The Weekly Update #4
May 31st, 2023

Another Great Year!
Dear Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s)
I cannot believe that it is already June. What an incredible year it has been for us in the Butler School District. I remain so incredibly proud of our students and staff for all that they continue to accomplish - we work hard to live our motto - "It Takes More to be a Bulldog!"
During the 2022-2023 school year, our District has been able to accomplish many tremendous things, including, but not limited to:
- The Butler School District was named by NAMM as one of the Best School Districts for Music Education;
- Butler High School was once again named to the US News and World Reports list of Best High Schools in the Nation
- Richard Butler Middle School was once again named to the US News and World Reports list of Best Middle Schools in the Nation;
- The Butler School District continued to demonstrate our great respect and admiration for those within the Butler School Community who have served in our Armed Forces through the renovation of the Mission Honor Monument which had begun to deteriorate. The District fixed the pavers, the landscaping, and added a new sign so that the monument can continue to honor all who have served;
- Added World Language classes at Aaron Decker Elementary School where students learn Spanish Language and Culture;
- Established a dedicated Gifted and Talented Program at Aaron Decker in addition to our Whole School Enrichment Programming adding to our differentiation efforts;
- Added a HALO (Helping All Learners Optimally) Period at Aaron Decker during which teachers individualize instruction and our intervention specialists work with students in a variety of ways to reinforce, support, and/or enrich our students;
- Richard Butler Middle School added Teaming to the school, creating smaller schools within the school to further invest in each student's individual success;
- Richard Butler Middle School created an Honors English course in the 8th grade to enrich our students;
- Richard Butler Middle School worked to create a variety of co-curricular clubs for our middle school students, including, but not limited to: Book Club, Technology Club, Environmental Club, NJHS, and Walking Club;
- Continued our K-12 climate and culture efforts through Character Counts programming;
- Added to our Social and Emotional efforts in the District adding a full time school counselor at Richard Butler Middle School and Butler High School;
- The Butler High School Marching Band were named 2022 3A Region 10 Champions
- The Butler High School DECA program had tremendous success- The chapter earned six leadership academy spots by organizing and managing multiple DECA events this past fall - qualifying our school as a THRIVE level chapter. In addition, we had students place in the State Competition and qualify for the National Competition;
- Butler High School had a National Merit Commended Student and 8 AP Scholars, 5 AP Scholars with Honors, and 2 AP Scholars with Distinction awarded due to performance on the SAT testing;
- Butler High School Athletics had multiple teams qualify for the state tournament, including Football, girls soccer, field hockey, boys basketball, wrestling, baseball, and softball;
- Butler High School continued to offer our students the opportunity to participate in the Seal of Bi-Literacy Program, allowing them to receive recognition on their transcript indicating that they have reached bilingual status - this year, 8 students received this designation;
- Butler High School received the Best in Show Award at the Morris County Teen Arts Festival surpassing all other Morris County High Schools, including Morris County Vo-Tech;
- The Butler School District completed the final steps in offering our students a comprehensive K-12 STEAM curriculum, completing construction on the BHS Robotics Lab. Next year, we will offer a full host of Robotics coursework and will begin a BHS Robotics Team that will compete in competitions;
- The Butler School District continued our Response to Intervention efforts, offering a variety of programs for students, including, but not limited to: Bulldog Hour Tutoring, Summer Enrichment, Academic Assistance built into the daily schedules, and RtI teams in each school;
- The Butler School District partnered with The Thrive Alliance Group for a year-long professional learning effort allowing the District to seek accreditation as a Trauma Informed Counseling District;
- The District completed renovations to Memorial Field, updating the field, track, and bleachers;
- The Butler School District was recognized Nationally for our SEL efforts during SEL week
These are just some of the wonderful things that demonstrate all that we believe in as a comprehensive educational institution - we believe that we should work to provide the best educational opportunities for our students through a host of activities and classes within facilities that allow them to explore and create knowledge. Our staff is second-to-none, and they consistently work to advocate and provide students with an experience that transcends simple classroom learning. We say "Pride, Tradition, and Excellence" and we take that to heart. We thank you for entrusting us with your children - it is our honor to serve them in the best ways we know.
I will see many of you in the remaining weeks of school at one or more of the many wonderful celebrations we will have; but, if I don't - I wish you a wonderful summer vacation spent with family and friends. We look forward to an even better 2023-2024 school year!
Be Well!
Dr. J.
Referendum Update
Please click the link below to view our updated presentation on our proposed Referendum project. Thank you for your anticipated support as we work to enhance the safety, operations, and academic environments for our students.
A Look Back on the 2022 - 2023 School Year...
BHS Softball Team Helps Make Easter Eggs for the Town Egg Hunt
BHS Track and Field had a great season!
