)!!!
Thank You so much for your support of this important cause.
Clothing Drive
~ Our donations were greatly appreciated ~
~ Auction Items ~
~ Paraeducator Day ~
Class Placement 2019-2020
Although teachers and other staff have closely observed your child in the classroom/school environment, I understand that from a parent’s perspective, there may be information that you would like to share. With the exception of choosing a teacher, I invite you to write/call me with any information that you feel would be helpful in the placement of your child. If information comes in with a specific teacher request, it will not be noted nor filed.
If I feel that additional information is needed, I may give you a follow-up call. Placement conversations should be directed to me and NOT your child’s current classroom teacher. Sending information is optional and has a deadline of May 10, 2019.
~ Thank you for your ongoing partnership, continued support
& understanding of our work; it is greatly appreciated ~
Reminders / FYI
If picking up your child early for an appointment, we ask that you wait in the main office not the lobby.
ALL students that are picked up after school are picked up from the gym not the main office.
Please avoid picking up your child, if possible, between 3:20 and 3:35 as this is a very busy time.
Reed students are only picked up at Hawley if there is a Hawley sibling being picked up as well.
If you want your child to ride a different bus home for daycare purposes, YOU must call the bus company for permission and then we must hear from THEM.
No parent is to be on the bus loop in front of the school picking up Reed students. They will meet you in the gym with their sibling.
If your child's dismissal routine is changing, it is very important that you notify the main office and not just the classroom teacher.
~ Thank you for your support and attention to these very important matters. They may seem trivial to you but when you are responsible for getting 311 students to the proper location in less than 8 minutes, this makes a huge difference. ~
Dates to Remember
*Wed, 4/10: Father's Club Building Project, 6:00-7:00 PM
*Mon-Friday, 4/15-4/19: NO SCHOOL- Spring Break
*Thurs, 4/25: PTA General Meeting, 7:00 PM
*Sat, 4/27: Father's Club Car Wash, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
*Thurs, 5/1: 3rd/4th Grade Concert, Reed School, 7:00 PM
Funny Bones.....
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The Hawley School Website
Christopher Moretti
Email: morettic@hawley.k12.ct.us
Website: http://newtown.hawley.schooldesk.net/
Location: 29 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT, United States
Phone: 203.426.7666