August 2023
Message from the Principal
We all know transitions are important. That is why we spend so much time building relationships during the first days of school. Staff will work on getting to know students and their families as they also promote the class to get to know each other and help students know themselves as learners and members of the community. This is important work because it is the foundation for a successful year. Our school community defines our goals and success through a School Improvement Plan. A group of staff and parents worked together to create our latest plan. Take a moment to review Oldham's School Improvement Plan at this link. Specifically, we are looking to our family and surrounding community to help us by joining a Diversity Sub Committee. Members will help us plan engaging family events that build connections. If you are interested in joining or want more information, please email me at solsen@norwood.k12.ma.us.
Again, we are so excited to partner in this important work. If you have any questions after you review the information below, please reach out.
Steven Olsen, Principal
781 440 5661
Important contact information
School Telephone Number: 781-769-2417
Principal: Steven Olsen ext 5961
School Secretary: Marianne Berube ext 5962
School Nurse: Carol McDonough ext 5963
School Adjustment Counselor: Lisa Collins ext 5968
Norwood District Calendar
The school calendar for the 2023-2024 school year can be found here.
Our hallways are shiny and ready to welcome students
Mr. Carlos and Mr. Brett did an amazing job as usual
Our School Day
7:35- Arrival (students may not be left unattended before the 7:35 bell)
7:45- Students line up and enter the building
After this time students will enter through the front door
7:50- Tardy for school (it’s important to be on time)
10:40- First Lunch (grades 1 and 3)
11:10- Second Lunch (grades 2, 4 and 5)
2:00- First bell bus student dismissal
2:05- Second bell, pick up/walker students dismissal
2:15- Final bell, all students should be picked up by this time
School Supplies
Individual teachers have reached out to families to say hello and share what school supplies students need to bring. There are really only two essential items that you should provide for your students:
- Headphones that plug into the computer
- Water Bottle
If you missed the correspondence from your classroom teacher, feel free to reach out directly to the classroom teacher.
Absent/Tardy/Early Dismissal
Call 781-769-2417 to report Absences and include the following
- Parent name
- Child’s name
- Child’s teacher
- Reason for absence
A doctors note is required for an "excused" absence
All early dismissals must be before 1:50 and require a note and/or a phone call including the following
- Time of dismissal
- Who will be picking up the child (if not the parent a photo id is required)
- Include if your child will need a school lunch
Finding Class Assignments on ASPEN
If you need help navigating Aspen you can find all the information at the following link:
If you need help with your username and/or password you should email npsaspensupport@norwood.k12.ma.us
Once you log onto Aspen, you should click on the Family top tab and click on your student's name. The homeroom number and teacher name for the 23/24 SY will be on that page.
Parking Lot Update
I am sure you have seen the work being done in our parking lot. We are excited to have a new blacktop. I will be sending info on arrival and dismissal at a later date to allow for work completion. Be on the look out for that important information.
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Breakfast 7:35-7:50
Students who choose to eat breakfast enter through the front door upon arrival to go to the cafeteria
They must go directly to the cafeteria and then go outside with the other students when they are done with breakfast
Lunch Schedule
10:40- First Lunch (grades 1 and 3)
11:10- Second Lunch (grades 2, 4 and 5)
Snack/Water information
Make sure your child has a healthy snack each day
“Due to the increasing number of students with life-threatening food allergies, staff and students will not share foods. Schools should not celebrate individual birthday celebrations with food. The use of non-food celebrations/recognitions for birthdays is permitted. For other classroom celebrations, parents are prohibited from sending snacks to be shared by the entire classroom.”
Make sure your child has a water bottle every day in school
we only have water filling stations, no fountains
Bus Information
Parents must pay to bus students
$25 application fee per rider
$275 a year per student with $725 a year cap per family
Shine Bright Review
As you can see in our School Improvement Plan, we will continue to review and promote the skills we learned during our work with Shine Bright. I am including the end of the year wrap up letter below for you to talk to your child and help to jog their memory and reinforce the skills.
Dear Oldham Families:
We loved working with the Oldham students recently! All of the students learned new tools to recognize and manage their emotions. We taught the children the four pillars of inner strength, they are:
Power to Believe in Yourself
How? Positive Self Talk: Ask your child to show you how to tap “I Am So…( important, smart, strong etc) See what happens when you tap positive words, what about negative words?
Power to Pause
How? Create Space: Ask your child to show you the S.O.S (Stand Back, Observe, Steer) Giving pause when situations are getting frustrating or elevating helps to redirect your thoughts and actions.
Power of Responsibility
How? Recognizing Anger and How to Handle it: the tool is Squeeze and Release
An important note: Shine Bright teaches that anger creates a thunder and lightning storm inside of you and you need a safe physical release to let it go. Ask your child what else we came up with to release that negative charge.
Power of Self Respect
How? Gratitude! Look around and see what you are grateful for, write it down or say it outloud. Also ask your student about the Compliment Circle. Giving and receiving a compliment is a gift and a great conversation starter!
If you have any questions about our programs or want to learn more please send us an email: shinebrightworkshops@gmail.com. Thank you.