Principal's Weekly Newsletter
A Message from Dan Griffin, Director of Advancement
This is an exciting time to be part of the St. Mary's community! The outpouring of support by our parents towards Pub Trivia Night has been tremendous. We are so grateful for the donations to the Silent Auction, for those of you who will be volunteering your time in assisting with the event, and especially for those who will be joining us for the evening. Special thank you to Magoun Saloon, home of Boston's Greatest Buffalo Wings, who will be catering the event. We are excited to announce a new addition to the Silent Auction: 2 tickets for Celtics vs. Suns on February 3rd! We hope you can join us.
There is still time to RSVP! Click here:
Looking Ahead
- Early Re-Enrollments Concludes
- Progress Reports go home
- Report Cards Released (Grades PreK-K1)
- Winter MAPS make-up testing begins (optional)
January 25th:
- Coffee with the Principal
- Pub Trivia Night
- Professional Development/ No School
January 29th:
- Catholic Schools Mass Kickoff
- Boys and Girls Basketball Game
- Catholic Schools Week (details to follow)
- Parent Volunteer Council Meeting (in person and via Zoom)
- Admissions Info Session-Online
- Walk--Around-Wednesday
- Carnival Breakfast Party
- March Matching Challenge begins
- No School- February Vacation
- Middle School Family Meeting (Field Trip Zoom)
School News
Thank you to our Grade 3 students, Lola, Tripp, and Kenzie for leading the school in this morning's announcements. We are so proud of you!
Since there is no school on Friday (Professional Development Day), we will be serving pizza on Thursday. If your child does not order pizza, please send them lunch from home on Thursday.
Don't forget, Coffee with the Principal will be this Wednesday, January 25th at 8 a.m. in the school cafeteria!
Be on the lookout for an email on Monday with the final Catholic Schools Week Details!
A Message from Nurse Wu
We had 4 cases of Covid reported to us this week.
Enjoy your weekend
Nurse Wu
Catholic Schools Week Attire
Sunday 1/29 - Uniforms at Sunday Mass at 11 a.m.
Monday 1/30 - Uniforms with Crazy Socks
Tuesday 1/31 - Wear Your Culture Day (wear something representing your cultural heritage)
Wednesday 2/1 - Red, White, and Blue Day
Thursday 2/2 - Uniforms for School Mass (K2-8) at 8 a.m.
Friday 2/3 - Tropical Beach Day wear something with tropical patterns
Please note, outfits must adhere to our dress-down day policy in the handbook*
Thank you to our Board Chair, Damien Leigh, for arranging the donation of our new school basketball uniforms from New Balance. We love them!
Early Childhood Spanish
Students in K1 are also learning all about animals in the winter focusing on hibernation, adaptation, and migration.
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 2 students are also preparing for their First Penance and have started to practice the Act of Contrition!
Grade 3 Penpals
Grade 3 Math
Grades 4+5
Middle School French
Grade 6 Math
Grade 8 History
Follow Us on Social Media
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/st-mary-of-the-assumption-school
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmaryschoolbrooklinema
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stmaryschoolbrookline/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/stmarybrookline