PARENT 411 on 115 - 1.10.23
January 10, 2023
Happy New Year!
We are thrilled to be back in session and eager to tackle our ambitious goals for the remainder of the 2022-23 school year! None of this would be possible without your ongoing support and involvement. Our families, students, and staff, along with our dedicated community members, have made a tremendous impact on our ability to meet our students' needs now and well into the future.
Some of our shared 2022 highlights include:
The Portrait of Learner, a community-wide vision for our schools, created and developed with the input of more than 150 Lake Forest, Lake Bluff, and Knollwood students, faculty, staff, and community members and launched throughout Districts 65, 67, and 115, to guide our work and priorities
The District 115 Facilities Master Plan Oversight Committee, made up of students, faculty, staff, and community members, spent countless hours analyzing, discussing, and finalizing plans to address and prioritize primary building needs at LFHS and hosted two community forums
Academic outcomes were assessed, curriculum reviewed, and plans put in place to address key areas of opportunity in both districts
Insight, our quarterly print and digital publication, was relaunched to share the stories and accomplishments of our students in both districts with our entire community
A new District 67 and 115 website was launched with fresh home pages for each District 67 and 115 campus, plus updated content and navigation throughout the site
Partnerships with our parent groups and other local organizations continued to grow and strengthen
While both districts retained their Aaa bond ratings
Additional 2022 highlights for may be found here for District 67 and here for District 115
Looking ahead to the first half of 2023, our focus is on:
Finalizing Strategic Plans for each district that include actionable and measurable goals in alignment with the Portrait of a Learner core competencies. Plans will be presented to our Boards of Education in March.
On April 4, our residents will vote on a measure to address the maintenance and preservation of our LFHS facilities. More details on the included projects and projected costs are available here
Athletics, theater and music performances, clubs, and other highlights of what’s ahead may be found on the District 67 and District 115 calendars and web pages
I look forward to a year of progress and growth for our students in Districts 67 and 115! Once again, I want to thank you for your partnership in your child’s education. Our teachers, staff, and administrators are working hard to prepare our children to succeed in a global and rapidly-changing environment. I am constantly amazed by the commitment, support, and dedication of our community to our schools. Working as one with you, the possibilities for our students are endless.
With gratitude,
Matthew L. Montgomery, Ph.D.
Upcoming Regular Board of Education Meeting - February 7, 2022
- Agenda will be posted prior to the meeting on the District 115 Board of Education website.
- Livestream Link
Highlights From the December 6, 2022 Regular Meeting
- Meeting Recording
- Superintendent's Report
- Assessment Report
- School Spotlight: Band, Choir, and Orchestra - Watch Below (Performance Included!)
Winter Formal - Buy Tickets by January 20!
Insight - Check it Out
In the latest issue, you can read about:
- An Update on Finances and Facilities in Both Districts
- Community Engagement with D67 and D115
- LFHS Highlights
- D67 Highlights
- The Portrait of a Learner in Action
Support Project Safe Prom
Dear LFHS Junior and Senior Parents and Community Supporters,
Happy New Year! It is now the time to start thinking about Prom! We might be getting a bit ahead of ourselves, but May 6th will be here before we know it.
This will be the first time in three years that our wonderful high school will be able to host prom at a traditional venue. Our LFHS Junior Class students and the APT are excitedly planning our event, which will be held in the Grand Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency O'Hare. The theme of this year's Prom is "Dancing in the Moonlight," inspired by the Vincent Van Gogh painting, “Starry Night.”
With our Prom being held earlier than in years past, it is imperative that we start our fundraising now. The LFHS Prom is completely self-sustaining and we rely solely on ticket sales - and your generosity - to fund this fabulous LFHS tradition.
Your donations will help fund a truly magical and unforgettable experience for our LFHS students and help us keep the prom ticket at last year’s price of $95 per person. With these goals in mind, we are looking to our generous community to help raise $35,000 to underwrite the costs associated with this event.
Donation levels are as follows:
Dream Team: $1500+
Memory Makers: $1000+
Light Up The Night: $500+
First Class: $250+
Scouts Honor: $50+
Any level of donation is greatly appreciated. Donors at the Memory Maker and Dream Team levels will be acknowledged on the Red Carpet.
Please use this link to make a donation by credit card. All donations are tax deductible.
If you have any questions or would like additional information about Prom 2023, please contact Ashleigh Malec, Student Activities Director, at
Your donations will help make “Starry Night” a fabulous prom for all. Thank you!
With Gratitude,
Kate Rother
Nisha York
Project Safe Prom Co-Chairs
Sign Up for Open Doors
Interested students should use the QR Code to fill out and submit the form by Friday, January 20.
Navigating Illinois Disability Services and Supports
Join District 34 and Clearbrook for Navigating Illinois Disability Services and Supports. Open to ALL District 34 and TrueNorth Families - Thursday, January 19 at 1:00 PM or 7:00 PM. To Register Click Here.
District 67 Early Childhood Preschool
Parent Information Session and Registration
District 67 parents/guardians are invited to an Early Childhood Information Session on Wednesday, January 11, from 9:30 - 10:30 AM at Sheridan Elementary School, 1360 N. Sheridan Rd., Lake Forest. Parents/guardians will learn more about the Community of Learners Early Childhood Preschool and have the opportunity to visit the classroom to see the program in action.
Please use this link for more information and to enroll in the program.
- MOCHA (Mothers of Children Having Allergies) is a group of parents sharing information and supporting each other. M.O.C.H.A. is not a professional or medical organization. Always discuss individual health questions and medical issues with a qualified personal physician.