TWHS Weekly News
January 27, 2023
Weekly Calendar
Monday, January 30th:
Tuesday, January 31st:
- Regular Bell Schedule
Wednesday, February 1st:
Thursday, February 2nd:- Regular Bell Schedule
Friday, February 3rd:
- Regular Bell Schedule
Dear Cardinal Family,
Well, it happened. The 5:21 a.m. phone call that had been the talk of the school in the days prior. A snow day! It's kind of funny being a principal when there is even a hint of a snow day possibility out there.
Ten years ago, kids were convinced there was some predetermined schedule of snow days that all principals knew and were keeping secret. (There isn't.) Some believed we had influence over the decision. (We don't.) The conversations were a little more hushed and had a "you can tell me, I won't tell anyone" kind of a feel. Nowadays, it's a group discussion about educated guesses. And, as a principal and parent, I may have different hopes than kids.
Any way you slice it, the potential for a snow day creates a buzz in the school and generates a lot of dialogue. Students who normally walk by with airpods actually stop and engage an adult in a conversation about the weather. It's exciting and different and entertaining.
I hope your kid was happy, able to sleep a little longer, and relished in the first snow day of the year. Here's hoping for zero more!
Have a great weekend and Go Cards!
Pete Scully
Thomas Worthington HS
**New Announcements This Week**
College Credit Plus (CCP) Information
Donations Needed for Parent/Teacher Conferences
Seniors: Order Your Cap & Gown
Seniors, graduation will be here before you know it. Be prepared for graduation day and order your Cap, Gown & Tassel early. You can also order Announcements, Stationery and Class Rings. Orders may be placed online at See the website for details.
Submit Your Senior Picture!
Senior pictures must be submitted by
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Senior Picture Submission Form.
In order to avoid any mistakes, please follow the directions closely.
Directions to submit your senior picture:
- Your photo must be VERTICAL and in COLOR or BLACK AND WHITE (see example)
- Please use a personal computer to submit your photos.
- Only school-related props are allowed in portraits. No animals or pets (sorry!). Make sure your photo follows the TWHS dress code. No “selfie-styles.”
- Pictures cannot contain watermarks of photographers.
- PLEASE do not send screenshots of your picture. It must be high quality to be included!
- Senior Photo Submission Files must be named Last Name_First Name (it must be a *jpeg or .png)
Late photos will not be accepted
What Teachers and Staff are Saying
The 3Rs - Cardinal Expectations at TWHS
There are three general behavior expectations at Thomas Worthington High School: build Relationships, show Respect, and be Responsible.
We define build Relationships as “to cultivate belonging”. It is our goal that 100% of our students feel connected to at least one adult that they trust enough to go to when they really need it. From our morning greeting as each student enters the building, to each teacher connecting with each student, to our Wednesday homeroom lessons, we strive to create an environment that is so welcoming - all are inspired to learn.
We define show Respect as “use appropriate language”. We work towards being mindful of the words we speak and the immense power they have on ourselves and others. We learn that the words we say, along with the time, setting, and location have an impact on others.
We define be Responsible as “to attend and be on time to class”. We are intentional about the value of showing up, being on time, and being present for ourselves and others.
2023-2024 College Credit Plus Information
Students & Families-
Are you interested in taking a College Credit Plus Course that TWHS has to offer? If so, the application process for CCP students for the 2023-2024 school year is now open.
Please review the videos below to learn more about College Credit Plus:
1) General Overview of College Credit Plus created by OSU Director, Michele Brown
2) Worthington City Schools overview of opportunities WCS students have
Students will need to stop by the School Counseling Office and pick up the "Intent to Participate" form to be considered for the program. The Intent to Participate form is due to Mr. Quart by April 1st, 2023 in the School Counseling Office.
If you have any questions about the program, reach out to Mr. Quart at in the School Counseling Office.
Parent/Teacher Conferences: Wednesday, February 8th and Thursday, February 16th
2023 - 2024 Course Registration
Did you know that 2023-24 course registration is just around the corner? Here are our timeline and resources that will help you and your student navigate this process:
January 13-20: Teachers will discuss course offerings within their content area with their students
January 25: During homeroom, students will receive a hard copy of the registration card (list of all the classes TWHS offers). They will also learn about the scheduling resources we have available which include:
January 25-31: Students should speak with their family about what courses to register for.
February 1: During second period, students will register for their 2023-24 classes. They will need their chromebooks as they will do this in Infinite Campus. Their second period teacher will be there to help.
February 2-28: Counselors meet with students to confirm course requests
Thank you for supporting your student during this process. Please reach out to your student’s school counselor if you have any questions.
