Meadows Message from Mrs. Krz
November 27, 2023
Dear Meadows Community,
Welcome back from your Thanksgiving Break! I hope that you had time to relax and make memories with your families. The Krzmarzicks kept it local and enjoyed the area during this break. It helps when you live in Paradise!
Have a great week, Mustangs!
Michelle Krzmarzick (Mrs. Krz)
In this Principal's Newsletter:
- Mustang Trot - Tue., 11/28
- MBEF Expo in our Schools begins this week - Visit your child's PE class!
- Annual Gift Drive for Unhoused Families is going strong
- Table manners at Meadows Cafe
- Dinnertime Discussions
Upcoming Dates
Mustang Trot is Coming Around the Track!
We are so very thankful for our Meadows community's generosity, and wish everyone some much deserved rest and relaxation.
But before you start relaxing, we need you to register your student(s) for the Mustang Trot, Meadows's biggest fundraiser of the year. When we return from Thanksgiving, our Mustangs will run in our 18th annual Mustang Trot. With the help of everyone's network, we can reach our goal of raising $33,000 to help support programs and provide supplies at our incredible school.
This is one of those all-hands-in moments. Please join those Mustangs who have gotten us almost 1/2 way to our goal.
Click here to register your student and share the news of our event with your friends and family.
To sign up to volunteer during the event, click here: Volunteer for Mustang Trot
Click here for more information,
With much warmth and gratitude,
Your Meadows PTA
MBEF Expo - Parents Come to School!
During the MBEF EXPO in our Elementary Schools, parents are invited to join their child in class to experience the programs funded by donations to the MBEF Annual Appeal. The MBEF EXPO parent visits will be held during regular class time according to the weekly schedule below. Each program will offer a unique glimpse at the exceptional learning opportunities in our schools.
November 27 – December 1 │ Physical Education Week
December 4-8 │ Music Week
December 11-15 │ MakerSpace Week
January 8-12 │ Library Week
January 15-19 │ Science Lab Week
As a visitor to campus, each parent will be required to check in at the office and present an ID. Visitors are not required to adhere to volunteer requirements.
Week One
November 27 – December 1
MBEF Grant: $565,000
MBEF funding supports credentialed physical education teachers at all elementary schools to provide high-quality physical education and sportsmanship instruction each week for students in grades 1-5. In addition to the physical health benefits, research shows that physical activity can help children improve their concentration, memory, and classroom behavior. Without certificated PE Specialists, MBUSD classroom teachers would need to incorporate the state-required 100 minutes into their weekly instruction. These specialized PE teachers also serve as mentors on the fields and playgrounds during recess and lunch, coordinating structured outlets for students to engage in organized activities and games.
Please check the schedule below for when YOUR student has PE. Please note that due to an earlier dismissal time, students in TK and Kinder do not have PE.
Meadows's Annual Holiday Gift Drive for Unhoused Families
It's time to make the holidays brighter for families who are currently living in a shelter. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up to provide a gift or two for a family member. Important: All gifts should be wrapped and labeled with the description of the selected family member including the Unit Number! (Example: Unit 1 Mother or Unit 4 Male 5 years old)
We have organized a gift drop-off date for Monday, December 18 from 7:45-9:45 am at the drop-off zone on Rowell Street. Thank you for helping to bring joy to others this year!
Click here to see the Sign Up Genius.
Thank you!
Mustang Manners Rule at Meadows!
We are still working on manners in Meadows Cafe, and we will continue to work on them all year. Every day we get a little better at this. This week we added "Mustang Manners" gold stars as an incentive to show those good table manners. Students can earn stars, which enable them to be the first to leave the cafeteria for recess. Please ask your child if they earned a Mustang Manners star this week.
Ways to Keep up with the Meadows Mustang Herd!
- Subscribe to our weekly PTA Communication: “Mustang Minute” weekly newsletter HERE
- Subscribe to the Meadows Google Calendar to add to your calendar. Live updates!
- Subscribe to my text messages. Text TO:67587. In the text message, type: Y
- Get the MBUSD App - Manhattan Beach Unified School District (select Meadows)
- Instagram for Meadows - @meadowselementaryschool
- Facebook for Meadows - Click here
- Facebook for Meadows Library - Click here
- Instagram for MBUSD - @manhattanbeachusd
- Twitter for MBUSD - @MBUSDnews
Everything You Need to Know about Students' Absences From School
Please note that a student is marked tardy any time they arrive to school after the start time.
Picking up Students for Appointments
If your child needs to leave school early for any reason, please communicate that as soon as possible to your child's teacher. Sending an email on the day of the appointment is helpful, but the teacher can't always see the emails since they are teaching, so earlier is better. Also, please remind your child in grades 3-5 of the appointment so that they can be ready to meet you in the office. Younger students will need to be picked up at their class.
Again, please communicate early departures to:
- Office - Isabel Giovati at
- Teacher
- Child - Grades 3-5 may walk to the office to meet parents when teacher dismisses them for the appointment
Our Mission, Vision, and Collective Commitments
Here's to a great week, Mustangs!
Michelle Krzmarzick
Principal, Meadows Elementary