Husky Nation Highlights
Community Newsletter - December 3, 2023

2023 Winter Program (Revised) - 12/19 and 12/20 ๐
We're very excited to announce that our Winter Program has expanded this year to include several grade levels and the Instrumental Music Program! The program will be held on-campus during school hours. In anticipation of large crowds, we have revised the schedule.
Our Cafetorium has limited space and we need it to run our meal program, so a few guidelines are in place:
- We will have two showings of each program (primary and upper grade). A recording of the combined program will be created and published on our school website over the Winter Break.
- Inclement weather/rain will CANCEL the live program due to space limitations. We will still produce a recording for the community. Thank you for understanding.
- We can only seat parents according to their ticket color (see below). Please plan to arrive for your scheduled ticket time. Thank you for understanding.
- Tickets will be made available to your child by their homeroom teacher. We can only issue 2 tickets per child. Thank you for understanding.
- Red Ticket Showing is 8:15-9:00am
- Green Ticket Showing is 9:15-10:00am
- Blue Ticket Showing is 8:15-9:00am
- Yellow Ticket Showing is 9:15-10:00am
Spark of Love ๐
In the spirit of giving back, we encourage our community to spread joy by participating in the fire departmentโs annual Spark of Love toy drive.
Your generous donations of toys, games, and sporting equipment will make a significant impact on local students and families, brightening their holidays and creating cherished memories.
Drop off your donations by Friday, December 8th and help ensure every AUSD child experiences the warmth and joy of the holiday season.
The donation box is located in the Main Office at Monterey Highlands. We are accepting dropoffs during office hours (7:30am-3:30pm).
Community Conversation - 12.8.23 at 8:30am ๐ฃ๏ธ
Greetings Monterey Highlands School Families,
AUSDโs Student Support Services Division would like to invite you to the Monterey Highlands School Community Conversations Event for the 2023-2024 school year!
This event is taking place across the district, at all school sites. Join the team for an hour of powerful conversation surrounding student health and wellness and the impact they have on your childโs achievement.
This event will take place at the Monterey Highlands Cafetorium on Friday, December 8, 2023 from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. We hope to see you there!
AUSD Student Support Services Division
Honorary Service Awards ๐
Do you know a volunteer or staff member that has gone ABOVE AND BEYOND for PTA and your community? Nominate them for PTA Honorary Service Awards using this form by Dec. 15, 2023.
Honorary Service Awards are designed as a unique way to publicly acknowledge both individuals and organizations for outstanding community service to children and youth in our community. There are several different types of awards and more information about each is provided at the nominations link above.
Recipients of the awards will be invited to Alhambra Council PTA Founders Day Dinner on March 8, 2024. We look forward to receiving your nominations!
Holiday Shop 12/13-12/15 ๐
December brings in the spirit of giving! Save the date for our pop-up HOLIDAY SHOP! A place where students can shop and give thoughtfully to family and friends. The pop-up will be held from December 13-15 during all students recess and lunch Location in the breezeway by Front Office. Purchases must be Cash Only.
Giving can also be using your talents and time. Cleared volunteers are need to setup, operate, and clean up the Holiday Shop. Click here to sign up.
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities ๐ค
We are grateful for our volunteers. Here are some of our volunteer needs at this time:
- Morning Valet (School) - mornings (7:30am-8:00am)
- Holiday Shop Volunteer (PTA)
- Husky Fun Run Planning (PTA)
Mr. Calvin Ly, Adviser
The Associated Student Body (ASB) oversees all fundraising and school activities at Monterey Highlands. The ASB Cabinet meets weekly on Fridays to review activity and fundraising requests.
Useful ASB Information:
- Parents or teachers interested in creating a fundraiser can complete this Google Form Link. Approved fundraisers are listed on this Fundraising Calendar.
- Students are invited to submit artwork or videos showcasing a talent, hobby or interest. Student may use this link to upload an entry: http://bit.ly/Husky-Spotlight
- The ASB Cabinet produces our monthly Wonderful Wednesday assembly. December's theme is Display Kindness featuring Kindergarten students! Check out the video below!
8th Grade Parent Meeting - 12.4.23 (on Zoom) ๐
Join us as we continue planning 8th Grade Promotion for the Class of 2024.
The meting will be held virtually at 6pm at this link: zoom.us/my/mh.principal
If you can't make it, don't worry! We will meet again soon to continue planning. Please email Mr. B if you are interested in working on the 8th Grade Parent Committee.
Approved Fundraisers ๐ค
Benefitting the 8th Grade Class of 2024 Promotion Activities ๐
Pancakes and Pajamas Fundraiser
- Saturday, December 16, 2023 from 8-11am at Cafetorium
- Presale from 11/29- 12/12 = $10
- Presale times are 7:30-8:00am and afterschool from 1:00-2:45pm in the Breezeway
- Cash or Check accepted. Checks should be payable to Monterey Highlands ASB
- Menu includes - 3 pancakes, 2 sausage/bacon, baked goodies, fruit, coffee/tea/OJ
Donations Welcome! ๐งผ
Our classroom teachers welcome donations of Kleenex and Disinfecting Wipes at school. This helps us keep classrooms germ-free, especially during Flu/COVID/Cold season. Donations may be dropped off in the Front Office or the Valet Line. Please write the teacher's name on the items so that we can deliver items.
Thank you for your generosity!
Kleenex Boxes (any size)
Lysol or Clorox Wipes
Apollo Afterschool Newsletter ๐๏ธ
Apollo Afterschool has been up to some great things. Registration is open for Trimester 2!
The program will be publishing a newsletter every two weeks to keep the community updated.
Options for Learning ๐
Options for Learning provides part-day preschool and before- and after-school programs for students in grades TK-8 at Monterey Highlands.
Options is located on the eastern end of our property across from the tennis courts in Highlands Park.
Options is operated independent of Monterey Highlands School or the Alhambra Unified School District.
Upcoming Dates ๐
- 12/4 - 8th Grade Parent Meeting on Zoom at 6pm
- 12/6 - PTA Executive Board Meeting on Zoom at 6:30pm
- 12/8 - Last Day to Donate to Spark of Love
- 12/8 - SSS Community Conversation at 8:30am in the Cafetorium
- 12/12 - Board of Education Meeting
- 12/13 to 12/15 - PTA Holiday Pop-Up Store
- 12/16 - 8th Grade Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser from 8-11am in the Cafetorium
- 12/19 - Winter Program (Grades 4-8) at 8:15am (green ticket) in the Cafetorium
- 12/19 - Winter Program (Grades 4-8) at 9:15am (red ticket) in the Cafetorium
- 12/20 - Winter Program (Grades TK-3) at 8:15am (blue ticket) in the Cafetorium
- 12/20 - Winter Program (Grades TK-3) at 9:15am (yellow ticket) in the Cafetorium
- 12/20 - School Office Closes at 1:30pm for Staff Holiday Celebration
- 12/21 - Minimum Day - School Office Closes at 1pm
- 12/21 - Safety Committee Meeting at 3pm is CANCELLED
- 12/22/23 to 1/7/24 - WINTER BREAK (NO SCHOOL)
Monterey Highlands School
๐ฅ Email: highlands@ausd.us
๐ Website: www.montereyhighlandselementary.org
๐ Location: 400 Casuda Canyon Drive, Monterey Park, CA, USA
๐ฒ Phone: (626) 570-6220