The Marching Band participated in the annual Memorial Day Parade
The Peer Leaders won the Let's Get Social awareness campaign for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
RBS GATEways students competed at St. Elizabeth college debates
RBS Students and Staff participated in the Morris County Clean-Up Program
RBS once again hosted a tremendous TREP$ Marketplace
The RBS Drama program continued, this year performing Channeling Grimm
RBS Staff continued the tradition of playing the 8th graders in volleyball!
RBS GATEway students participated in the Model UN
The RBS Jazz Band performed holiday concerts for the ADS & Noah’s Ark students
Mrs. Papa found herself in a sticky situation as RBS worked to donate food to the town's food pantry during the holiday season
The Butler School District continued to demonstrate our respect and appreciation for our Veteran's with our annual RBS Veteran's Day Breakfast
The Butler School District proudly opened the renovated Memorial Field Complex
ADS had an awesome STEAM and Literacy Night for the community
The Butler School District celebrated our Teachers and Ed Specialists of the Year
Our ADS Staff sang Carols at the holiday for members of our community
Halloween at ADS is always a fun time for students and staff!
Our Football Team had a great season opening the Blue and Gold turf!
The BHS Drama Production of All Shook Up was a huge success!
The BHS Staff defended their title against the seniors in the annual basketball game
The Bulldog Wrestling team continued their success
We completed construction on the BHS Robotics Lab opening September 2023
The Marching Band played live on Fox News
Field Hockey had a great season!
Our Cheerleaders continued to fill our Friday's with Bulldog Pride
The Dawgpound continued to be the BEST STUDENT SECTION in the County!
Summer Enrichment Program
We are excited to share that our Summer Enrichment Program is almost completely filled this summer. Monday is the last day to register if your child is still interested - we will not accept registrations after June 5, 2023. Please do not register after this date or attempt to come to one of the sessions to register. We are working to make sure that we order the supplies necessary to run the programs and finalize staffing based on the enrollment numbers we have - we ask that you please understand the necessity of ending registration in order to be prepared for an awesome three weeks.
As he did last year, Mr. Hall will be the principal of our Summer Enrichment Program. You will see him during the three weeks - the kids love having him there!
News From Our Schools
Aaron Decker Elementary School - Mr. J. Manco, Principal
ADS Wax Museum
On Wednesday, May 31st Mrs. Kern, Mrs. Neumann, & Miss Faust's classes held a Biography Wax Museum for the students and teachers at Aaron Decker School. The students researched influential people from history, wrote a biography essay, and were able to show all they had learned doing their Wax Museum presentations. The students did an amazing job with this project, and their teachers are so proud of them!
ADS Field Day
Aaron Decker School's Field Day will take place on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 (Rain Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2023). Please read our Field Day letter for more information on this day. Parents are invited to watch Field Day from 8:45 am - 11:00 am.
Kindergarten Registration
Please click on link for more information on Kindergarten Registration for the 2023-2024 school year; Kindergarten Registration/Welcome letter
ADS Bulldog of the Month Award
We would like to congratulate Mrs. Janet Kern as our recipient of the June ADS Bulldog of the Month Award. Mrs. Kern will be retiring at the end of June. Her service to the entire Butler Public School District and the students she worked with over the years is very much appreciated. We wish her the best of luck in her retirement!
List of Upcoming Events at ADS
June 7 - 4th Grade Picnic (Rain date June 8)
June 7 -Incoming 2023/24 Kindergarten Parent Meeting - 6pm
June 13 - ADS Field Day (Rain Date June 14)
June 14 - ADS Preschool Graduation - 11:00 AM
June 15 - Kindergarten Spring Promotion/Concert - 9:00 AM
June 16- Fourth Grade Clap Out 10:00 am
June 16 - Last Day of School
**Early Dismissal Days (12:10 PM): June 12-16**
We have several ways for you to stay connected to ADS. Follow us on Twitter at @ADS_Bulldogs and Instagram at @ads_bulldogs for news, announcements, and celebrations. A weekly update will be sent out for upcoming events and important information through Blackboard Communications. As always, thank you for your continued support!
Richard Butler Middle School - Mrs. M. Papa, Principal
We are nearing the end of a fabulous school year at RBS. We are so grateful to our hardworking students, fantastic faculty and staff, and supportive families. At RBS, we’ve been enjoying all of the end of year activities, including field trips, fun afternoons, and field day. RBS 8th graders are psyched for the 8th grade dance and the upcoming Class of 2023 Promotion Ceremony. Please see the RBS 8th Grade Promotion Letter for more information. We’re extremely excited to welcome the 4th graders and their families on Move Up Day as we prepare for them to join RBS in the fall. As a reminder, RBS will dismiss at 12:30pm during the week of June 12, so please make appropriate arrangements. All of us at Richard Butler Middle School would like to wish our Bulldog families a happy, safe, relaxing summer!
