West Perry ARP Plan
The plan for using Federal COVID Relief Funds
What is the American Rescue Plan (ARP)?
West Perry School District has received $3,523,504, an amount calculated in the same way that the 2020 Title I-A funds were calculated by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. These funds may be used through the 2023-2024 school year.
More information about the ARP funds can be found at Pennsylvania Department of Education's Answers to FAQs (pa.gov)
How will West Perry School District spend these funds?
Student Supports
- A synchronous WPVA (virtual) teacher for elementary students
- A Math Intervention teacher at each elementary school
- A Special Education teacher at the High School
- Teletherapy for qualifying secondary students
All positions and services will be funded through the end of the 2023-2024 school year.
Positions and services will be evaluated each year and a plan for continuing or eliminating the position will be presented at a regular board meeting during the 2023-2024 school year.
Enrichment Programs
- Summer Programs at each elementary school and the Middle School
- A Summer Credit Recovery Program, available to high school students
- After school programs at the Middle School and High School.
ARP funds will be used to provide staff, snacks, and satellite transportation.
These activities will be available through the Summer of 2024.