Patriot Library Chat
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
Joy to the Library!
So, all you can think about is the approaching holiday that YOU celebrate. Well, we might as well learn about different holidays! December is full of them! In this edition of our Patriot Library Chat newsletter, let's check out the ways people around the world celebrate in December. We started off in class with our Holiday Choice Boards. Remember, those Choice Boards are open for you to explore all through winter break! Listen to a read aloud or TWO as well featured on the board of your choice.
We will also have a quick recap of November and ALL that we have been learning about in our beloved, PLMC.
Patriots, have a wonderful winter break. Remember to keep learning and KEEP READING!
See you soon, folks! Happy New Year, 2024!
Your friendly librarian,
Ms. J
Student Spotlight - November/December Shenanigans!
SMILE for the Camera: Makerspace Creations
Using Our Brain Flakes
Lego Building at Its Best
Celebrating Indigenous Stories
How To Catch A Turkey: You Can Do It
Gratefulness Trees
Winter Holiday Book Display
Lyla: Warming My Heart Mug
Mindfulness Warming Heart Mugs
Holiday Cheer and Things that Warm Our Hearts
C. F. Polar Express PTA Holiday Door Entry
Christmas Crafts!
Here's a great list of simple projects that will look great! It may make parents & caregivers smile and happy for the holidays.
December Holidays Worldwide
Bodhi Day
Celebrated on 12/8. Learn more here!
Three Kings Day
The 12th Day of Christmas. Learn more here!
This important Japanese holiday takes place on 12/31.
Global Holidays Around the World
Here's a list of December holidays and where you would travel to celebrate them.
Don't Celebrate? No worries.
Everyone can enjoy this book all about travel.
Remember, my Epic Class Code is tqx0788.
Vacation Shenanigans! Family F - U - N!
Here's a great list of simple, no-cost learning activities that ALL families can do over the vacation, no matter what holiday they celebrate!
Get into the holiday spirit!
Sesame Street: Happy Hanukkah from Elmo and his friends!
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - christmas at Hogwarts (HD)
MackinVIA Presents...
Miss Holly is Too Jolly!! Get your headphones and enjoy this Weird School audiobook.
If it's Checked Out, click Request for the next available audiobook. It's that EASY!!
Thank You, Patriots!!!
Wishing you had a wonderful and restful winter break! Let's Bounce Into 2024!
Check us out at https://connecticut.twpunionschools.org/