Luce Notes
Important information, dates, and school updates.
Principal Lamour's Notes
Brilliant Kindergarteners Are Starting on Tuesday!
We had a great week with our students, staff, and families. This week we welcome our brilliant kindergarten students to school. We are very excited to have all of our students in session. Please read the arrival and dismissal procedures below to ensure a smooth transition on the first day of school for our kindergarten students.
Monday, September 4th is Labor Day, and there is no school. We hope you enjoy a beautiful long weekend, and we are excited to see you on Tuesday!
We got this, Crew!
Principal Lamour
Proud partner
Follow us on Twitter @LuceSchool
Luce News & Upcoming Events
Important Dates Worthy For Your Refrigerator:
9/4 Labor Day-->No School
9/5 First Day of School Kindergarten
9/5 Gr 4 7 5 Instrument Demo Day
9/6 Grades 2-5 Open House → 5-6:30 pm
9/12 Instrument Rental Night --> 6-8:30 pm
9/15 Room Parent Form Due
9/15-10/15 Hispanic Heritage Month
9/15 Early Release Day--> 8:20-11:50 am
9/15 First SHINE Assembly and Canton Spirit Wear Day
9/25 Yom Kippur--> No School
9/29 Movie Night at the Luce --> 7-9 pm
10/9 Indigenous People Day--> No School
10/10-10/16 Culture Week
September Calendar of Events
Just in Case You Missed it!
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Pick Up/Drop Off
When dropping off or picking up your child, please pay close attention to the crosswalks and crossing guards. When you reach the school, please follow the traffic pattern indicated by signs and cones along the driveway. Drop off your child on the sidewalk side of the car for safety. If you need to linger, please park your car in a parking spot and walk your child in, as there may be a line of cars waiting to use the drop-off area.
Under no circumstances should you park in the Fire Lane. Due to the limited size of our parking lot; to ensure
safety for all. There should not be any idling at anytime in the parking loop.
The speed limit is 5 MPH, and pedestrians always have the right of way. Remember, our in and out is a ONE WAY. When picking up your child after school, please wait for them outside the building entrance. Students may not enter the parking area unaccompanied by an adult.
Parking is allowed in designated parking areas only. There are 2-3 15-minute parking spaces for visitors that should be utilized. No parking is permitted in marked fire lanes next to the kitchen, and do not block our handicapped spots. Idling is not permitted at any time. Students are dismissed to line up for their buses at 2:55 pm.
Arrival 8:20-8:35
Students arrive at school.
Students who do not go to breakfast can play outside on the upper-level playground (2nd & 3rd) or lower playground (4th & 5th) according to their grade level.
Kindergarten & 1st-grade students enter through the Kindergarten/first-grade entrance (double doors past the front entrance and closer to the gym). First graders will file to class, hang up bookbags and head out to morning recess. Kindergarteners sit by their classrooms in the Kindergarten lobby until 8:35 am. At 8:35 am, all students file to class.
Students in grades 2nd-5th enter the building via the main entrance or the doors located off of the playground and go to class.
Dismissal 2:55-3:05 pm
- Walkers are dismissed via the main school entrance, classroom doors, or the kindergarten side entrance, depending on their grade.
- Kindergarteners are dismissed through the gym doors.
- Cars should not arrive before 2:55 pm.
- Parents and visitors picking up by car must park and turn car engines off.
- No vehicle should move until the children have been dismissed, safely walked to cars, and are safely inside.
No vehicle can pass a school bus/van loading or unloading children.
Students are permitted to ride bicycles to school. An adult must accompany students under grade 4. As a reminder, it is a state law that children must wear a helmet while riding their bicycles. Cyclists should keep their bicycles at the racks provided, and a lock is recommended. For safety reasons, children must walk their bikes and scooters on school grounds. Skateboards are not permitted. The school cannot be responsible for damage to bikes or the safety of students riding outside of school property.
Please ensure your child is familiar with the letter of the bus they take to and from school. These will be a letter and a number (i.e. C1 etc.,). It is helpful to check the local Canton newspapers and the District website for specific information. Please note that the exact pick-up times cannot be determined until the route becomes routine. For safety, accountability, and overcrowding concerns, students are NOT allowed to switch buses or bus stops for any reason.