Felicha Smith (students with last name A-D)
Kelly Swearingen (students with last name E-K)
Celeste Preisse (students with last name L-M)
David Quart (students with last name N-R)
Stephanie Burns (students with last name R-Z)
Science Day Information
This year’s K-12 Science Day will be held on Saturday, February 25th, 2023 at Thomas Worthington High School. Science Day has grown to include a number of different options for students. The events planned for the 2023 science day include: Science Fair, Invention Convention, Design Challenge, and a Cubing Competition. To sign up to volunteer or judge, register students to participate, or learn more, visit the Science Day website (
"Make More" - STEM Program at TWHS
Thomas Worthington High School Receives National Recognition for Commitment to Empowering Students
TWHS is recognized as a distinguished school for STEM and career learning program
Project Lead the Way recently announced that TWHS has been recognized as a 2022 Distinguished School. It is one of just 191 high schools across the U.S. to receive this honor for providing broad access to transformative learning experiences through the PLTW Engineering Pathway. The TWHS PLTW Engineering pathway empowers high school students to step into the role of an engineer and adopt a problem-solving mindset. Students engage in collaborative, real-life activities like working with a client to design a home, programming electronic devices or robotic arms, and exploring hands on engineering challenges.
The PLTW Distinguished School recognition honors schools committed to increasing student access, engagement, and achievement in their Engineering and STEM programs.
“We are honored to recognize Thomas Worthington High School for their unwavering commitment to provide students with an excellent educational experience despite the last two years having been some of the most challenging in recent history for students and educators across the U.S. due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Dr. David Dimmett, Interim President and CEO of PLTW. Worthington City Schools should be very proud of their achievements in unlocking their students’ potential and equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in life beyond the classroom no matter what career path they choose.”
Thomas Worthington High School is part of a community of PreK-12 schools, colleges and universities, and corporate and philanthropic partners across the country united around a passion for providing students with inspiring, engaging, and empowering learning opportunities.
For more information on the TWHS engineering program, contact Bryan Brown,(
DACC Program Spotlights - Senior Only Programs
Join a DACC admissions representative and our talented Program Instructors for an informational overview session and lab tour of the unique one year, senior-only program. Attendees will learn how DACC students graduate with confidence, earn industry credentials and college credits, gain professional contacts, create an impressive resume, and get actual experience that employers and colleges value.
Please note: pre-registration is required. See full list of tours and register here.
- Monday, February 13: Healthcare Technician
- Wednesday, February 15: Digital Design Techniques
- Thursday, February 16: Nail Technician
- Thursday, February 23: App Development & Programming Technician
- Tuesday, February 28: Pharmacy Technician
- TBD coming soon!: Facilities Pre-Engineering Technician
Don’t miss any opportunities to explore. Join our Explore Newsletter to receive monthly resources to learn more about DACC’s high school options.
Winter Formal Information
ACT Boot Camp February 5 & 12, 2023
Dr. Srinath Sampath of PrepAccelerator ( is returning for the 5th consecutive year to teach the 2-day, 15-hour ACT Boot Camp to Worthington High School students on Sunday, February 5, and Sunday, February 12, 2023. Students who attended the boot camp in previous years have seen a definite score improvement. The boot camp is open to all 9-12 grade students and will run from 8:00am to 5:00pm on both days.
The boot camp will be taught online, and students will log in from their homes to attend the boot camp on both days.
An intensive, two-day training session open to Linworth, TWHS and WKHS students, will be taught online on February 5 and February 12, 2023. This opportunity will cost $200, a heavily discounted rate and will include handouts and a printed handbook that contains cheat sheets, test-taking tips, and over 975 drills with solutions covering English and Math.
Click ACT Boot Camp for more information.
Classroom School Fees and Outstanding Balances
Parents/guardians, please check your child’s current balance for any outstanding fees. Classroom fee for grades 9-12 is $65. Senior fee is $35. All fees and outstanding balances are to be paid via the online payment system,
For questions regarding an outstanding balance, please contact:
Academics/Activities: Megan Roberts or call 614-450-6272
Athletic fees/uniforms: Liz Lee or call 614-450-6285
Textbooks: Kathie Volpe or call 614-450-6261
Library books/Chromebooks: Lori Poleway or call 614-450-6278
Ohio Math League Competition Dates
The Ohio Math League Competition dates are below. All students are welcome to compete free of charge. Materials needed include a graphing calculator and a pencil/pen. Questions may be directed to Mr. Dosky in Room 227.
This is a state-wide event and there are a total of 6 competitions that are held once each month starting in October and ending in March. For a list of competition dates, please click HERE. Each high school competes and we take the top 5 scores to represent our team score. A perfect team score would be a 30 and a perfect individual score would be a 6. Everyone is welcome to come out and enjoy the contest each month.
Friday Flock Talk
Our ComTech students produce a weekly edition of student news titled Flock Talk. It is released every Friday for the students and the staff. Here is this week's edition.
Just a reminder: Don't forget to order your 2022-2023 yearbooks.!
Click HERE for more information and to place your order.
Cardinal Yearbook Website
Check out our brand new website for The Cardinal Yearbook! Go to for all of your information.
Donations Needed for TWHS 2023 Conference Night Dinner for Teachers and Staff
WABFE January Newsletter
TWHS Spirit Wear Store is Open
Do you need spirit wear or athletic gear with the new TWHS logo? Please visit the link below to order! 15% off everything for a limited time with the code SAVE15.
