Wellness Wednesday
December 2023
Keeping healthy habits like getting enough sleep, eating well, and being physically active can help you cope with stress during the holidays. You can also reduce stress by accepting that you don’t have to do everything or make everything perfect. Relaxing activities like napping, walking, reading, or watching something funny can help you release tension and stress. Holidays are a time to have fun and enjoy yourself with your family and friends, so use these tips to make the most of them when you feel stressed.
My Health Onsite Holiday Schedule
MHO Wellness Webinars
Weight Management During the Holidays
Weight gain is common during the holiday season. This presentation will discuss realistic strategies to help maintain weight during all the festivities and celebrations.
Click on the desired times below to register and add the meeting to your calendar
NOTE: Please List Your Full Name & Employer When Entering Info for Webex Meeting. (i.e., John Smith - City of Orlando)
Healthy Recipe from MHO
Managing Holiday Expectations
We're Here for You
EAP Clinical Corner
We have changed our EAP model from a closed panel of select providers to a broader panel of regional providers. The reason for the change is access. Our employees and their dependents will have access to far more providers to find more timely connections for their mental health needs. The twenty-eight providers who most recently had been on our closed panel, will now be included as preferred providers. This means the clinicians answering the phones at the New Directions Behavioral Health 800 number will include some of the preferred providers when possible as they assist members in choosing from counselors in their area. This change should be seamless to our members. If you have questions or encounter any barriers to access, please contact EAP Clinical Coordinator, Scott Leu, for assistance.
If you would like support in pursuing more well-being in your life, please consider connecting with your EAP for counseling or work/life solutions. Explore the other links in the green navigation box on this page or call our program services provider, New Directions Behavioral Health, to get started. The 24/7/265 number for New Directions is 800-624-5544.
Click here for more information about EAP
Click here to access New Directions Company code is: Pasco
Upcoming EAP Webinar
Managing Holiday Stress
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
While the holidays are seen as a time of joy and celebration, they can also be a time of tremendous stress. In this session learn some strategies better manage holiday stress and get more of out of what the holidays mean to you.
These webinars are NOT part of the Wellness Incentive Program and are NOT incentivized.
Healthy Holiday Cookbook by The Full Plate Living
Eating healthy during the holidays is possible and cooking healthy food can be fun!
This Cookbook was created to help you plan for deliciously, delightful holiday meals. We also share Full Plate Living tips to help guide how you fill your plate and recipes for foods that taste great.
Learn How to Eat Healthy with MyPlate
MyPlate is a visual reminder to make healthy choices from each of the five groups. MyPlate.gov offers tips and resources that support healthy dietary patterns.
Focus on whole fruits.
The Fruit Group includes all fruits and 100% fruit juice. Fruits may be fresh, frozen, canned, or dried/dehydrated. Fruits can be eaten whole, cut up, pureed (mashed), or cooked. At least half of the recommended amount of fruit eaten should come from whole fruit, rather than 100% fruit juice.
Vary your veggies.
Any vegetable or 100% vegetable juice counts as part of the Vegetable Group. Vegetables may be raw or cooked and can be fresh, frozen, canned, or dried. They can be whole, cut-up, or mashed.
Make half your grains whole grains.
Foods made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley, or another cereal grain is a grain product. Bread, pasta, breakfast cereals, grits, and tortillas are examples of grain products. Foods such as popcorn, rice, and oatmeal are also included in the Grains Group.
Vary your protein routine.
Protein Foods include all foods made from seafood; meat, poultry, and eggs; beans, peas, and lentils; and nuts, seeds, and soy products. Beans, peas, and lentils are also part of the Vegetable Group.
Move to low-fat or fat-free dairy milk or yogurt
The Dairy Group includes milk, yogurt, cheese, lactose-free milk and fortified soy milk and yogurt.
The Dairy Group does not include foods made from milk that have little calcium and a high fat content. Examples of this are cream cheese, sour cream, cream, and butter.
Patty's Points
Winter Break is around the corner. Hope you all enjoy a well-deserved break with your family/friends! Here are some helpful information and reminders.
Dear Patty:
Q: Will I be receiving a new ID card effective January 1, 2024?
A: If you changed your plan from HMO Premium Plan to HMO Basic Plan or upgraded your plan from the HMO Basic to the HMO Premium Plan, you should expect a new ID card.
Also, members who change their plan types from HMO to PPO or PPO to HMO will be issued new ID cards.
Note: ID cards are issued in the employee’s (subscriber’s) name only. Dependents are designated as member 02, 03, etc. in the order of their enrollment.
In addition, name changes processed on the Open Enrollment electronic file should generate a new ID card as well.
Tobacco Free Florida
Whatever your reason to quit is, Tobacco Free Florida offers free tools and services to help you get started.
Sign Up for a Smoking Cessation Program.
Click from the buttons below to schedule a session.
Florida Blue - Blue365 Deals
Neither Pasco Schools nor MHO recommends, endorses, warrants or guarantees any specific vendor, product or service available under or through the Blue365 Program or Site.
Pasco County Schools offers incentives for covered employees and retirees who complete their annual Vital Health Profile. This program is voluntary; however, participants must follow the steps outlined here in order to qualify for the 2023 incentive.
Already Completed your VHP?
Work with a My Health Onsite Health Coach to achieve your wellness goals! Talk with your My Health Onsite provider to be enrolled. Employees enrolled in the Pascofit option may be eligible to earn additional incentive rewards by completing up to 2 wellness programs with a Health Coach. More information about the wellness programs through My Health Onsite can be found here.
The HWI 4th quarter for Pascofit is October 1- December 31, 2023.
Click here for more information.