The Bulldog Award goes to the students who have experienced the most growth during the 2022-2023 school year. Congratulations to this year’s recipients:
Grade 5 - Nicholas Miele & Daniela Loving
Grade 6 - Brielle Cross & Nathan Jorda
Grade 7 - Michelle Cordero Gomez & Ava Ramautar
Grade 8 - Marisay Oropeza & Anthony Mammon
Please join us in congratulating Teacher of Instrumental Music Ms. Lyn Lowndes on being named the Bulldog of the Month for May here at Richard Butler Middle School! Ms. Lowndes has been at RBS for 23 years and has impacted so many students throughout her time as the band teacher and her work with marching band. Her commitment to her craft and the rich experience she provides students is evidenced by the continued high enrollment in her classes. Ms. Lowndes instills persistence, creativity, and excellence in our students in such a unique way!
As always, please check out the RBS Review Newsletter for up to date information on all the happenings at Richard Butler Middle School, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, or reach out anytime at mpapa@butlerboe.org. We wish you all the best during these final weeks of school!
Butler High School - Mr. R. Fitzgerald, Principal
The testing season is officially behind us and we look forward to our milestone events coming up this month. Here are some of the major ones:
June 2 - Senior Athletic Breakfast - 9:00 am in Cafeteria BHS Prom @ the Brownstone 6 pm
June 6 - Senior Awards Night
June 12 - Senior Parade - 6:00 pm Lowes to BHS
June 12 -15 - BHS Final Exam Week
June 16 - BHS Graduation Ceremony - 6:00 pm Memorial Field (Turf)
Congratulations to District Security Officers Mr. Marc Loveland and Ms. Sharon Longenetti for receiving the May Bulldog of the Month Award. Thank you for all you do and looking out for the safety of all of our students and staff!
Congratulations to Kelly Smith and Joshua Emann for receiving the NJIC Sportsmanship Award:
Congratulations to the 2023 Eisenhower Leadership Award Winner: The citation recognizes the nation's outstanding high school juniors who have demonstrated exceptional performance in academics, athletics, community service, leadership and moral character and who promote the values of national service as exemplified by Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Congratulations to Kelly Smith our 2023 Morris County Caring Award Winner: High school counselors nominate students for these awards based on service and kindness.
Congratulations to David Smith, our 2023 Fred “Doc” Ingold 9th Grade Award Winner. Fred Ingold was a beloved and dedicated member of the BHS Family who served as a teacher, coach, and Athletic Director. He was the architect for what many consider the “Golden Years of Butler Athletics. The Fred “Doc” Ingold Award is presented annually to the freshmen student who epitomizes Mr. Ingold’s qualities –Leadership, Citizenship, and Academic Integrity:
May is Mental Health Awareness Month! On Friday 5/19/23 our students had the opportunity to de-stress with some activities during their lunch time. Students colored mandalas, created their own aromatherapy, and had the opportunity to win the wellness gift basket by completing mental health challenges throughout the month! Thank you to over the 100 students who stopped by the tables.
Thank you to Timothy Shoemaker for presenting to our Juniors and Seniors on Thursday June 1st. His presentation focused on the importance of responsible decision making specifically surrounding drug and alcohol use.
Our PEER Leaders had a busy month with our underclassmen and incoming freshmen. They organized Freshmen Field on May 12th with lawn games and other activities for our freshmen and then they met with our 8th graders at Richard Butler School on May 30th to talk about their experiences at Butler High School.
The BHS Art Show was held on May 31st in the high school media center and it was a great success! So much talent!
On May 31, 2023, Butler High School held its NHS Inductions. It was an awesome night! Congratulations to all of our inductees!
World Countries Fair: The AP US History students did a fantastic job preparing and presenting different cultural items related to their countries including food, music, clothing. The 8th grade students were invited and enjoyed learning about the different countries and cultures that they've been exposed to all year in class. It’s a wonderful experience when high school and middle school students can learn from each other!
Upcoming Events
June 2 - BHS Prom @ Brownstone
June 2 - BHS Senior Athlete Breakfast
June 2 - BHS Student Council Class Officer elections
June 2 - RBS Field Day (Rain date)
June 3- SAT @ BHS at 7:30AM
June 6 - BHS Academic Awards Night
June 7 - Val/Sal Dinner
June 7- 4th Grade Picnic
June 8- 4th Grade Picnic (Rain Date)
- June 8 - Athletic Physicals 5:00 p.m.
- June 9 - End of MP 4 BHS
June 9 - Senior Field Day
- June 12 - 16 - Early Dismissal
June 12 - BHS Senior Parade - 6 pm
June 13- ADS Field Day
June 14 - Rain Date ADS Field Day
June 16 - RBS PTA Stonybrook
June - BHS Senior Portraits
June 15 - Kindergarten Spring Promotion Ceremony/Concert
June 15 - RBS Promotion Ceremony
June 16 - BHS Graduation Ceremony - 6 pm
June 16 - MP 4 Grades Posted BHS
June 16 - ADS/RBS Trimester 3 Grades Posted
June 16 - 4th Grade Clap Out 10:00 am