Thomas Worthington Athletic Gear
Order today!
TWHS Car Magnets - New Logo Available!!
Big news! TWHS car magnets with the new logo are now available! There are a limited number of car magnets available with the vintage logo while supplies last. Plus, three new activities were added to the magnet options including DHS, NHS and Ski & Ride!
Please use this form to request the magnet type and quantity for your order: or contact the TWHS Lady Cards Softball Program for more information. Thank you for your support!
Parent, Is your Child 16 or Older?
Ohio Law (ORC 3313.671) requires all 12th grade students receive two (2) doses of the Meningococcal vaccine. The second dose must be received after the student's 16th birthday. Proof of this vaccination is due to the school prior to senior year. Once the vaccine is received please send proof of vaccination or an updated immunization record to or fax to 614-450-6393 or drop it off in the office.
- Visit:
- Health Department walk in hours: 240 Parsons Ave. Mon. 8 am - 4pm, Tues. 10 am - 6 pm, Wed. 8 am - 11 am, Thurs./Fri. 8 am - 4 pm
- Worthington United Methodist Church walk in vaccine clinic:1st Wednesday of each month 1 pm - 4pm, 600 High St. Worthington
When to Keep Your Child at Home / Guidelines From our Health Office
When to Keep Your Child Home: Your child is too ill to go to school if he or she has any of the following symptoms:
- Temperature above 100 degrees F by mouth (see below)
- Vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours (see below)
- Shortness of breath or has increase in wheezing during normal activity
- Has a cough that interrupts normal activity
- Pain from an earache, headache, sore throat or recent injury.
- Has yellow or green drainage from nose or eye(s)
- Rash over body or localized to one area of the body
- Fatigue and needs rest (common with flu-like symptoms)
Students who are sent home with a fever 100 degrees or higher must remain at home until the student is fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication. In most cases this means that students will miss the following school day. Please understand that fevers can reoccur within a 24 hour time period and this policy is in the best interest for all students.
Students who are sent home due to vomiting or diarrhea must also stay home for 24 hours to ensure that these symptoms are gone before returning to school.
Please keep your student home when they are sick. It is in the best interest of your student to stay home when they are ill and helps to protect a healthy environment at school for staff and other students.
Thomas Worthington High School
ph: 614-450-6215 fax: 614-450-6393
Join the PTSO!
Our PTSO needs your support! Please consider joining our organization and help our parent volunteers with fun activities for students and staff, supplies for teachers and scholarships for seniors at the end of each year. To join, fill out this online membership form or print and mail the PTSO Membership form.
PTSO Meeting Dates Set for 2022-23 – Please Join Us!
All PTSO meetings are on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the TWHS Principal's conference room (Room 127). Everyone is welcome - please join us! The meeting dates this year are:
March 21st
May 16th
Attendance Office Procedures for TWHS Students
Please notify the Attendance Office if you know your student will be absent from school. Call or email ahead to pre-excuse for appointments and ask your student to pick up a pass in the Attendance Office ahead of time – we prefer not to interrupt classes by calling rooms.
Call the 24-hour recorded line to leave a message at
614-450-6291, or you may send an email to
Before and After School Guidelines for TWHS Students
Your support in following these guidelines for dropping off and picking up students is greatly appreciated. The safety of our students is our number one priority.
Before and After School Guidelines
Reminder: The gate located next to the tennis courts on Evening Street is closed during school hours.
TWHS School Calendar
Click on TWHS School Calendar to access the TWHS website calendar
February 1st: 2A/2B Bell Schedule
February 4th: Winter Formal 8:00 pm
February 8th: Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:45 pm - 7:10 pm
February 13th: Board of Education Meeting, WEC 6:30 pm
February 14th: Ohio Math League Competition 3:30 pm
February 16th: Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:30 pm-8:10 pm
February 17th & 18th: Seussical the Musical 8pm
February 19th: Seussical the Musical 2:00 pm
February 20th: NO SCHOOL
February 22nd: Band Concert 7:30 pm
February 23rd: Black History Month Show 7:00 pm
February 24th: Black History Month Show
February 24th: 2A/2B Bell Schedule
February 27th: Board of Education Meeting, WEC 6:30 pm
February 28th: Orchestra Concert 7:00 pm
Thomas Worthington High School
Principal, Pete Scully
Assistant Principal (A-D), Emilie Greenwald
Assistant Principal (E-K), Todd Keenan
Assistant Principal (L-R), Adrienne Carr
Assistant Principal (S-Z), Brett Shaffer
Dean of Students, Scott Gordon
Athletic Director, Molly Feesler
School Counseling Chair, David Quart
Registrar, Kate Weber
Special Education Key Communicator, Meredith Murphy
Location: 300 West Dublin Granville Road, Worthington, OH, USA
Phone: (614)450-6200
Twitter: @TWHS_cardinals