RES Weekly Buzz

Happy Autumn
Fall has certainly arrived with its cooler temperatures and breezy mornings! Thank you for sending your children in with layers so they are prepared for the cooler mornings and warmer afternoons. Thank you also for sending your kids with a water bottle each day. It is wonderful seeing many of them at the refill stations in the hallway throughout the day, doing their part to stay hydrated and healthy.
Our teaching staff took part in professional development this week on the half day. Our teachers in grades K through 3 learned about instructional practices for teaching beginning reading skills, and comprehension strategies were the focus for grades 4 and 5 staff. Keys to Literacy presented to our grade level classroom teachers and special educators for the full day on Tuesday. Our specialists and counseling staff spent an afternoon with their middle and high school colleagues discussing social emotional learning and developing ways to bring our core values to life. The teachers were all engaged in ways to best support all of our students.
We are very proud of all our students and how well they have settled into the new school year. They are making new friends, having kind conversations, and respecting themselves, their friends, and their teachers. We are excited about all the positive things happening at RES and for the great things yet to come! As always, thank you families for your support in all we do.
Student photos will be taken at school THIS Tuesday!!
Rockport Elementary School's Picture Day ID code: EVTJTWCWK can be used to preorder photos at mylifetouch.com.
Important Dates
- October 3rd: RES Picture Day
- October 9th: No School Holiday
- October 10th: No School - Teacher Professional Day
- October TBD: PTO Trunk or Treat
- October TBD: RES Halloween Parade
Grades PreK, K, and 1
Before and After School Activities
Fall Session of Before/After School Activities
Grades 3-5 at RES on Thursdays 8:30-8:45am (RES Cafe)
RES Juggling Club: Grades 2-5 at RES BEGINS 10/5/23 on Thursdays, 8-8:45am (RES Gym)
Join the PTO
Please use the following link to learn more about the
Upcoming events:
October TBD– Trunk or Treat
November 18 – PTO Holiday Fair
Use the following link to access the membership form: PTO Membership Form
Mrs. B's Grade 3 - Pajama Day Reward
Notes from Nurse Wagner
Please remember to turn in a copy of your child's latest physical and immunization history.
Please make sure your child brings a water bottle to school every day.
There are many students in school with food allergies. Please remind your child that they should NOT share snacks with other students during classroom snack time.
RPS COVID guidelines remain the same as last year. Please stay diligent about monitoring for symptoms in your child. If your child has symptoms, please test them with a rapid COVID test. Free COVID test kits are available from the Town of Rockport. Reach out to the Board of Selectmen's Office at Town Hall during their business hours. You can review the guidance here.
For any questions or to report your child's illness, please call the RES health office at 978-546-1223 or email rwagner@rpk12.org .
Thank you,
Ruth Wagner, MSN, RN
School Nurse
Rockport Elementary School
RES Breakfast Times
Breakfast is served in the cafeteria beginning at 8:30 am. Students who take part in morning activities, or those who take the bus, can enjoy breakfast in the cafeteria before the start of school at 9:00 am. If you are dropping your child off at school for breakfast, please have them arrive in time to finish eating before the start of the school day. THANK YOU!!
October Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Grade 5 Research & Writing
RPS Employment Opportunities
- Multiple positions have been posted for the elementary, middle, and high schools in Rockport.
- Click here or scan our QR code to see all available positions.