Portland Elementary Parent Info
School Events Calendar
Weekly Purple Folder Information
Dear Parent/Guardian, A Reminder that the Purple folders are going home today.
Nothing Here!
Attendance Memo- Please read!!
Electronic Only Reminders
Send your doctor/parent notes, transportation changes and any other updates to our email address below:
To Stay completely up to date on Portland things, please visit the Portland Family Newsletter by clicking/inserting the link below or scanning the QR code.
Other Reminders
When sending in store bought cakes and cookies for celebrations in the classroom, please note we can not accept them if they have been opened or appear to have been opened. This is for the safety of all students.
Be happy, healthy and safe,
Michelle Cox, FRYSC
Monthly Attendance Challenge
Arrival- Students may enter the building beginning at 9:10am.
- Car Riders and Walkers- enter on Northwestern Parkway
- Bus Riders- enter thorugh the back entrance
- Car Riders will exit through the doors on Northwestern
- Bus Riders exit through the back doors
- Walkers dismiss last, through the doors on 34th st.
If you arrive in a car, your child is a car rider and you must be in the car rider line. Students will not be dismissed to parents/guardians in parked cars. This slows our dismissal process.
Students arriving after 9:40am are counted as tardy. Parents/guardians must sign students in at the from office when they arrive after that time.
Early Dismissal Information
School Messenger for District Communication
Need to Opt-In to School Messenger?
If you are a JCPS parent or a JCPS employee AND parent, you may opt in by texting the letter "Y" to 67587.
Equal Employment Opportunity Employees/Applicants
The Jefferson County Public School District shall not discriminate in recruitment or employment on the basis of age, color, disability, marital or parental status, national origin, race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, religion, genetic information, or political affiliations or beliefs. The District shall promote equal opportunities through a vigorous affirmative action program as an integral part of personnel policy and practice in the employment, development, advancement, and treat ment of employees of the Jefferson County Public Schools.
In the Event of Questions
Employees or applicants, report to immediate superior, the appropriate personnel administrator, the Compliance and Investigations Office, or the ap
propriate enforcement agency if you believe you have experienced harassment/discrimination.
Equal Educational Opportunity Students/Parents or Guardians
No student shall be denied equal educational opportunity by the board of education because of his or her age, color, disability, marital or parental status, national origin, race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliations or beliefs, or religion.
Harassment/Discrimination of any type is not permitted. A student has the right to attend school free from harassment and should not be subjected to discrimination for any reason. Schools will strive to ensure that these rights are protected and that appropriate consequences are provided to offenders.
In the Event of Questions
Students and parents/guardians, report to principal, the Compliance and Investigations Office, or the appropriate government agency if you believe you have experienced harassment/discrimination.
Noncompliance with the above policy and proce dures may result in disciplinary action.
Discrimination Grievance Procedure The Jefferson County Public Schools Discrimina tion Grievance Procedure is available at local schools, on the Jefferson County Public Schools website at www.jefferson.kyschools.us, or in the Compliance and Investigations Office, C. B. Young Jr. Service Center, 3001 Crittenden Drive, Louisville, KY 40209. Contact the Compliance and Investigations director, at 485-3341, or call or write one of the following enforcement agencies:
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 600 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Place, Suite 268 Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 582-6082 | www.eeoc.gov
U.S. Department of Education,
Office for Civil Rights
Wanamaker Building, Suite 515
100 Penn Square East
Philadelphia, PA 19107-3323
(215) 656-8541 | www.ed.gov
Kentucky Commission on Human Rights The Heyburn Building, Suite 1400
332 West Broadway
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 595-4024 | http://kchr.ky.gov
Louisville Metro Human Relations Commission 410 West Chestnut Street, Suite 300A
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 574-3631 | www.louisvilleky.gov/HumanRelations
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Offering Equal Educational Opportunities
Portland Elementary
Email: michelle.perkins@jefferson.kyschools.us
Website: https://schools.jefferson.kyschools.us/Elementary/portland/
Location: 3412 Northwestern Parkway, Louisville, KY, USA
Phone: (502)485-8313
Facebook: facebook.com/PortlandElementarySchool
Twitter: @PortlandJCPS