Larson Elementary
News You Can Use for October 11, 2023
From the Principal's Desk...
Happy October! This first quarter has flown by and we are already seeing snow! We’ve got a lot of things going on this month and November looks just as busy. On Friday October 13th, our FTA is sponsoring the Larson Fall Carnival. We would love to have everyone come out and participate, there will be games, candy and all sorts of fun taking place. We also have Parent/Teacher conferences on Thursday October 19th and Friday October 20th. You should have received scheduling paperwork from your child but if it got lost feel free to call the front office and we will get you scheduled. Our students are showing growth across the board, but it wouldn’t be possible without help from home; thank you to all of our Larson families for supporting and nurturing our students.
If you are interested in volunteering at Larson please let us know, we would love to have you.
Matt LaHue
Principal Larson Elementary
Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District
The Family Teacher Association invites you to join us this Friday, October 13th from 5:00-6:30pm for a warm, indoor, and fun Fall Festival! Get your costumes ready to sneak down our Trick or Treat Hall and bring your skills as we will have games available to play as well! The cost is $25 per family and the first 100 students registered will receive a ticket to visit the Pumpkin Patch!
Fall Festival Tickets will be available for purchase at the door on the night of the event and game tickets will be available for purchase also. To preregister, fill out the form below and turn it into your student’s teacher with payment. ALL MONEY RAISED at this event will go towards classroom grants.
Thank you for your support!
Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday, October 19th and Friday, October 20th!
Parent teacher conferences are being held on Thursday, October 19th and Friday, October 20th. There will be NO SCHOOL for students. Conference invites were sent home with students on Monday, October 9th. Our goal is for our teachers to communicate with 100% of our parents/guardians. Please reach out to your student's teacher if you have questions regarding scheduling your conference date/time. A list of staff emails can be found here: https://www.matsuk12.us/domain/929
The Lost and Found is Overflowing!
Lost clothing items are piling up! We are asking parents to check the Larson Lost and Found while they are at Larson for conferences. Our main Lost and Found is in the front entrance. There is also a Recess Lost and Found located in the downstairs alcove by Room 101.
Unclaimed items will be donated to Frontline Mission at the end of November.
The Re-Take Picture Day ID is: EVTR4WC8H
The Classroom Group Picture ID is: EVTBT48CQ
Fridays are Fruit and Veggie Day at Larson! ! The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) is a supplemental service provided by a Federal Grant coordinated through Nutrition Services, with Nurse Ramilo.
Every Friday afternoon for the remainder of the school year, a new fruit or vegetable will be delivered to classrooms. It is completely OPTIONAL for students to try. Some of the produce may be unfamiliar to students and teachers. The program goal is to provide a nutritious snack and encourage students to learn about new fruits and vegetables.
If you have any questions regarding the FFV Program or the process for Larson, please contact Nurse Ramilo at mailto:rebecca.ramilo@matsuk12.us
Friday, September 30th was Lucy Apple day and they were delicious!
Durham Bus Information
If you have bus questions, please call the Durham Bus Company at 907-885-3561. Please call if you have the following issues:
You can also track your student's bus through the Where's My Bus Link (click below). Your username and password is the phone number you provided at registration.
Become a Larson Business Partner TODAY!
Hi Larson Families and Potential Business Partners!
I’m sure you have all noticed the local businesses on our fence as you are driving on to the property to drop off or pick up your kids? There are some older signs on the fence that need to be taken down because either the business no longer wishes to support our school, or the family has moved on etc. I am working on refreshing our fence! If you or someone you know wishes to become a business partner with Larson, please contact me to see if you would like to have a very nice, sturdy metal sign made with your business name on it. This will last for many years! Several ways to get in touch with me, you can call me at 907.352.2303, you can email me at julie.laskey@matsuk12.us, or you can come in to my office so we can have a quick chat. Remember that end of year tax deduction! Thank you for supporting our school and helping us take great care of these fantastic kids through your partnership with us.
Julie Laskey
Administrative Secretary
Scholastic Book Fair at Larson from October 23rd - October 27th!
Larson Elementary will host our Fall Book Fair October 23th-27th . The purpose of this Book Fair is to encourage a love of reading in students and keep them reading all year! Our Book Fair is a fundraiser. Proceeds from the sales will be used to renew and maintain our school library collection. Annually purchasing new books and other library materials, allows us to have interesting, motivating and engaging books for students to enjoy and for staff to use in support of their classroom instruction.
As a courtesy to our school community, our book fair vendor, Scholastic, has provided this list of books that may be included at the Book Fair (not all books on the list will be available). As you review this list of books, please reach out to Mrs Stegall and Mr. LaHue with specific book titles or specific concerns you may have about books on the list.
Our annual Book Fair is an optional activity - that is, it is not a requirement in any way, to attend or participate in the Book Fair. If you decide you do not want your child to participate in the Book Fair, please complete this Google form opting them OUT of the event before October 20th. Please help us help you in enforcing this request to opt out by talking with your child about not attending or participating in the Book Fair. Again, this is an optional activity. No one is required to attend the Book Fair.
If you are OK with your student's voluntary participation in the Book Fair, no action is needed on your part!
Thank you for supporting our school library and community of learners!
Mrs. Stegall
So Many Activities Underway at Larson!
We also had our annual Title I Meeting/Goodies with Guardians event on September 28th. Students and family members enjoyed lots of yummy donuts and treats while hearing about our Title I program. Lots of great door prizes were given away too!
Our INCREDIBLE Family Teacher Association hosted the ColorFALL Run on Friday, September 22nd. Thank you to all the students and families that came and enjoyed this fun event! It was a BLAST!
October is Fire Prevention Month. Larson students enjoyed an important Fire Safety assembly on October 6th. Local firefighters discussed the do’s and dont’s of fire safety. We are so glad that our Larson Eagles know what to do in a fire emergency!
Besides sports, students have been enjoying Lego Club, Art Club, Battle of the Books, Math club, Chess Club and Dungeons and Dragons Club! Call the front office if you need more information about any of the extracurricular activities that we offer.
Flag Football Excitement!
Flag Football Excitement!
Flag Football Excitement!
2023 Goodies with Guardians!
2023 Goodies with Guardians!
2023 Goodies with Guardians!
2023 Goodies with Guardians!
2023 Goodies with Guardians!
2023 Goodies with Guardians!
The Amazing 2023 Color Run! Thank you FTA!
The Amazing 2023 Color Run! Thank you FTA!
The Amazing 2023 Color Run! Thank you FTA!
Fire Safety Assembly on October 6th
Fire Safety Assembly on October 6th
Fire Safety Assembly on October 6th
October 13th - Fall Festival at Larson! 5pm - 6:30pm
October 18th - Quarter 1 Ends
October 19th - Parent/Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL
October 20th - Parent/Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL
October 26th - Lifetouch Fall Picture Retakes/ Classroom Group Photos
November 1st - Professional Learning Day - NO SCHOOL
November 2nd - Professional Learning Day - NO SCHOOL
November 3rd - Professional Learning Day - NO SCHOOL
Please click below for the Larson Boy's and Girl's Basketball Scedules:
As always, please contact the front office at 907-352-2300 with any questions or concerns.