JWL Weekky Update
Week of 1/29/24
Taking Place this Week:
- Tues/Thurs: Raider Academy
- Grades due Wed 3pm
Upcoming dates/events
Look Ahead...Please put into your calendar
- Friday February 9- 1/2 Day for students (Staff Dev.)
- Friday February 9- PEP Rally
- Friday February 9- Valentine's Day Dance 7-9 pm
- February Break NO SCHOOL (2/19-23)
- State testing dates
- ELA -April 17/18
- Math- May 13/14
- Sci- May 8 (8th grade only)
About Us
Email: kquinlan@mcs.k12.ny.us
Website: https://jwjh.mcs.k12.ny.us/
Location: 1 School Street, Massena, NY, USA
Phone: (315) 764-3720
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/812944242085434
Kendra Quinlan
Kendra is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters