The Lion's Den: Week at a Glance
Parent and Community Week at a Glance 10/23 - 10/27/23
"Math at McDonald's Night"
"Math at McDonald's Night"
"Math at McDonald's Night"
"Stash the Trash"
"Stash the Trash"
"Stash the Trash"
"Sumter School District Trunk or Treat" event!
"Sumter School District Trunk or Treat" event!
"Sumter School District Trunk or Treat" event!
Lemira Elementary School Updates: October
Welcome to a new week! Thanks for being a part of our village as we continue to motivate, inspire, and educate all students to be college and career ready. We are the Lions, and we'll have it no other way!!!!!!
Thank you!
Thank you to our families who attended "Math Night"! It was awesome seeing so many of our families in attendance. The story was captured in our local newspaper. Please see links
Video: https://www.facebook.com/theitem/videos/3687539948133848
Article: https://www.theitem.com/stories/mathematicians-at-mcdonalds-lemira-elementary-school-gets-creative-for-parent-and-family,406260 (Will need a subscription to view)
Thank You!
Thank you to Ms. Jasmine Myers, from Clemson Extension, for presenting engaging health and nutritional activities to our third grade classes last week. The students enjoyed learning about health facts and food sampling.
School Announcements
1. Red Ribbon Week
- We will kick of this week with "Red Ribbon Week" as we fight to say "No to Drugs".
- We will have spirit week this week, as students are encourgaed to dress up to show their school spirit.
- Please see flyer for details.
2. "Celebration of Learning" Programs (Parent Invite)
- We will have our upcoming honor roll programs on the following dates / times
Honor roll assembly (PreK - 2)
Tuesday, October 24
8:15 - 9:15 (1st and 2nd)
9:30am - 10:30am (PreK and Kinder)
Honor Roll Assembly (3rd - 5th)
Wednesday, October 25
(8:15am - 9:15am) 3rd - 4th
(9:30am - 10:30am) 5th
3. Federal Aid Impact Forms
- Federal Aid Impact forms went home Oct. 18.
- Please complete, sign, and return to the school as soon as possible.
- The first homeroom class to return their forms will win a pizza party.
- So, help your scholar's class win!
4. Title One Monster Mash
- Join us for our "Title One Monster Mash" on Thursday, Oct. 26th
- The event will be from 6:00pm - 7:30pm @ Lemira Elementary.
- This event is for students and families of Lemira only.
- In order for students to attend, a chaperone must be present.
- We will have various activities, such as a dance, carnival games, canteen, and book distribution for students' home libraries.
- The admission ticket is free!
- Canteen items will be sold - Please see flyer for prices.
5. Book Character Literacy Parade / Oct. 27th (During School Hours)
- Dress your scholar as his/her favorite book.
- Students must have book to participate in parade.
- The parade will occur during school hours.
6. Student Council "Community Clean Up" Day
- Student Council will host its "Community Clean Up" day on Saturday, Nov. 4th
- We are inviting our students, parents, and staff to come out to assist us with this iniatiive.
- Please bring a pair of gloves.
- Trash bags and sticks will be provided.
- Let's join together to keep our community clean!
7. Exact Path (Homework Extension)
- Parents, please encourage students to continue to log into Exact Path, even while at home to build their skills in the areas of Reading and Math.
- Each day, all of our students participate in an enrichment block, in which they spend 30 minutes working on skills catered to their independent level in Exact Path.
8. Blue Communication Homework Folders:
- Each student has or will recieve a "Blue Communication" folder on their first day of entrance.
- Please ask your scholar for the folder. Important paperwork is included, which will require your signatures.
- Please check this folder daily for any upcoming events or important news.
- Your scholar's classroom "Week at a Glance" will also be included, which contains homework, upcoming test, etc."
9. Parent Portal and Power-School
- Please make sure your information has been updated in Power-school.
- We want to ensure we have accurate numbers on file in case of emergencies.
- Also, please ensure you have access to Parent Portal so you are able to view grades live.
