Hornet Herald
September 3, 2023
Hello Hornet Families!!!
I would like to thank everyone who attended Back to School Night this past Wednesday evening. It was absolutely wonderful watching so many families walk our building and interacting with other families and Kealing staff. I hope you were able to gain an idea of the type of lessons your student will engage in this school year.
Just a reminder, tomorrow, Monday, September 4th is a non-attendance day as we celebrate Labor Day. I look forward to spending time at the pool with my family and enjoying some barbeque. Whatever you family decides to do with the day off from school, I hope you all stay safe and find time to rest.
Happy Reading,
Mr. Estes
Campus Information
Upcoming Dates
- September 4 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
- September 6 - Football vs. Small
- September 7 - Volleyball vs. Gorzycki
- September 9 - Cross Country @ St. Andrew's Invitational
- September 12 - Progress Reports Available
- September 12 - Football vs. Murchison
- September 14 - PTA Meeting
- September 16 - Cross County @ Speedster Classic Invitational
- September 14 - Volleyball vs. Lamar
- October 3 - Band Concert @ Huston-Tillotson
From Mr. McCormick: The following students exemplified the Hornet values by arriving to class on time and helping their tablemates understand classroom procedures:
-Sophia Ren-Ong
-Tashi Verma
From C. Payan: Ananya Phansalkar is an amazing student who inspires the students around her to learn
From Ms. Lorez: Sean Teoh embodies the Kealing values of Loyalty and Respect every day, both in Student Council and US History. Sean is committed to doing quality work and helping out teachers and his peers when given the opportunity. He is a joy to have in class!
From Ms. Green & Ms. Russo: A Stinger Salute to NaRyah Nunn as she has been doing an awesome job in Ms. Russo’s class. She has been on time and doing exactly what is asked of her.
From Mr. Natenberg: Emme Hadden does an amazing job of pulling in quieter students into group instructions to ensure they hear all perspectives.
From Ms. Morgan: Joshaun Tibbs deserves recognition for his enthusiasm and kindness. He is respectful to adults and peers.
From Ms. Bazan: Amelia Rodriguez has helped her peers in Speech & Debate with their anxieties over public speaking. She has been a team player.
From Mr. Estes: A special shout out to Javaune Haywood and Caelyb Cody for assisting a substitute teacher, ensuring their classroom's safety during our lockdown drill.
CONGRATULATIONS to this week's Stinger Salute recipients!!!
On October 11, 2023, all Kealing 8th grade students will take the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT). PSAT is an examination that provides students early feedback on their knowledge in the areas that matter most for college and career readiness. The PSAT includes Math and Reading and Writing sections and has the same amount of questions and allotted time as the SAT.
For a successful PSAT opportunity please have your student complete the two steps below:
Download Bluebook on the device you will take the PSAT on as soon as possible: See directions below: https://bluebook.collegeboard.org/students/download-bluebook If your student has a school issued device Bluebook is already downloaded on their device.
Please visit the link for PSAT practice exams: https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt/preparing/practice-tests
THINK TANK is available Monday - Thursday from 3:30 - 5:00pm.
Hornet Cheerleaders welcoming families
It is hard not to smile when you have these Hornets welcoming you.
One of our student volunteers assisting a family
Families visiting Kealing's PTA, Food Services, and CIS
Families experiencing the infamous crowded stairs as they attempt to get to their classes on time
So many families came out for Back to School Night
“A” team buried the Matadors from Murchison in two games with some amazing serving, team hustle, and perseverance. We are SO PROUD of all the Hornet volleyball players! Can’t wait to see all the things y'all will accomplish this season.
-Coach Brynie and Coach Tasneem.
The Lady Hornets had an awesome meet finishing 1st in the Middle School Team Standings!!!!
Lead by 7th grader Cadence Virostko finishing 4th overall with a 2-mile time of 14 minutes even. 7th grader Charissa Higgs also finished in the top 10 with a 9th place finish. 8th grader Robin Jollife and 7th grader Inara Shiau finished strong together in 14th and 15th place respectively. The team score was solidified with Bella Coronado out kicking 2 other runners at the finish line. Congrats ladies on your first-place finish!!!!!!
After several hours and getting the scoring straightened out, the gentlemen's team took 2nd overall.
Led by Elijah Ekwurzel's 5th place finish, the team was able to stay close together and overcome the heat and an injured teammate to take second place in the team division. Runners Peter Gallimore, Kai Baker, Nolan Miller, Anish Sharma, and Christian Ilika all finished within 10 spots of each other. Our 6th place runner Christian finished better than all other teams 5th place runners. Showing the importance of pack running.
Congrats Hornets.
Coach Speed
Those who test positive will need to stay home and report their case by calling the school’s front office and asking for the COVID-19 designee.
After testing positive, you need to wait five days before returning to school (the day you tested positive is Day 0). Anyone who tested positive will need markedly improved symptoms and to be fever-free for 24 hours before returning.
Students or staff who return to campus on the sixth day after a positive result will be required to mask for five more calendar day.
- MATH - August 30 - September 7
- Reading - September 8 - September 15
Data from this assessment will allow teachers and staff to determine what supports students could benefit from, ensure students are properly placed, and measure the growth our Hornets make this academic year. Please make sure your student is present to participate in the Beginning of the Year MAP assessment.
Last year’s free or reduced-price status will expire on September 26 and students will return to a full paid status unless their families either complete a meal application or they are approved for state funded meal benefits. We ask that you apply for benefits for this school year as soon as possible so there is not an interruption to your student's lunch status.
- Families may apply for state funded benefits, such as SNAP, at www.yourtexasbenefits.com.
- Families may apply for district level meal benefits at www.SchoolCafe.com/AustinISD or by submitting a paper application.
LPAC parent needed: Attention parents of English Language Learners
We need parent volunteers to be willing to be on a committee where we will determine the best educational choices for our students
You can participate via Zoom or over the phone.
Please reach out to Ms. Ronda Jones for more information, ronda.jones@austinisd.org
Online Kealing Sprit Wear orders can be placed HERE. Our first on-campus sales days will be the first Thursday and Friday of the month - September 7 & 8 in the cafeteria during all lunch periods. All online orders can be picked up by students at that time. We also offer delivery to door for $5 and free adult pickup for online orders. See the order form for details.
Interested in PTA advocacy? Kealing PTA is searching for a 2023- 2024 ACPTA representative. For more information, Please email Laurie Pompa, volunteer@kealingpta.org for more information.