Welcome Back!
September 2017
Table of Contents
- Summer Highlights
- September at a Glance
- Upcoming Events
- One Stop Center
- Textbook Resources
- Scholarship Information
- Tutoring Resources
- Employment Opportunities
- Message from a TRiO FESP Graduate
- Social Media Links
Summer Highlights
Pretty Lake Camp
Kalamazoo Nature Center (KNC)
Men of Excellence
Mentor/Co-Leader Outing
Kids in Tune
September at a Glance
September 5th - Classes Begin
September 8th - Bronco Bash
September 11th - Last Day to Add/Drop Classes
September 12th- Last Day for 100% Refund
September 13th- Late Add Fee Begins ($100)
September 14th- Last Day for 90% Refund
September 18th - Multicultural Meet and Greet
September 22nd - TRiO FESP Annual Fall Open House
Upcoming Events
Bronco Bash
When: September 8th (3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.)
Where: Sangren Mall
Multicultural Meet and Greet
When: September 18th (6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.)
Where: Bernhard Center, 2nd Floor
TRiO FESP Annual Fall Open House
Our Annual Fall Open House gives future educators, local community leaders, and WMU faculty/staff an opportunity to network with one another. Join us for free food, fun, and a chance to win door prizes donated by businesses in our community!
When: September 22nd (11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)
Where: Adrian Trimpe Multicultural Center (Between the Birdcage and Parking Services)
One Stop Center
Representatives from several areas will be on hand to assist students and their families:
- Accounts Receivable
- Student Financial Aid
- Information Technology
- Parking Services
- Registrar’s Office
An informational table will be set up for:
- Career and Student Employment
- Sindecuse Health Center
- WMU Family Engagement Office (formerly Parent and Family Programs)
During the fall 2017 semester One Stop will be open on the following days and times:
- August 30 to 31: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- September 1: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- September 5 to 7: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- September 8: 10 a.m. to noon.
The TRiO FESP office (2302 Sangren) will be open until 6pm on September 5th-7th if you need assistance.
Text Book Resources
ENGL 1050
- Easy Writer, (Western Michigan) (CUSTOM) Edition: 6th, by Lunsford
- Reading for Writers, Edition: N/A, by Bedford St. Martins
FYE 2100
- Western Michigan University First-Year Seminar, Edition: N/A, by Fralick
HIST 2100
- American Promise: a Concise History, Volume 1, Edition: 6th, by Roark
HPHE 3520
- Health Education: Elementary and Middle School Applications, Edition: 8th, by Seabert
LS 3770*
- Literacy in the Early Grades (w/o Access Code), Edition: 4th, by Tompkins
MATH 1100
- Coursepack
PHYS 1040
- The Essential Cosmic Perspective (w/o Access Code), Edition: 8th, by Bennet
We also encourage you to use the WMU Library Search Function (https://wmich.edu/library) to see which books the school has available on reserve before purchasing your text books.
If a text book you need is not available through either of the resources above, there are many places online to buy books. We recommend searching amazon.com, chegg.com, the publisher website, as well as the WMU bookstore website to compare prices.
September Scholarships
$500 Haiku Scholarship
Application Due: September 15th
Requirements: Submit an original Haiku Poem.
Visit: https://www.directtextbook.com/haiku
$1500 Shout It Out Scholarship
Application Due: September 30th
Requirements: Submit a 250 word response.
Visit: https://www.unigo.com/scholarships/our-scholarships/shout-it-out-scholarship
$1000 Don't Text and Drive Scholarship
Application Due: September 30th
Requirements: Pledge not to text and drive.
Visit: http://www.digitalresponsibility.org/dont-text-and-drive-scholarship
$500 Hit the Books Scholarship
Application Due: September 30th
Requirements: Submit a 500 word essay.
Visit: https://www.coffeeforless.com/scholarship
$1000 ShipDig.com Scholarship
Application Due: September 30th
Requirements: Submit a 500 word essay.
Visit: http://www.shipdig.com/scholarship/
$5000 Game-Winning Drive Scholarship
Application Due: September 30th
Requirements: Donate sports equipment to a community after school program.
