Bulldog Bulletin
January/February 2024
Upcoming items to know...
Jan. 29th - rescheduled vision and hearing testing for all students
Feb. 16th - students dismissed at 12pm for staff trainings
Feb. 19th - no school for students or staff - President's Day
Student Celebrations
Garcia's room: Jehnaiya
Liveris's room: Jameson MVP: James
French's room: Calvin
Coleman's room: Darius
Art Student of the Week:
Garcia's room: Keilan
Liveris's room: Noah W
Cloh's room: Noel
French's room: Silas
Coleman's room: Darius
PE Student of the Week:
Garcia's room: Jehnaiya
Liveris's room: Jameson
French's room: Hubert
Level Change:
Level 3: David
Bulldog Group Therapy Spotlight
Our Leadership Council President took a quick stick board break before the meeting to regulate.
Transportation Department - transteam@truenorth804.org
Your student's teacher
Your student's therapist
Ms. Sal Goldenstein - sgoldenstein@truenorth804.org
In case of an emergency, please call: TrueNorth Transportation Direct Line at 847-748-0101
Upcoming Dates to Know
Week of Feb. 5th - report cards sent home
Feb. 16th - early dismissal at 12pm for students
Feb. 19th - no school for students and staff, President's Day
Mar. 25th-29th - spring break
The Principal's Pound
I am so impressed with our students and how they have improved. Not only have they worked on their regulation when they have intense emotions, but they have done amazing in terms of academics since the beginning of the year! They have stayed in the classroom more than last year or even from September. When students are in the classroom, they are hearing and seeing academics even if they are not fully engaged. Our teachers and assistants have figured out ways to make learning fun and engage all students. Our students have grown in their writing, reading, and math, and I could not be more pleased.
I hope you are seeing the growth in their skills at home too! If you have any questions about what to work on at home with your student, please reach out to their teacher. This is truly a team effort where everyone is important in the growth and teaching of our students. GO TEAM!
As always, please let me know how I can help you as an individual or family, so we can be the best supportive team for your student!
Enjoy your week ahead!
Dr. Jen Cooper-Wells