Friday Features
Happy Friday!!
The fundraising totals are in for the Read-A-Thon! We raised $6141 for our school. And the winner for the most money raised by a single class was Mrs. McNulty's class! They raised $1460! Mrs. Bohen and Mrs. McNulty's class will each be getting books from Scholastic as a thank you!
Christian R. was our top fundraiser and will be receiving $50 to spend at Scholastic Books. We have a 7-way tie for our top readers. I will work with Mrs. Binford to have a drawing for the winner. Congratulations to Brandon K, Kaitlyn W, Hannah B, Emilio C, Julian D, Joanne M and Vibha A. Good Luck. One of them will also be receiving $50 to spend at Scholastic Books.
Please don't forget to send in your little bite wrappers.
4th grade yearbooks are on sale now! The early bird pricing will end this weekend. Last chance to order before the price goes up.
4th grade parents - Please check your emails later for yearbook photo information. We'll be looking for photos from home this year and any special ones you have from prior years.
Have a great weekend!
Briana George, PTO President
World Autism Day
The colors of rainbows have many different meanings. Most recently, the range of colors depicted in a rainbow have been used to celebrate and raise awareness regarding the range of abilities of the individuals on the Autism Spectrum. This year we are asking students and staff to wear a different color of the rainbow each day to celebrate Autism Awareness month during the week of April 12th. The schedule is as follows:
4/12, Monday wear RED
4/13, Tuesday wear ORANGE
4/14, Wednesday wear YELLOW
4/15, Thursday wear GREEN
4/16, Friday wear BLUE or PURPLE
Every Friday (4/9, 4/23 & 4/30) during the month of April wear rainbow colors or autism awareness t-shirts.
Students please trace and decorate your own handprint to show the support of diversity of Autism Spectrum Disorder and turn them into school/your teacher by Friday, April 9 and we will hang them up in the hallways.
Please reach out with any questions and thanks for your support in helping spread awareness!
Enjoy your spring break!
Nicole, Melissa, Paula and Jackie
Nicole Lewinski
Occupational Therapist
Entenmann's Little Bites
4th Grade Yearbook Early Bird Sale is Open!
Bradley Gardens Masks are Here!
The teen size is great for our school-aged children and those with thinner faces.
PTO Positions - Co-President
This position has several responsibilites that are shared among two people. They include:
Preside at meetings.
Prepare calendar of PTO events in partnership with the school principal. Make changes as necessary during year. Establish dates with the Council of Schools Association for meetings and to correlate calendars, including dates for all PTO functions.
Coordinate chairpersons and create special committees as needed.
Set agenda for PTO meetings.
Prepare budget with Treasurer.
Maintain PTO mailbox and PTO storage areas.
Sign checks and make deposits in absence of Treasurer.
Be ex-officio member of all committees.
Obtain all necessary state and local permits, licenses, etc.
Keep a list of all paid Bradley Gardens School PTO members, as provided by the Membership Chair
Establish review of the by-laws by the Board every 2 year and update Constitution and By-Laws, as deemed necessary by that review.
Will attend Council of Schools Association meetings as Bradley Gardens School PTO representatives, as calendared by the CSA.
We Need A Nominating Committee
If you have a talent for seeing the potential in people and matching them to a need, then WE NEED YOU!
Are you in the field of marketing or advertising? Maybe you can help with advertising the positions?
Many hands, make light work. If you can spare a few hours, we could use your help.
Specifically, we will need 2 PTO Presidents, 1 PTO Vice President, 2 PTO Treasurers, 1 Recording Secretary, and 1 Webmaster.
If you are interested in any of the positions, please email Briana George @ bgsptopresident@gmail.com.
The more help we have the easier it is to run the PTO events and manage the administration of the PTO. Hopefully next year we are back to "normal", but either way, the events we have come to love and the support that we have given the school in terms of assemblies, equipment and programs need to continue. Please consider joining our team.
Many people have asked where to find a description of the roles. You can find our complete by-laws on the PTO website under forms and documents. I am also including the section that specifically address the roles below.
We are happy to answer any and all questions.
Box Tops for Education
Stay in Touch
Bradley Gardens PTO
Briana George, President
Email: bgsptopresident@gmail.com
Website: www.bgspto.org
Facebook: facebook.com/PTOBradleyGard
Twitter: @PTOBradleyGard