Nurse Bonner's Notes
We are back and ready to rock this 2023-24 school year! I am Nurse Bonner and cannot wait to work with our students and staff to ensure a healthy and happy school year. Here are some back to school medical reminders.
If your child requires any medications in school, please drop them off with the correct paperwork from their doctor and our CPS medication form before or on the first day of school.
If your child has any medical needs that you need to discuss with me please email me prior to the start of school so we can make time to meet before school starts.
You should have received a letter from our nursing team with more details about medical back to school things you should know.The nursing team is here for you for any question, concerns and we are going to have a healthy, happy, hip hip year!
CAPT Updates
The LUCE CAPT is the Canton Association of Parents and Teachers. If you have heard of a PTO/PTA before that is close to what we are. We are a non-profit 501c3 that works with the school, the teachers, the students, and the families to enhance the experience and support the school. We welcome new voices and invite you all to our first meeting on September 12th at 6pm in the school library.
Becoming involved allows you to meet new parents, more members of our community, and ensure traditions, experiences, and fun remain at the LUCE for years to come.
Come learn more at our tables at the upcoming open house events. We will also have spirit wear for purchase and opportunities for membership and volunteering.
Please click here for our facebook page.
Please click here for our website.
Room Parents (Action Needed)
Dear Luce Families,
We are currently looking for volunteers to act as Room Parents for each classroom. Most years, every classroom at the Luce has identified room parents arranged through and supervised by CAPT. Communication with the teacher will be necessary for determining specific responsibilities for individual classrooms. Traditionally, responsibilities have included assisting the classroom teacher in planning and coordinating special classroom events & celebrations, and communicating with parents about needed supplies. Additionally, room parents also communicate with families to disseminate CAPT, Luce School Council, and other Canton Public School information. Room parents may also work with families to obtain needed volunteers for school and CAPT events. Individual teachers determine the amount of involvement Room Parents have in each classroom.
Two Room Parent volunteers are needed for each class. We ask that you have a working e-mail account, are willing to communicate information between your child’s teacher and other parents, and are available periodically during the school day for special events (typically 4x per year). Room Parents must have a current CORI form & fingerprinting on file and maintain confidentiality at all times.
If you would like to be considered for this position, please complete the Google form below. Room parents will be chosen by lottery and parents will be notified of the assignments. If you would like to submit your name for more than one child's classroom, please fill out a separate form for each classroom.
Please submit this form no later than Friday, September 15, 2023.
Room Parent Google Form
If you have any questions, please contact our room parent coordinators...
Julia Mariani:
Meghan Cullen:
Thank you!
Community Connections
Around Town Resource: Local Resources and Events in Canton
Around Town Events!
Canton Public Schools has a Community Resources and Information Page on its website titled Around Town. This page lists resources and events taking place in our community. To access the information on this webpage, use this link: About/Around Town.
At a Glance - New Event(s)
- Join Canton Scouting - September 9, 1-3 @ CHS
This webpage will be updated periodically.
Academic & Personal Excellence!
Take Time To Shine: Student Incentive Program
Please join me in celebrating the first SHINE All-Stars for the year! Don't worry every child will get their chance to SHINE!
Scenes From The Summer!
First Week Recap! Respectful & Collaborative Relationships
Did you miss the last Smore?.. Look here for a recap
Bus Route Information
The 2023-2024 bus Routes are now accessible on the Canton Public Schools main website. Here is the LINK.
Breakfast & Lunch Update
We are excited to announce that the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE) announced that breakfast and lunch are once again free this year. Children can access breakfast between 8:20-8:40 am.
School Supplies
The SchoolKidz were delivered to your child's homeroom and ready for pickup on the 1st day of school.
If you did not order a kit, please access the Luce website to access the supply list for grades 1-4. Teachers in grades K & 5 will reach out to families independently about the supply list for their respective grades.
Looking to Sub?
Dean S. Luce Elementary School
Location: 45 Independence Street, Canton, MA, USA
Phone: 1(781)821-5075
Twitter: @LuceSchool
Luce Elementary School is a dynamic K-5 elementary school in the Canton Public School District. Our students, staff, and families SHINE bright like diamonds.