10. Spirit Fridays:
* Please mark on your calendars the following Days
- 2nd Fridays (Spirit Fridays) - Lemira T-shirts or "Blue and White" colors
- 4th Fridays (Creating College and Career Ready Leaders, the AVID Way) - Wear your favorite college T-shirt
Title One Parent Engagement Tips
Counseling Corner:
Kids are more successful in school when parents take an active interest in their homework — it shows kids that what they do is important.
Here are some tips to guide the way:
- Know the teachers — and what they're looking for. Attend school events, such as parent-teacher conferences, to meet your child's teachers. Ask about their homework policies and how you should be involved.
- Set up a homework-friendly area. Make sure kids have a well-lit place to complete homework. Keep supplies — paper, pencils, glue, scissors — within reach.
- Schedule a regular study time. Some kids work best in the afternoon, following a snack and play period; others may prefer to wait until after dinner.
- Help them make a plan. On heavy homework nights or when there's an especially hefty assignment to tackle, encourage your child break up the work into manageable chunks. Create a work schedule for the night if necessary — and take time for a 15-minute break every hour, if possible.
- Keep distractions to a minimum. This means no TV, loud music, or phone calls. (Occasionally, though, a phone call to a classmate about an assignment can be helpful.)
- Make sure kids do their own work. They won't learn if they don't think for themselves and make their own mistakes. Parents can make suggestions and help with directions. But it's a kid's job to do the learning.
- Be a motivator and monitor. Ask about assignments, quizzes, and tests. Give encouragement, check completed homework, and make yourself available for questions and concerns.
- Set a good example. Do your kids ever see you diligently balancing your budget or reading a book? Kids are more likely to follow their parents' examples than their advice.
- Praise their work and efforts. Post an aced test or art project on the refrigerator. Mention academic achievements to relatives.
- If there are continuing problems with homework, get help. Talk about it with your child's teacher. Some kids have trouble seeing the board and may need glasses; others might need an evaluation for a learning problem or attention disorder.
Reading Corner:
Parent Tips:
In celebration of 40 years, Reading Rainbow (1983) will stream 40 full episodes of the original series on YouTube every Tue. and Thu. from Oct.17, 2023-Feb. 29, 2024. Family activities to complete after each episode are included.
Important Calendar Dates
October 2nd - 5th
PBIS Spirit Week
Oct. 5th (Half Day)
Students will dismiss at 11:00am.
HYPE “Lights On After School” Program w/ Chorus and Perc.
6pm (Jehovah Missionary Church)
Oct. 6th (Full Day)
There is no school for students.
This is a district professional development day.
October 7th
ESTEAM Festival
(Student Council Booth / Percussion Ensemble / Chorus Performance)
10:00am - 3:00pm
Oct. 9th and 10th (Fall Break / Full Day)
There is no school for students or staff
October 12th
Parent/Student Luncheon
"Level Up" School Lunch
SIC Title One Planning
October 17th
Title One Math Night at McDonalds
Oct. 20th
District Trunk or Treat (@ Hilcrest Stadium / Please register)
October 21st
Stash the Trash @ Lakewood
Tuesday, October 24
Honor Roll Assembly
8:15 - 9:15 (1st and 2nd)
9:30am - 10:30am (PreK and Kinder)
Wednesday, October 25
Honor Roll Assembly (3rd - 5th)
(8:15am - 9:15am) 3rd - 4th
(9:30am - 10:30am) 5th
Oct. 26th
Monster Mash Carnival / Dance
Oct. 27th
Literacy Parade
Oct. 25th - 31st
Red Ribbon Week
November 4th
Student Council "Community Clean Up" Day
10:30am - Starting Point (Lemira)
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and our School Website for the latest updates. The links are in the box below.
Mrs. Stephanie Gregg, Ed.S
Proud Principal of Lemira Elementary School
"Title One Monster Mash"
Thursday, Oct 26, 2023, 06:00 PM
Lemira Elementary School, Fulton Street, Sumter, SC, USA
Lemira Elementary School
Email: step8636@hotmail.com
Website: https://lme.sumterschools.net/
Location: 952 Fulton Street, Sumter, SC, USA
Phone: 803-775-0658
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LemiraLionDynasty
Twitter: @LemiraSchool