NVHS 2023 - 2024 Newsletter #8
Morning dropoff changes:
In an effort to relieve the congestion in the mornings and make our entry safer for our students, we would like to introduce the following guidelines: Please be patient as we implement these new procedures.
MORNINGS: Parents either drop off in the front circle using the youth park, or the alternate option of using the football parking lot.
- All student drivers enter in the west entrance (driveway #3) of the student log. (No change)
- Parent drop off now enter through the entrance closest to the water plant. (driveway # 1)
- Parents will drop off then exit at the 2nd driveway.
- Entrance #4 is a faculty entrance only.
- Utilizing the youth park & front circle is probably the best option on rainy days for drop off.
Last chance to order Homecoming Shirts. Orders are due tomorrow (September 11) by NOON. Scan the QR Code or use the link to purchase online!
Students should check their grade level Google Classrooms for their assignments.
Let the games begin!
These guidelines are for all Vermilion Parish Schools. Please keep this in mind throughout the season.
504 Reminder
Any student with a 504 plan is asked to bring their consent forms to the guidance office as soon as possible.
Monday, September 11:
Tuesday, September 12: Swim @ Earl J Chris, Volleyball @ Jennings-5pm
Wednesday, September 13: VJV Football vs Abbeville - 6pm, Progress Reports go home
Thursday, September 14: Volleyball vs. NISH - 5:30
Friday, September :15 Football @ Abbeville - 7:00
Saturday, September 16: Volleyball @ Jennings Tourney, Dance Clinic, Cross Country @ Sievers Airfield