Visit: https://www.dosomething.org/us/campaigns/game-winning-drive?source=node/1141
Tutoring Resources
Bronco Study Zone
The Bronco Study Zone is a space for all Western Michigan University students that offers a comfortable learning environment in which students can receive academic support designed to enhance learning and collaboration toward the goal of academic success.
Follow this link to for location and hours: http://wmich.edu/arts-sciences/academics/student-success/bronco-study-zone
Writing Center
Math and Science Success Center
Have you tried the resources above, but still wish you had a little more support? Ask for a TRiO Tutor!
M'myia and Toni can match you with a fellow TRiO student who has succeeded in the course you need support in. TRiO Tutors are a great way to connect with your peers and study in laid back, no pressure environment.
Employment Opportunities
Find Jobs on Handshake
If you're new to Handshake, check out the university's guide: https://wmich.edu/career/bjsearchtips
Still having trouble? We've written a step by step guide to finding On Campus Jobs using Handshake. Just stop by the TRiO FESP office and look for the "How to Find On Campus Jobs" flyer posted on our Job Opportunities wall.
Kalamazoo Public Schools are Hiring Hourly Tutors
Application Deadline: September 29th
Pay: $9.25 - $12.00 per Hour
Job Status: Seasonal, Part-Time
Visit: http://www.kalamazoopublicschools.com/Departments/HumanResources/HRLinks/OpenPositions.aspx
Portage Public Schools are Looking to Hire a Long Term Substitute Spanish Teacher
Application Deadline: October 20th
Pay: $100 per day
Job Status: Seasonal, Full-Time
Visit: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/394041692
Curious Kids is Hiring Child Care Providers for their School-Age Group
Application Deadline: December 25th
Pay: $8.95 per hour
Job Status: Seasonal, Part-Time
Visit: http://www.curiouskidsportage.com/job-postings/
Jump Start Childcare is Hiring People Interested in Early Childhood Education
Applcation Deadline: Unknown
Pay: Unknown
Job Status: Part-Time or Full-Time
Call: Amanda @ (269) 544-3000
Email: jumpstartkzoo@gmail.com
Message From a TRiO FESP Graduate
Hey Broncos!!
My name is Marshell Cotton and I graduated from Western Michigan University in December 2016. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science majoring in elementary education with minors in math and science.
I received a kindergarten teaching position in Battle Creek, MI a few weeks before I graduated. Thankfully, I was able to start teaching at Dudley STEM elementary right after graduation. I just moved to Southfield, MI and will be teaching Kindergarten in Detroit, MI at Henry Ford Academy Elementary School. I’m very excited to begin this new chapter of my life in a different city doing something I’m passionate about. Being an educator is something you need to have a passion for. You have to always desire to make a difference, be willing to create a positive environment, able to motivate students, be a guaranteed person in their life that wants them to succeed, and do anything to help them reach their highest potential.
I absolutely love teaching and going to work during the week brings me joy. I love that I have the opportunity to motivate students daily, push their thinking, and get them to love learning. I’m very enthusiastic and take interest in using an interactive or inquiry approach to keep my students engaged. The best part of teaching is truly reaching your students, forming a bond with them, and seeing the light bulb go off in the students minds once they finally grasp the material. Watching students grow especially when they thought they would never understand a task; is one of the best feelings. Never give up on a student, even when they give up on themselves. They will continue to surprise you and give you lots of hilarious memories during the process. Anytime I have a bad day, I have a billion great moments and experiences with my students that make up for that. TRiO FESP says it the best, “Everyone teaches and everyone learns”. I love learning from my students just as much as teaching them.
My advice to the current broncos and incoming first year students is to get involved. Academics is super important and the key to being successful is time management. College is more than just academics. There are over 400 organizations on campus, so find something that interests you and try it out. Western offers MANY free resources, programs, and events! Utilize all of your resources and most importantly network. Network with your professors, advisors, fellow broncos, and most importantly the main staff in the TRiO FESP office. They will always have your back and help guide you throughout your journey at WMU. I wish the best for all of you! Live in the moment and enjoy your time at Western Michigan University!
Marshell Cotton
Find Us on Social Media
- Facebook: triofespwmu
- Twitter: @TRiO_FESP
- Instagram: triofespwmu
- Snapchat: @triofesp