Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 01 - February 11 2021
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
Nau Mai Haere Mai, Talofa, Faʻafeiloaiga, Bula
Staff / School Organisation 2021
The school will operate through a four whanau structure, based around our School Pepeha. Whanau organisation has been structured to reflect the particular needs of the year groups involved.
Moa Iti Smith - Alice Smith (Whanau Leader) New Entrants & Y1
Panitahi Adams - Rangi Adams Y1 & Y2
Panitahi Smith - Rebecca Smith Y1 & Y2
Panitahi Tiong - Joy Tiong Y1 & Y2
Panitahi O'Connor - Libby O’Connor Y1 & Y2
Pouakai Turner - Tracy Turner Y3 & Y4 (Whanau Leader)
Pouakai Zimmerman - Mel Zimmerman Y3 & Y4
Pouakai Simpson - Lynda Simpson Y3 & Y4
Pouakai Pearce - Taryn Pearce Y3 & Y4
Waiongana iti
Waiongana iti Oliver - Koron Oliver Y5 & Y6 (Whanau Leader)
Waiongana iti Breakwell - Ashleigh Breakwell Y5 & Y6
Waiongana iti Boyd - Stephanie Boyd Y5 & Y6
Puke Haupapa
Puke Haupapa White - Tracy White Y7 & Y8 (Whanau Leader)
Puke Haupapa Suter - Claire Suter Y7 & Y8
Puke Haupapa Banks - Kathryn Banks Y7 & Y8
Puke Haupapa Wheatley - Rob Wheatley Y7 & Y8
Tumuaki / Principal – Karen Patterson
Senior Leadership – Michael Bucksmith, Candice Bailey & Phillip Reade
Reading Recovery – Pene Chadwick
Special Education Needs Co-Ordinator – Rachel Marshall-Smith, Wendy Williams & Melissa Burleigh-Low
Kapa Haka - Marcelle Messenger & Moni Martin
Regular Release Teachers - Martin Jones, Kay Wallace, Shane Reade, Don Freebairn - Read
Guest Teachers - Delwyn Hayward
ANCILLARY: Office Hours: 8am – 3.30pm
Office Manager – Debbie Carter
Office Assistant – Mia Midgley – 8.30am – 1.30pm
Library Manager / Teacher Resource Manager – Wendy Nash (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday)
Sports Leaders - Tracy White, Candice Bailey,
Sports Co-ordinators - Kirsteen O'Carroll-Makiri & Cody Huta
Caretaker – John Harland
Caretaker Assistant - Michael Tyrer
Cleaners – Linda May & Raewyn Dempsey
Jacqui Deam, Michelle Allison, Evelyn Kennedy, Susan Cammiss, Jill Helms, Kirsty Doherty, Astrid Bocock, Rebecca Collins, Kelly Wilkins, Lisa Cooper, Linda Allardice, Rowena Henry, & Winnie Murphy
Happy Birthday
Current IPS School Roll - 377 Students
Scholastic Bookclub
Students of the Week - Term 1 Week 2
The Love Bunch Florist NE - Y2
Elias Eveleigh
For his awesome positive attitude, always displaying a keen interest in learning and wonderful REACH values.
Drain Master Y3 & Y4
Ana-Maria Jones
For showing amazing REACH respect for our new learning environments.
RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Georgia Ryan
For being a quiet, kind and respectful member of your new class. Keep it up!
Our two newest members of Puke Haupapa Wheatley feel like they’ve been here forever. Exceptional REACH manners and humour. Thank you!
And they are off...
While this is an exciting time, we are still space poor and are grateful to the MoE who have confirmed we will have a further three teaching spaces placed on site to accommodate our growing roll and need to have our library and hall back for operational purposes within the school. Housed in the hall at the moment is Mrs Simpson, He Awhi Taonga and Growing kids.
Delayed Start ...
Sadly due to some negative comments toward staff and South Coast Construction, I have to provide further clarity around our delayed start to the year. (some of you may have already seen this on FB)
As a Board of Trustees we made the call to ensure our site is ready to receive all children, staff and whanau safely in ALL learning spaces and ALL areas of the grounds where possible, Our aim was to ensure that these are able to be fully accessed and utilised with ease, which currently at the moment, is not the case.
We really appreciate how hard the team at South Coast have and are still working to complete the job. The South Coast Team have worked endless hours over and above the 0800-5pm and are often here on weekends and holidays.
