Viking Family Digest
October 31, 2023
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Viking Families:
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Trimester Two is right around the corner. We have had so many great things to celebrate the first Trimester of the school year!
Over the next few weeks, have your student check their grades in StudentVue for any missing work. All grades are due next Friday, November 10th. Our Vikings are making their way!
Ms. Marks
Important Dates
- 10/31: Halloween Spirit Week
- 11/01: DC Trip Meeting for 2025
- 11/02: RBMS Symphonic, Concert & Cadet Bands Fall Concert
- 11/06: No School - Teacher Institute Day
- 11/08: Ukrainian Lunch
- 11/08: Early Release
- 11/08: Chick-Fil-A Food Fundraiser
- 11/10: End of Trimester 1/Term 2
- 11/20-11/21: Student Led Conferences
- 11/20-11/21: Book Fair
- 11/20-11/24: No School
Bernotas Sports Calendar
District 47 2023-2024 School Calendar
RBMS Symphonic, Concert & Cadet Bands Fall Concert
On November 2nd, our Bernotas Bands will present their first concert of the year! We are excited to hear how the sixth grade plays their very first middle school concert as well as hearing how the seventh grade and eighth grade show their musical growth. The concert starts at 7:00 PM in the main gym.
Thursday, Nov 2, 2023, 07:00 PM
Richard Bernotas Middle School Main Gym, 170 North Oak Street, Crystal Lake, IL, USA
Kinship Care Virtual Seminar
Do you serve grandparents or relatives raising children? See the attached flier for a seminar on supporting kinship families through partnerships, coordination, and resources.
Date: November 15, 2023
Time: 10:30 am – Noon
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Keynote Speakers: Arcelia Armstrong and Marsha Rose
Panel of Experts: IL Dept. on Aging, State Rep Natalie Manley, Senior Services of Will County, Dept of Child & Family Services, Prairie State Legal, and Family Resource Center.
Please see flier for more details and to register.
We are excited to share that The Break is partnering with District 47 to provide a safe place for our students to have fun, connect and find acceptance in their after school program. Transportation will be available after school. We are limited to 20 spots daily (until The Break is able to expand this service). As a result, all 3 middle schools will have a daily sign up sheet (much like the activity bus sign up but this will be shared among all 3 middle schools). This will be a first come, first serve basis.
Families will need to enroll their child at The Break.
Step 1: The Break Registration Form
Step 2: RSVP on the home page The BREAK Home Page RSVP For Day/Event Would Like To Join
Membership at the BREAK is $10/month and that can be paid online when you register and there is an option for recurring membership fees. Nobody is ever turned away if they are unable to pay!! It is a simple process and they simply need to send a request to brenda@clbreak.com.
For additional information please refer to https://www.clbreak.com/ We are so grateful for the support of the Crystal Lake community and excited for this opportunity for our students!!
Current 8th Graders: Enroll Now for High School
If your student plans to attend a D155 High School next school year, you need to log in and complete the enrollment process by November 21, 2023. Your student will not be able to select their classes for freshman year unless they have been enrolled through the district’s New Student Online Enrollment system. Parents & Guardians should have received an email from D155 on October 18. For more information, please visit D155’s Enrollment webpage, click here.
Community Harvest Food Drive
RBMS is proud to support the Crystal Lake Food Pantry and looks forward to participating in the Community Harvest Food Drive again this year, a combined effort of the Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce and the Crystal Lake Community. Click here to see this year’s flyer for suggested donations. Monetary donations are also appreciated: checks can be made payable to the Crystal Lake Food Pantry. Donations will be accepted until Friday, November 17th.
Clinician Corner
Are you ready to go to Washington, D.C.?
Attention current 7th grade students! Are you ready to go to Washington, D.C.? How about going to the next Presidential Inauguration? That’s right! It’s your turn!
There is an informational meeting on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, at 6:00pm, to announce and open enrollment for Bernotas’s January 2025 Presidential Inauguration/Washington, D.C. Tour! The details of the tour - including dates, cost, and itinerary - will be presented at this meeting. This tour is only open for students who will be in eighth grade during the 2024/2025 school year.
Come to the meeting to learn about this once in a lifetime opportunity to see history as it happens! Contact Mr. Jonker with any questions. mnjonker@d47.org
Where: RBMS Main Gym
When: Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Time: 6:00 pm
RBMS Holiday Assistance
This year Bernotas Middle School is partnering with a community partner to provide assistance during the holidays. They provide household items, clothing as well as gifts for our families. If you need some assistance during the holiday season, please print and complete the attached form. Return the form to Bernotas Middle School no later than Friday, NOVEMBER 3rd. The completed form can also be scanned to mswatscheno@d47.org. If you do not have access to a printer please let us know and a paper copy will be mailed to you. Please note that all names received will be confidential and there is no guarantee that assistance will be provided. The agency will contact your family directly for delivery of requested items. Hope for Holidays Form 2023.pdf
Student Led Conferences
Student Led Conferences for all grade levels will be held in person during November on the following dates:
Monday, November 20, 2023 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Tuesday, November 21, 2023 8:00 am - 11:00 am
Please be on the lookout for a communication from your child’s school/teacher with more information.
Yearbook Sales
Pre-order your RBMS yearbook. This book tells stories of Viking pride and community, don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind keepsake. Place your orders here: Bernotas Yearbook
Parent/Guardian Feedback
YOUR feedback is very important to us. The way we grow and learn is through positive feedback. If you have been in the building, or have any general feedback, RBMS Feedback link. We appreciate you being a part of our team to improve our practice, ensuring student success.
Lost and Found
We have a variety of lost items and would like to find their owners! Lost and found is located outside the cafeteria. Please ask your child to check this area if they're missing anything. Any electronic items found, jewelry, glasses, watches, or house keys, are located in the front office. Please claim your lost items. All items not claimed will be donated Nov 17th.
Activity Bus
Does your student stay after school for sports or clubs? We offer activity buses. Activity buses run on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. All activity buses leave Bernotas Middle School at 4:15pm from the front of the building and all drop off times are approximate. Activity Bus Schedules.
Car Pick Ups: If you are picking up your student from a sport or club at 4pm please be aware of the elementary buses that are loading. If the STOP sign is out and the lights are flashing, do not pass the bus.
Food Fundraiser Chick-fil-A
When: Wednesday, Nov 8th from 5pm-8pm.
Where: Chick-Fil-A
Come support the RBMS PTO by placing an order at Chick-fil-A Crystal Lake! Show this flyer or let the team member know you are there in support of the community care event BEFORE paying for your order.
Elevate Award
Nominations for the Elevate Award are now open for the 2023-2024 school year. Don't forget to nominate a deserving District 47 staff member for the Elevate award.