Commit to Be Fit Newsletter
April 18th, 2022

21 April 2023/ Issue No. 243
TryDay Friday
This month's TryDay Friday at RCHS featured homemade hummus, served on a cucumber and topped with a cherry tomato. This recipe, which is featured in the recipe section of the newsletter, is taken from our community cookbook challenge. To view the cookbook, CLICK HERE.
Every Kid Healthy Week
Next week, Commit to Be Fit will be celebrating Every Kid Healthy Week. Follow us on social media to see the daily happenings!
Thanks to a grant from the PATH Foundation, POP (Power of Produce) Bucks Market Bags are back for the 2023 season. All RCPS students are eligible to sign-up to receive a free market bag filled with local produce, protein, and bread. New this year-- students will receive two $5 tokens to redeem at the farmer's market at participating vendors. Stay tuned-- the sign-up link will be available shortly!
Staff Salad Bar Winners
This semester, C2BF invited all staff members to participate in a weekly free salad drawing. This week's winners are Martina Bullard (high school) and Jordan Hummill (elementary). C2BF will be delivering your free salad coupons shortly. Enjoy, Martina and Jordan!
Autism Acceptance Walk
Everyone is invited to attend the 1st Annual Autism Acceptance Walk on April 22nd at 10 am. There will be a 1 mile walk around the RCHS track, corn hole, mural painting, and more! Please contact Tanya with questions at tcox@rappahannockschools.us.
This will be held rain or shine. If it rains, it will be moved inside the high school cafeteria.
Upcoming Classes & Workshops
As a friendly reminder, classes will not be held on early release days or when school is not in session for students. Be sure to join our Facebook GROUP (search Commit to Be Fit) or sign-up for our newsletters at the bottom of our website homepage (www.rappc2bf.com) to receive class updates and/or cancellations.
Location information is available on our website www.rappc2bf.com/activities
Have additional questions? Email c2bf@rappahannockschools.us.
Tips from the Team
Grow Your Own Plants
Summer is almost here, which also means planting season. You might say you’re not the type who can grow anything, but I beg to guess your thumb is greener than you might think. Try growing a few of your favorite vegetables this year. Many vegetables grow quite easily and do not take up a lot of space. Go as big or small as you like. You may want to only use a couple planting pots or create a small raised bed. Some examples of what I consider easy growers are zucchini, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, and sunflowers. If sunflower seeds aren’t your thing, they make great food for bird feeders.
Growing our own plants can be multi beneficial. Not only do we get good nutrition, but also great exercise. Being outside is good for our mental well-being as well. If you’ve never grown anything, grab a few seeds, get down in the dirt, and let nature take care of the rest. I think you’ll find a little different taste in something you’ve grown on your own.
Bring on the Sun(Screen)
As the beautiful spring weather and warm sun continue to make way into the summer heat, it’s important to make sure we are taking proper care of our skin. Did you know that the skin is the largest organ in our body? This is because it serves as a protective barrier between our external environment and our internal organs. That is why it is so important to take the time to protect your skin from the sun. I know we are all embracing this warm weather spending weekends on the beach, watching ball games, or taking trips to the fishing pond, but the sun can be especially harsh on our skin after bearing the dark and colder days of the winter season. Applying a SPF of at least 30 and wearing sun protective accessories (such as hats and sunglasses) will not only keep your skin healthy, but will also reduce your risk of developing skin cancers and avoid faster aging. Don’t get me wrong, the sun provides our bodies with vital nutrients and it’s important to get 10-30 minutes of sunlight a day, but too much UV rays causes damage to our outermost later of skin. Save yourself from that painful sunburn and lather up on sunscreen before spending the day out in the sun!
Featured Recipe
Commit to Be Fit is a school sponsored, grant funded program in Rappahannock County, Virginia. Through the generosity of the PATH Foundation, Commit to Be Fit was created to promote a culture of wellness in Rappahannock County Public Schools and the Rappahannock community.