We as a BoT firmly believe the delays which have extended the time frame are NOT fault of the South Coast Team.
The delays are a result in South Coast awaiting approval on decisions from other agencies, product delays due to COVID and the weather.
The delay in installing the Shade Sails by the team from Shade Sails NZ is again due to product delays related to COVID and shipping.
The BoT have taken the opportunity over the break to contract Mack Cook and his team to install a new retaining wall (replacing the old tyre one) and adjust the stairs going up to the cycle track, again for safety reasons. This work had to be coordinated with ALL other contractors onsite for access and supply deliveries safely.
Members of the Property Team have be working alongside Matt Williams and his team from Ballance, who were here over the past couple of weeks installing a creative stepping and balance apparatus, clearing out the driveway garden, donating firewood and providing framing around the playground areas.
The team from Modular are here onsite installing the new teaching space out the front of Panitahi Block. This area is well fenced and the team will be onsite for the month of February, often working weekends. (Again the delays are beyond our control)
All of these projects coming together all at once, elevated the risk to our children, staff and whanau if we had opened Tuesday 2 Feb. We aim, where possible to ensure ALL are safe here at IPS.
As a staff, we met and agreed that we appreciated it was short notice to the parents and as a result, we as a staff would offer childcare to families who could not make other arrangements for their children. We offered this as an act of goodwill, NOT because we had to.
It is disheartening that staff and members of the South Coast Team have had to hear negative comments and accusations around the delay.
I hope you now appreciate a bit more of the 'why' behind the decision and to those who found it necessary to be negative, may next time take the time to personally make contact with either myself or a Board Member to gauge further information if required.
Other Property Projects
The BoT Property Team are preparing for the next few projects which include:
Removal of all Portacoms over the next couple of weeks.
Planning for the ground repair where Portacoms and older classrooms have been demolished.
After that further projects include:
Moving the car park down to the tennis court
Completely upgrading the driveway.
I hope you will all agree, there are a lot of people working very hard to make our site, safe and inviting for all.
We will let you know when the blessing of the new builds is going to take place which will be after all construction has been completed onsite.
Moa iti tamariki learning to swim by blowing bubbles
Aotearoa New Zealand’s Histories
The Minister of Education, the Hon Chris Hipkins launched public engagement on draft curriculum content for Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories on the 3 February 2021.
You may have heard the Prime Minister also reference Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories in her speech at Ruapekapeka. The histories of Aotearoa are the histories of all people who live here.
Public engagement on the draft curriculum content will run through until 31 May 2021. We want to hear from everyone with an interest in how Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories is taught in our schools and kura so please participate.
Please get in touch with
The detailed draft curriculum content and an online survey, for feedback, is available at
COVID-19 preparedness
After last year’s challenges with COVID-19, a huge amount of work has been done to improve our collective ability to respond should a resurgence happen. The work we've been doing to develop response plans is central to this effort.
A key part of the broader plan for a COVID-19 resurgence is planning how teaching and learning can continue in the event we have to close. To support this, we asked at our Learning Partnership Hui questions around this. If you did not attend on Monday 1 Feb, please contact your child's teacher and discuss how we can assist your whanau in the event of a lockdown. The aim is for us to be ready so teaching and learning can continue seamlessly.
2021 Stationery
Term 1 Calendar (This may change on a weekly basis)
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Wednesday 24 February
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Monday 1 March - Friday 12 March
Life Education Trust Visiting
Wednesday 3 March
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Friday 5 March
Teacher Only Day - School Closed
Monday 8 March
Taranaki Annivesary Day - School Closed
Wednesday 10 March
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Tuesday 16 March
Vision & Hearing Testing
Wednesday 17 March
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Thursday 18 March
Year 7 & 8 Immunisations
Saturday 20 March
Inglewood Primary School Gala Day
Monday 22 March
IPS Swimming Sports Y5 - Y8 at the Inglewood Town Pools
Wednesday 24 March
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Monday 29 March - Thursday 1 April
Camp Y7 & Y8 - Wellington
Wednesday 31 March
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Friday 2 April
Good Friday - School Closed
Monday 5 April
Easter Monday - School Closed
Tuesday 6 April
Easter Tuesday - School Closed for all schools
Wednesday 7 April
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Monday 12 April
Town v Country Swimming - Stratford Pools
Wednesday 14 April
Mini Moa 2-3pm
Friday 16 April
Last day of Term 1
Monday 3 May
First day of Term 2