Greenville Splash Masters
March News Splash 2022
Greenville Splash Volunteer Night
Special Note from Coach Leslie
Thank you to our 22 swimmers that came out to volunteer for the SC State Age Group Championships. It was so much fun to watch some fast swimming and give back to the sport we all love.
We are proud to offer our Adult Learn to Swim program this spring. We recently found out that Greenville Splash received a grant from the USA Swimming Foundation to help with our ALTS program. We are excited to have 20 volunteers from our team to teach lessons to adults in our community. Sign up begins March 4th. If you have any friends that want to learn to swim tell them to sign up by calling GCAC. Our new learn to swim program for Veterans is in full swing and going really well. This program is being taught by Bill Ewell, Jean Ference and Eric Woods.
Remember to pay 2022 Greenville Splash team dues and USMS dues. They can be paid easily online, by venmo, or by check. USMS dues can be paid online. See the buttons below for links. Thank you for those that have paid and for your continued support. We have some very cool swag to give our members in 2022 that will be coming out soon.
Please continue to thank our team sponsors by buying their products! Come visit Alpine Ski to pick up a Dolfin swim suit and / or swim equipment. Show your bag tag and tell them you are with Greenville Splash to receive a 20% discount off swimwear and swim equipment. We are also excited to be working with Synergy Wetsuits. Click here to receive a discount code for Synergy.
We are in need of Masters Coaches. If you know anyone interested contact Leslie asap.
Send Leslie results and pictures of your events for our next newsletter. Feel free to email Coach Leslie at or give me a call if you need any help with anything: 864-283-1328.
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Sunbelt Charlotte Meet
Greenville Splash is Excited to be Hosting Events in 2022!
Upcoming Events
2022 Go the Distance. Keep a workout log with this fun program from USMS. Click here for more information.
Feb. 1 - March 10 Greenville Splash Adult Learn to Swim for Veterans at GCAC. This is a 6 week program for veterans from 7:00-8:00 am on Tu & Th mornings. Please let any Veterans know about this opportunity. The program will teach basic water safety, swim lessons, advanced swim technique or custom coaching. We are proud of Bill Ewell and Jean Ference for getting this program going and for teaching our veterans.
March 26-27 SCY Meet in Atlanta, GA at Dynamo Pool (Entries due by March 22)
April 1 Greenville Splash Girls Night Out to Visit Artist Mary Whiteman 5:00-7:00 pm at Greenville Center for Creative Arts. We will plan to go out to eat afterwards or listen to live music. RSVP to Leslie
April 2 SCY Walt Weed Invite in Savannah, GA
April 2-3 SCY North Carolina SCY Championships in Cary, NC
April 4 - April 26 Greenville Splash Adult Learn to Swim at GCAC. We have these fabulous volunteers ready to teach: Leah Aragon, Amy Browning, Allan Byer, Kacky Elliott, Chris Gibbs, Janice Hebel, Mark Hohmann, Michelle Jones, Jean Ference, Kristin Knowles, Mark Kothe, Rebecca Maccaroni, Becki McKee, Melinda Menzer, Carolyn Moore, Shelley Rubert, Leslie Scott, Roz Selbach, Brenda Stephens
April 26- May 1 USMS SCY Nationals in San Antonio, Texas Who wants to join Dylan Ogle?
May 21 Greenville Tri-Fecta Triathlon Festival: family friendly event for youth, adapted youth and adult. For more information click here:
May 28 Lowcountry Splash: 2.4 and 5 mile open water swim in Charleston. Michelle Jones is going, let us know if you are planning to go.
June 4 Beaufort River Swim: Open Water Swim and Run Event
June 17-18 Greenville Splash LCM Invitational (Save the Date) at Greenville County Aquatic Complex. Mark your calendars and plan to join us as a swimmer, official, volunteer or sponsor! More information coming soon.
Aug. 3-7 USMS Summer Nationals in Richmond, VA
Sept. 17 Upstate Splash Charity Open Water Swim at Lake Jocassee. This event is hosted by Greenville Splash. Registration is now open! Click here to register:
Adult Learn to Swim for Veterans
Our ALTS Instructors Receive a Special Search & Rescue Coin from the Veterans!
Workout Schedule
Greenville County Aquatic Complex:
Coached workouts: TuTh 5:30-7:00 am, TuTh 6:30-8:00 pm, TuThF 9:00-10:30 am, F 7:00-8:30 am, Sat 7:00-8:30 am.
Pool closed March 5th at 11:00 am and March 26th for swim meets.
The pool will switch to long course at the beginning of April.
Kroc Center:
Coached workouts: MWF 6:00-7:00 am
Due to lane space and safety concerns we require swimmers to circle swim at all workouts at both pools.
Fun Times at the Myrtle Beach Meet!
A Swimmer Story
Splashing Accomplishments
Kudos to these fine athletes at the South Carolina SCY Championships in Myrtle Beach: Jenni Davis, Kacky Elliott, Daniel Lowry, Mark Kothe, Carolyn Moore, Dylan Ogle, & Leslie Scott.
Carolyn Moore aka Mighty Mouse did not disappoint, she broke 9 state records in the 60-64 age group: 200, 500, 1000 & 1650 Free, 50 & 100 Fly, 100, 200 & 400 IM! I think we will keep her on the team. She is so amazing! Congratulations Carolyn!
We had some phenomenal swimming at the Sunbelt Swim Meet in Charlotte. These swimmers did a great job: Donald Bleasdale, Randy Charcalla, Susan DeMere, Kacky Elliott, David Preuninger, Mike Templeton, Jeremy Wilson
Many accolades to David Preuninger and Mike Templeton. David earned the state record for the 100 Butterfly in the 75-79 age group! Mike Templeton earned the state records in the 100 & 200 Back in the 30-34 age group!
Couples that Swim Together!
Greenville Splash Trivia
Hmmm...maybe there are others out there we are not aware of yet?!
Fun in and out of the Pool!
Need a workout? We've got you covered!
Articles from USMS
Dolfin and Alpine Ski Center are our Team Sponsors
Swimmers must show their 2022 Greenville Splash bag tag to receive the discount. We have picked out a new team swim suit, backpack and warm-up jacket. Click here for more information on our website:
Come join us for the best part of your day!
Make a Difference
Thank you so much to all of our swimmers that volunteer for Greenville Splash! Your efforts help to make our community safer in the water and provide fitness and competition activities for swimmers. We host three big events every year: The Greenville Splash Invitational LCM Swim Meet, The Upstate Splash Charity Open Water Swim, and Adult Learn to Swim. We have taught over 250 adults how to swim! The Upstate Splash has raised money to provide swim lessons for over 3,100 children! We are proud to be a team that gives back to our community!
Interested in coaching Masters for Greenville Splash? Contact Leslie for more details.
Advisory Board
Meet the Greenville Splash Advisory Board:
Sara Bopp, Amy Browning, John Decker, Mark Kothe, Kristin Knowles, Carolyn Moore, Casey Oliver, and Leslie Scott
Please, reach out to these board members with any suggestions for the future success of your Greenville Splash Masters team. Email:
Follow us on facebook, twitter, instagram and our website for more information about our USMS club. We also have FB messenger for each of the pools, let us know if you want to be added. We always welcome all swimmers to any of our workouts, events and socials. Join the fun!
Facebook Links:
Greenville Splash Masters
Location: Head Coach Leslie Scott
Phone: 864-283-1328
Twitter: @gsplashmasters