Hawk Happenings
News from the Holy Rosary/Juan Diego Community
Message from the Principal: Sept. 21st
This week, we will come together for Back to School Night. It will be held from 6 - 7:30 pm on Thursday night (tomorrow). During this evening, you will have an opportunity to visit with the entire school staff, learn more about exciting new events and enrichment activities, better understand the fundraising program for this year, check out volunteer opportunities, and attend a session with your child's/children's' teacher(s). From 6 - 6:25, we will be in the auditorium. Beginning at 6:30, we will begin the 15 minute "teacher sessions" in the classrooms. If you only need to visit one teacher, you may leave after the first session. You can also visit with our specialists. This is a very important evening and anyone who attends will be given 1 volunteer hour for attending!! This is an "adults only" evening, so please make arrangements for at least one parent to attend. I hope to see you there!!
Have a wonderful week!
Katie Dempsey
Reminders for the Week:
Friday - Spirit Gear
Calling All Volunteers!
- Recess Duty - If you can come to the school between 12 pm and 1 pm any day of the week, we would love to have recess helpers to supervise the kids. Extra eyes are always appreciated!!
Welcome, Mr. Scott!
We Love our Volunteers!
- Mr. Tran for being on "cone duty" at carpool!
Meals: Don't Miss this Opportunity!
From the Development Desk!
To donate please see the following secure link on our website: https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/o5kPfZnwU-9YPZxE8gatew
Back to School Night
Thursday, Sep 22, 2016, 06:00 PM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, United States
Holy Rosary Regional School/Juan Diego Academy
Contact Me:
Berenice Williams, Office ManagerEmail: office@hrrsjda.org
Website: www.hrrsjda.org
Location: 504 S 30th St, Tacoma, WA, United States
Phone: (253)272-7012
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HolyRosaryTacoma